Keywords: Last Stage AIDS - Anemia, lymph nodes swelling, pneumonia, diarrheal syndrome, acessive anemia, white cells, red cells, Bioenergy condition, lymphadenitis, Hodgkin, Emaciation, Leukopenia, CD4, HIV, AZT, DD1, 3TE, Ht, pneumonia carini, lymphadentitis of the cervical lymph nodes due to noon hodgkin lymphoma, chemotherapy, Rheumatoid diseases, asthma, Intestinal and stomach ulcers, burnings, various edema fractures, eye problems, brain damages, dermatopathy and skin diseases, cosmetology, Problem of the thymus, painful neck lymphoma, extended adeno-carcinoma, gastro-emorage(stomach bleeding), adeno-carcinoma of the lungs and epidermic (skin) cancer of the left breast, corona exposure, cancer of multiple location with mayor lung location, X-ray, cancerous tumor at the Large Intestine, tumor of the left breast, pneumonia carini, ovarian cyst, cancer of lungs, FIRST PART SUMMARY OF 5 CASE HISTORIES OF LAST STAGE AIDS PATIENTS 1. S.T. Female 30 years of age.
A. Therapy Method: a. Use of Device for determining patients Bioenergy Condition; b. Use of Micro-currents Device; c. Use of PAP IMI Device since August 1994. At the beginning of treatment (November 1992) the patient was additionally receiving AZT.
B. Clinical picture before therapy beginning: Significant loss of energy, Lymphadenitis, Hodgkin, Emaciation, Weight down to 46 Kgr.
C. Laboratory findings before therapy beginning: Anemia, Leukopenia, CD4 29.
D. Patient Development during therapy: a. During the first month of therapy significant improvement of physical condition, Anemia improvement, Restitution of the white cell count to normal level, weight increase by 3 Kgr, improvement of Bioenergy indexes. b. During the end of the second month: Excellent physical condition, Normal counts for red and white blood cells, weight increase by 4Kgr, Indexes of Bioenergy Condition to normal. c. At the end of six month therapy: Excellent physical condition, full vocational activities, complete reduction of lymph nodes swelling, weight recovery to level before illness: 56 Kgr, CD4 90 d. End of the first year Treatment: Clinical picture to excellent picture, CD4 count 120. e. End of the second year Treatment: as above, CD4 count 165. f. During the third year: The PAP IMI is applied around thymus. At the end of the third year CD4 clime to 350 count. During this year, no other medication was taken against HIV. Physical condition top excellent.
A. Method of treatment: a. Use of Diagnostic Device for Bioenergy Condition of Body; b. Use of Microcurrent Device, c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C; d. Intake of mineral traces.
B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Emaciation continuous fervescence 40-42 for two months with no response to continuous antibiotic Intaking, pneumonia carini, diarrheal syndrome.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Leukopenia, CD4 count 10.
D. Patient Development during the treatment application: a. With the application of Tsilimigakis therapy and with the antibiotics being all discontinuous, during the first 10 days temperature dropped to 37-37.5 degrees C. b. During the end of the second month of treatment patient shows complete restitution to his Bioenergy body condition. Patients physical condition becomes excellent, significant improvement to the laboratory indices. Patient returns to work. CD4 24. Complete cure from pneumonia. Weight increase by 4 Kgr. c. During the end of the first semester: Excellent physical condition. Lung X ray examination normal, weight recovery to normal from 60 Kgr (before), to 76 Kgr (after). During all the time of the therapy no known medication against HIV was taken by the patient.
A. Method of treatment: a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for the Bioenergy Condition of the Body. b. Use of Microcurrent Device, c. Use of PAP IMI d. Intake of Vitamin C, Mineral Traces, multivitamins, iron.
B. Clinical Picture before the treatment: Significant loss of Energy, significant Emaciation, continuous diarrheal syndrome, excessive anemia.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Ht 22, Leukopenia, CD4 count 30.
D. Patient development during the application of treatment: The application of Dr Tsilimigakis treatment had resulted the significant improvement of patients physical condition during the fist month. weight increased by 4 Kgr. There was significant improvement of the laboratory findings. The Bioenergy body condition got to normal level for healthy persons. Diarrhea was discontinuous. patient returned to his work. By the end of the first semester patient had excellent physical condition, got normal body weight, CD4 count to 80. Patient was not taking any medication against HIV.
A. Method of treatment: a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for Bioenergy Condition of Body; b. Use of Microcurrent Device, c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C; e. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces.
B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Emaciation continuous fervescence 38-39 C, diarrheal syndrome, weight 56 Kgr.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, significant reduction of plateless (28,000), Cd4 count to 70, significant loss of white cells.
D. Patient development during the application of treatment: a. During the first two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, weight increased by 2 Kgr, reduction to the frequency of diarrhea. b. By the end of the first month of therapy patient shows sufficient good physical condition, weight increased by 3 Kgr (total increase in the fist month 5 Kgr). Diarrhea stopped completely. laboratory verified improvement of anemia, Ht 31, restitution of white cells to normal healthy level. Plateless increase to 48,000. Patient got out of Hospital to receive the Tsilimigakis treatment and was receiving combinations of AZT, DDI, 3TC.
A. Method of treatment: a. Use of Diagnostic Devices for Bioenergy Condition of Body; b. Use of Microcurrent Device, c. Use of PAP IMI Device, d. Intaking of big doses of Vitamin C; e. Intake of mineral traces.
B. Clinical picture before treatment: Significant loss of Energy, Excessive lymphadenitis of cervical lymph nodes due to non Hodgkin lymphoma.
C. Laboratory findings before treatment: Anemia, Reduction of White cells, CD4 count 300.
D. Patient Development during the treatment application: a. By the end of two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, reduction of the swelling of cervical lymph nodes. b By the end of the first month: Excellent physical condition, farther reduction of swollen cervical lymph nodes. Laboratory examinations for red and white cells normal. The patient was taking AZT, DDI and had been through chemotherapy process without patient's organism positive response.
Notice for optimizing the method A. Patients usually after a two month treatment, because: 1. they are encouraged by the significant improvement of their physical condition; and 2. because of financial difficulty to self cover the treatments (not yet covered by health insurance policies), do not follow recommendation and drop the number of treatments they receive. B. Similarly, there is a problem of follow up and retrieving laboratory examinations taken in major hospitals the AIDS patients initial report and receive treatments. Major Hospitals are unwilling to corporate in carrying recommended by us examinations, as well as in providing existing results. I suggest two solutions to this problem. The first is a short time solution by supplementing patients expenses, for their therapy and required examinations. The second solution is the set up of a specialized center in the form of a clinic or Hospital for the correct self application of the method. Presently, the application of the method incurs a lot of problems and difficulties, and results in abstaining from optimum efficacy, which otherwise could have been achieved. B. For patient follow up treated for AIDS and other major diseases, the patients body Bioenergy condition is very significant. During, many years of experience and research stages, it has been understood what daily is realized in curative medicine, i.e., many times patients with more serious adverse prognosis carry a more successful follow up with respect to others with less serious adverse prognosis. A decisive factor is the patients General Bioenergy Body condition, which does not show in the partial laboratory findings and prognosis. If we call with A the patient state defined by all the laboratory and clinical findings; and B the state of Bioenergy condition of the patient, not included in the previous laboratory and clinical description of the patient, then patient's true Condition is the resultant of both states A and B, given by their product AxB. This is confirmed in the above cases which show that the patient's General Condition right after Bioenergy treatments is much higher and too optimistic than the condition expected by the laboratory findings alone. In the present situation, it is considered very important the diagnosis of Patients Bioenergy Condition for setting the plan for his therapy. C. Applications of the present therapeutic method, other than the applications to various types of cancer and AIDS with impressive and increasing number of successes, appear to give similar results and achievements in: Rheumatoid Diseases, Asthma, Intestinal and Stomach Ulcers, Burning and various Edemas, Fractures with impressive healing speed, Eye problems and conditions, Brain Damages, Dermatopathy and Skin Diseases, Various Inflammatory Diseases, Cosmetology, The method may provide also significant results in prognosis and preventing decreases as well as in retarding the process of aging of body cells. Nick Tsilimigakis, MD, December 12, 1995.
(AIDS Continuation) The method 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition 2. Use of micro-currents device, 3. Use of PAP IMI device, 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces, was applied provisionally in two cases of HIV positive without symptoms of AIDS for three months. The method was applied three times a week once in a month. There was significant increase of CD4 cells.
First case, initial CD4 320 to 450, without any drug intake. Second case, initial CD4 410 to 650, similarly without any drug intake. Cancerous cases:
1. D. I. Male 60 years of age. A. Clinical picture before treatment: Severe loss of energy, patient not subject to any farther known medical treatment for his condition after three surgeries and several chemotherapies, according to diagnosis of Professor G. Philippakis of University of Athens, Medical School. B. Laboratory findings before treatment: Extended adeno-carcinoma in the abdomen, anemia. C. Method of treatment 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition. 2. Use of micro-currents device. 3. Use of PAP IMI device. 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces. D. Development during the application of the method: During the first two months significant improvement of the physical condition of the patient. Improvement of his anemia. Within six months continuous improvement of the physical condition as well as of the anemia. Most recent laboratory test gives Ht: 38%, red cells 4.300.000/cm cube, hemoglobin 12%. These results have been unexpected for all and were subject of the press.
2. Mrs. A. D., Female age 70 years. Suffers from adeno-carcinoma of the lungs and epidermic (skin) cancer of the left breast. She takes the therapeutic method of Dr Tsilimigakis for one month: 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition. 2. Use of micro-currents device. 3. Use of PAP IMI device. 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces. Her physical condition has significantly improved as well as the measurements of her Bioenergy condition. For the epidermic cancer a special localized corona exposure is given. The tumor has already diminished to significant degree. The patient continuous therapy.
3. M. M. Female age 54 years. Cancer of multiple locations with major lung location. Same treatment X ray inspection after one month from the beginning of our therapy showed significant reduction of the lung carcinoma. Therapy is underway.
4. Mr. K. A. After surgery of cancerous tumor at the Large Intestine Mr K.A. is taking our therapy: 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition. 2. Use of micro-currents device. 3. Use of PAP IMI device. 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces for a period of 8 months. Results: Improvement to excellent: physical condition, laboratory tests and patients Bioenergy Condition. Biopsy at of small tumor left over from his last surgery shows the left tumor is not malignant any more but benign! Also normal cells growth take place of the cancerous tumor. Therapy continuous.
5. C. P. Female age 46. Tumor of the left breast comparable to a small orange, of cancerous nature. Treatment: 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition. 2. Use of micro-currents device. 3. Use of PAP IMI device. 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces. The tumor disappears after two months of therapy.
6. Maria T. Female 26 years of age Ovarian cyst, comparable to a small orange. Treatment: 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition. 2. Use of micro-currents device. 3. Use of PAP IMI device. 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces. Ovarial cysts complete disappears in 15 days. Confirmed with before and after supersonic examinations.
7. K. S, Male, age 60 years. K. S. had lung adeno-carcinoma as well as cancer of lung and cervical lympnodes. He was given a short notice to live 10 days on 10/11/95 and sent home to die by the Hospital Doctors attending him without having anything they knew to offer to him. Mr K.S. visited me for the first time on 13/11/1995 and I applied to him my method: 1. Use of diagnostic devices for the Body Bioenergy condition. 2. Use of micro-currents device. 3. Use of PAP IMI device. 4. Intake of vitamins and mineral traces. Within one month, K. S. excessive size of cervical lymphnodes without any other medical treatment completely disappeared, and K. S. regained excellent physical condition. His previous Hospital Doctors upon examining him were astonished and amazed. Therapy continuous today.
Nick Tsilimigakis, MD, December 14, 1995 Explanatory notes for the AIDS reports of Dr Tsilimigakis, Answers to Paul: 2 Lang X-ray should be corrected to Lung X-ray. 3.Significant loss of energy means significant fatigue All cases reported used the PAP IMI from the beginning, except case 1 of AIDS Patient S.T. Female, age 30. She Started the Tsilimigakis, method in Nov 1992 without PAP IMI. In August 1994 she continued in addition with PAP IMI. Right after she had additionally the PAP IMI exposures, the recovery speeded up significantly. All the other cases started and continue today with PAP IMI. Dr Tsilimigakis, told me yesterday that comparing his previous experience of many years, he finds that his first method improved by a factor 5 to 10 after using the PAP IMI in addition to his microcurrents. Also the PAP IMI treatments alone are improved by a similar factor of 10 to 20 when combined with his invasive microcurrents. Particularly, the PAP IMI treatments improve for those patients that their conductive right to left palm is significantly less than 4ma/45volts and is brought up to or over this figure. In general Dr Tsilimigakis provides vitamins and metals to his patients. For Aids additionally provides huge doses at the beginning up to 6 gr per day for a week, depending on their condition. For example, if they have diarrhea the dose is lessen to the point the patient may tolerate. Subsequently, Dr Tsilimigakis adjust the dose according to the condition, his own experience and intuition. (Exact doses should be the subject of research, and protocols in the future - that why we ask for an IDE). Dr Tsilimigakis, usual dose with PAP IMI is 1x6 minutes up to 3x6minutes locally on the infected problem (diarrhea, lymphadenitis, etc.) and 1x6 min on the thymus for general stimulation, twice a week. In case pain is developed to a location the doses are reduced locally or discontinued for a period of time and then repeated as normal. Otherwise significant irritation and pain may developed. In all cases patients were taking AZT or as specified with PAP IMI. Except case 1 that stopped as soon as she improved with PAP IMI, case 2 and 3 were not taking AZT at all. Bioenergy diagnosis technique is carried by measuring conductivity at around 45 volts between the two palms. Ill situations give less 2 to 3 ma. Normal conditions are over 4 ma hardly over 5 ma. The measurements are fairly consistent, however, the response of the device is something like the log(I/V) to smooth significant variance. Most portion of the conductivity includes a passage along the left and right hand and the upper body. The skin resistance is a smaller part within the expected variation. According to me most of the conductivity should be the electrolytic conductivity of the blood. By applying microcurrents between the same parts -left to right palm conductivity increases from 2 to 4 ma/45volts fairly consistently in a period of 1 to several months. The same time the physical condition of the patient improves proportionally. Dr Tsilimigakis, suggests that we may call Body Electro-balance instead the term Bioenergy Condition. the term Electro-balance appears in medical literature. So improved body conductivity, or Electro balance speeds PAP IMI treatments and improves Bioenergy condition or the General condition of the patient. For case 5. There was painful neck lymphoma, orange size left to right. vanished in two months with PAP IMI and the additional conductivity treatments.
Answers to Charly: 1. Excited white blood cells is a medical term which is diagnosed with specific methods. (please, see literature) 2. Gastro-emorage means stomach bleeding. 3. a+b. Yes, it is conductive acupuncture needles connected 0.5 to 1 cm deep between the thumb and indicator simultaneously on each hand. The voltage is brought up to the tolerance of the patient. It is DC and pulsating. According to me, pulses in this cases help in the sense that allow polarization to relax and to achieve higher conductivity for the current. According to me, another thing, it does, is in vivo electrolysis as well as what Kaali and Saxena were talking, apparently for all sorts of parasites in the blood, plus neutralizing free radicals. Dr Tsilimigakis, is not measuring galvanic skin resistance, but blood and tissue conductivity combined. f I answered about ST and the rest. g case BD 47, Iron was given for anemia in capsule form -microferre, C was given in soluble form 6 gr daily first week, and then 1 gr per day maintenance. h Those were non specific lymphomas or the answer is not known. i it was written diseases the stupid computer (electronic speller) changed it consistently to deceases I think I answer all the questions could be answered either in Paul's section or Charly's section, avoiding repetition for the same questions as possible. Happy Holidays merry Christmas.
A report concerning temperature developed by PAP IMI exposures should be expected later today Dr Tsilimigakis, First report:Additional Info/Corrections:For case 1.ST Female 30:On 11/92 started Tsilimigakis method Microcurrents with CD4:29. On 25/6/95: CD4 168. On 1/8/94 Started PAP IMI additionally. On 9/12/95: CD4 312, almost doubled in four months. Excited and Encouraged with the unexpected increase, patient leaves to France and discontinues therapy for 4 months. On 24/4/95 CD4 drops to 201 without the therapy for 4 months. Since then continuous Therapy, CD4 climes back to 350, today. For Case 4. BD Male 47: By the end of first semester......."CD4 count 80" should be changed to "CD4 count 113 on 11/9/95." Panos For Dr Tsilimigakis.