Ligamental Injury, Edema, Pain, Lower Right Foot, Physiotherapy, Crushes, Painkillers
Accident Before Premiere

June 27,
An interview by Lucci.
This is an interview
with Ms Marina L., prima ballet dancer, member of Mr. Kyriakos Kosmidis
modern ballet group RHESUS O. Unfortunately, two days before the opening, and
while rehearsing, the prima dancer had an accident injuring her lower right foot.
met Ms. Marina L. at the laboratory of Dr. Pappas, the inventor of PAPIMI, where she had
free treatments administered by herself, a month after her accident when we had the
opportunity to talk to her. This is, in her own words, her own account of her accident and
the successful and fast recovery of her food injury with PAPIMI exposures.
R.D.L. |
Could you please tell us your
name? |
M.L. |
Marina L. |
R.D.L. |
How old are you
Ms. Marina? |
M.L. |
25 years old. |
R.D.L. |
What is your profession? |
M.L. |
I am a professional modern ballet
dancer. |
R.D.L. |
Could you please describe exactly
what happened to your foot? |
M.L. |
all happened while I was rehearsing, then suddenly the toes and the lower right foot
turned inward, the wrong way. The pain was excruciating and my foot turned blue and
swallowed up. I felt horrible. I couldnt even step on my foot. The pain was
terrible; but psychologically I was hurting even worse. We, dancers, have to deal with
injuries all the time and when we see a bad one, we know its a bad one, and this was
a bad one. I was faced right then and there with the fact that with such an injury, it
would be impossible to dance in two days, and after all this hard work I was going to miss
the Premiere. You can understand what state I was in! The more my foot swelled up the more
upset I got. |
R.D.L. |
I am sure you went to see a doctor
right away. |
M.L. |
Of course. They took me
immediately to the IKA Hospital emergency room. |
R.D.L. |
And what was the doctors
diagnosis at the emergency Hospital? |
M.L |
Exactly what I had expected. Very,
very disappointing news. They said I had suffered ligamental injury. They gave me
painkillers and crutches. They ordered 10 days of total footrest and intensive
physiotherapy with laser and ultra sound to recover and prevent any future consequences of
the injury. Just imagine. Feeling more and more pain and at the same time facing a career
disaster. A dancer without her feet is not a ballet dancer. |
R.D.L. |
And how did PAPIMI helped you
Marina? |
M.L. |
Next morning a friend took me to
Dr. Pappas lab and there I underwent an intensive application of 45 minutes. I am telling
you. I was a very lucky person, most of the pain disappeared. I felt very little pain, and
I did not need the crutches any more. I could step on my foot although there remained some
pain. I went for another 45 minutes PAPIMI in the afternoon and there, most of the pain
was gone. On Sunday morning, I went again for another 45 minutes intensive therapy. And it
was a miracle, all swelling, all pain was gone for good! Sunday evening, lucky me, I
danced and our premier was very, very successful. I was so very, very happy! |
R.D.L. |
I understand you continued your
exposures. Why? |
M.L. |
I had a 3rd PAPIMI after the
premiere. Though, I did not feel any pain at all. Now my foot is very well, and I should
say my foot is feeling even stronger. I would like to have a few more preventive
application with PAPIMI before leaving for N.Y. |
R.D.L. |
Thank you very much for the
interview and we wish you great success and as you theater people say: |
Dear Marina
(do not) break a leg in N.Y. |