Considerations with regard to an eventual mechanism
for explaining atomic transmutations in living organism
by Georges Bourbaki
Over a period of 200 years various scientists were able to show that within living organism atomic transmutations within the lower part of the periodic table of elements take place. In this connection names of people like Vauquelin, Prout, Choubard, Vogel, Lauwes & Gilbert, von Herzeele [1], Freundler [2,3], Branfield, Lakhovski [4], Spindler [5], Baranger [6,7], Hauschka [8], and Louis Kervan [9-16]can be mentioned . On the other hand there is absolutely no doubt, that within inorganic structures such atomic transmutations at the most can take place only to a very limited degree, because the existence of pure atomic substances within geological sites in the form of natrium- and potassium salts, calcium deposits, coal etc. indicates a long term stability of such structures. Therefore one is faced with the rather obvious question, why organic structures are put into the position to perform such atomic transmutations while inorganic structures lack such capabilities.
In the following there shall be presented a concept which possibly might explain the different behavior of living organism and inorganic systems with regard to their capabilities for performing atomic transmutations.
The proposed explanation has to be presented in two consecutive steps:
Step 1
As stated within the book “The Suendenfall der Physik” [17], many years ago the mathematician Felix Klein verbally had pointed out to the astronomer Karl Friedrich Zoellner that knots within a closed rope loop are undone by moving into a higher dimension. Thereupon, on December 17 1877, the particular astronomer organized a reunion of a number of learned people during which the American psychic medium Henry Slade was able to form a series of identical knots within a closed loop of a string having a thickness of about one millimeter [18]. Thereupon Hoppe, a mathematics professor from Basel, published an article in which he discussed the real existence of a fourth dimension of space [19].
The thematic of the real existence of a fourth
dimension can be approached also from an other direction: It is not difficult to imagine a
living organism which lives in world of two dimensions only. A greenfly living all
the time on a single leaf can be considered such a creature. Now, if one would ask
such a “two-dimensional greenfly” weather the same is able to place a nail in the
middle of a leaf, this greenfly most likely will reply that this is not possible because
the nail by its movement would tear up the whole structure of the leaf. As a human being
living within a three-dimensional world, the solution of the prevailing problem, however,
appears rather rather simple: In order to place a nail in the middle of a leaf, without
tearing it up completely, all that has to be done is to move in higher dimension,
which in the particular case is the third dimension. By using this third dimension one can
place the nail in the middle of a two dimensional leave without that the same will be torn
up in pieces.
Now, turning our attention toward atomic transmutations, one of the atomic transmutations which according to Louis Kervan can take place within living organism is the following [15]:
The particular equation states that an atom of natrium tansmutes in a very surprising way can toward an atom of potassium by swallowing up an atom of oxygen. This actually represents a physical or chemical reaction in ordinary physics or chemistry can not take place.
Within our three dimensional world such a transmutation appears extremely difficult to perform because natrium atoms as well as oxygen atoms have well determined electronic shells which do not allow a unification of both atoms. Also both atoms are provided with positively charged atomic nuclei from which emanate extremely powerful repulsive forces making such an unification of both atoms extremely difficult or even impossible.
Within a four-dimensional world, however, these difficulties, do not exist, because within a four- dimensional structure an atom of oxygen might can easily placed exactly at the same location where an atom of atrium is located already. Thus within such a four-dimensional world an atom of oxygen can be flown in so to speak by “helicopter”, thereby locating the same on the exact the same location of the atom of natrium thereby allowing the formation of a transmutated atom of potassium. Thus it appears that within the lower part of the periodic table atomic transmutations can take place rather easily as long as a fourth dimension is readily available.
Step 2
As stated in various places within the homepage of the author [20], the existing cosmos appears to be formed as a parallel arrangement of several layers of ether whereby each layer shows certain areas of disturbances which in our ordinary language are called “fields”. Thus the forces observed in our world are actually the product of such fields which again result from existing disturbances of a specific layer of the ether. In view of the fact that the different fields or force systems in our world are able to take action simultaneously at each point in space, these different layers of the ether additionally must have the characteristic of mutual penetration. This feature of mutual penetration, however, can be obtained in the easiest way by the provision of a fourth dimension, because here the particular feature is obtained more or less automatically. Thus the real existence of a fourth dimension is at least suggested by the general setup of the cosmos.
Now, if one assumes the existence of a fourth dimension to be real, one obtains the following situation:
With regard to inorganic material structures the same must contain at least the following four layers of ether:
an ε-layer of ether for the electrical phenomena,
a μ-layer of ether for the magnetic phenomena ( thereby the two ε- and μ-layers must have a strong mutual coupling in order to account for all electromagnetic phenomena!)
a γ-layer of ether for the gravitational phenomena and
a τ-layer of ether for all phenomena of inertia.
To these four layers one might add a few other ones the nature of which one can speculate only at the moment. With regard to the overall thickness of this packet of ether layers right at the moment one can state, however, that the overall extension into the fourth dimension must be limited to some degree.
With regard to living organism the same obviously must contain all the ether layers mentioned above. To these layers one will have to add a few other layers of ether which belong more to immaterial features of living organism. Thereby one could name the following layers:
At least one ether layer for the morphogenetic fields as they appear necessary for the morphogenese of living organism and as they were postulated already by Ruppert Sheldrake [21]. The occurrence of the so called “phantom images” of truncated leafes in Kirlian photographs may be cited as a strong indication of the real existence of such an additional ether layer [22].
Several ether layers which appear necessary of phenomena of
the soul. Thereby one can cite the tribe of the Kahunhas in Hawaii who divide the esoteric
part of a human being in a subconscious, a conscious and an superconscious Ego [23]. Since
this threefold manifestation of the human soul corresponds also to the generally
accepted view of modern psychology, this view will also be accepted here. Thus in
correspondence with the proposed concept separate ether layers it is assumed that there
are at least three additional ether layers for housing the human soul. Obviously the
total number of these additional layers of ether could be even be higher.
Following this line of argumentation one is led to the following situation: With regard to the overall thickness of ether layers towards the assumed fourth dimension this packet of ether layers necessarily must be thicker for living organism as compared to inorganic structures, because living organism necessarily require additional layers of ether. This, however, gives room for the possibility that the increased thickness of ether layers in living organism allows a little more mobility to individual atoms in the direction of the fourth dimension allowing the occurrence of atomic transmutations which in objects of the dead matter have to be excluded.
It has to be admitted that it is rather difficult to look into the cards of God so that it is extremely difficult to verify the validity of the proposed concept. Due to the very detailed studies made by Louis Kervan, however, there can no doubt that living organism as for instance hens are able to produce the calcium needed for laying of their eggs by making atomic transmutations. This being unquestionable it should be permitted also that one looks for a rational explanation of phenomena which can be verified easily by experiment.
The proposed step toward a four-dimensional arrangement of so called empty space additionally has the big advantage that also a very serious other problem in biology can be eliminated in rather elegant way:
As generally known, the genetic code has been discovered in 1953 by Francis Crick and James Watts, who were honored for that by the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962 [24].. This genetic code is actually formed by a very long molecule named DNA having the structure of a twisted double helix. This double helix consists of two strands of a sugar phosphate, which are linked by certain pairs of shorter molecules, whereby the coding lies within the particular sequence of the linking molecules. Thereby the two twisted strands are arranged in a distance of about 20 Angstrom, while the twisting of the two strands is such that a rotation of 180 degree is obtained over a distance of about 34 Angstrom. From that it can be calculated easily that a DNA-molecule over a length of one centimeter is twisted about 3 million times, which in our macroscopic world corresponds to a twisted two-wire cable of about 100 km length.
Thereby, however, the following problem arises: During each cell division the existing set of chromosomes has to be doubled. Such a duplication of the chromosomes requires that the two strands of each DNA-molecule have to be separated from each other because only then this duplication can take place. This, however, requires that the two twisted strands of the DNS-molecule because otherwise such a separation is not possible.
From observations of bacteria it is known that a cell division requires a time interval of about 20 minutes. From that one has to assume that for the untwisting of the two stands of a DNA-molecule at the most several minutes of time are available.
existing difficulties for straightening out a twisted DNA-molecule can be realized at the
best if one imagines a twisted electric cable of 100 kilometer length. The same
gives a pile of cable having a height of about 20 feet. If a person should try to untwist
the two strands of such a pile of twisted cable and if this person is able to untwist one
meter of twisted wires per minute, the particular person , on a basis of 24 hours a day,
would require at least two months. And even that would be extremely difficult because any
untwisting of a double-wire cable always leads to the occurrence of unforeseen knots and
the reoccurrence of short stretches of twisted cable etc. And here in the micro cosmos it is generally assumed
that such an untwisting of the two strands of a DNA-molecule can take place without the
formation of any additional knots within several minutes. Such an assumption appears to be
utterly unrealistic!
Crick and Watson must have realized the particular difficulty for straightening out the
twisted double strands of DNA-molecules during a cell division. At least from a
figure out of the book “The Double Helix” of James Watson one gets the
impression that the author of the particular book had enormous difficulties when trying to
explain the mechanism of a cell division thereby doing his best for avoiding the
existing problem of the untwisting of the two strands of the DNA-molecule [24].
Considering the above explanations the existing difficulties disappear without any problems: Since a knot within a three dimensional world can be made to disappear by making a transition into a fourth dimension, this applies equally well for the untwisting of the multiple twisted double strands of DNA-molecules whereby additionally the formation of unwanted knots can be avoided.
In conclusion one gets the following situation:
A four-dimensionality of space facilitates very much the general construction of the cosmos because there are no problems for arranging several ether layer in a parallel setup to each other.
Such a four-dimensionality facilitates also the understanding of tunnel effects as they seem to exist especially in biological structures in which one observes at the lower end of the periodic table the occurrence of atomic transmutations.
Finally such a four-dimensionality facilitates equally the general understanding of cell divisions where the straightening out of twisted strands of the DNA-molecule has to take place.
The fact that our cosmos has indeed such an arrangement of four dimensions is suggested additionally by certain experiments as they can be performed by people having certain medial capabilities.
At the end it should be pointed out that the principle of uncertainty, as postulated by Werner Heisenberg with regard to quantum mechanics, possibly might be due to a certain mobility of atomic particles with regard to a fourth dimension of space.
Munich, November 15 1999
List of references
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[8] Hauschka Rudolf “The Nature of Substance”, Edition Vincent Stu Ltd., London 1966
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