Professor Pappas’ Theory of Cancer
Upgraded version 25/1/ 2004
Developed by Professor P.T. Pappas, based on the experience of PAP IMI™ results, over the last ten years. |
Professor P. T. Pappas as keynote
speaker presenting his theory of cancer
at the First German Conference of Alternative Medicine.
Oct. 20-th, 2001. Munich - Germany
Minor corrected January 12, 2004 Corrected Version, January 19, 2004
Minor corrected February 3, 2004
Original January 21, 1998
© 1998-2002 by P. T. Pappas .
All rights reserved.
The present article consists of a publication of an original
Theory and Idea by the Author, presented here for the first
time world wide.
No part of this text may be reproduced in any form
without the expressed written consent of the author.
No idea presented here for the first time may be expressed or
transmitted in any form without ethical acknowledgement and
proper due reference to the Author.
Billions of dollars has been spent on cancer
research over the years. People that only qualify for military
loans with bad credit can sometimes manage to make a
donation for research. Many cancer research scientists are funded
by foundations or government grants, but a scientist may be able
to fund their own research through a combination of personal and
military loans. Scientists who pay for their own research may have
more freedom than others who did not investigate the personal and
military loans options available to them.
Cancer is a low metabolism state of starvation for a group of cells. (in Spanish)
We would like to state a more consistent theory of cancer that we came up with, based on ten years of experience. The results are fascinating, obtained after PAP IMI™ exposures, and after comparing these results with other theories and methods .
The first assumption involves the most basic principle of physics, which we have come to realize several years ago in association with cancer. The assumption concerns the physical energy of the cell . Energy in physics, as in the universe as a whole, is the most fundamental and universal concept of cause and effect. This controls every action in the cosmos, between a donor of the energy [the cause] and a receptor of the energy [the result]. We may say, a biological system with energy transformed from one form to another or given from a donor to a receptor, is a living system. A biological system with active metabolism and energy not given and taken between donors and receptors (without metabolism) is a dead system. We state below an extremely simple and fundamental principle for cancer in relation to the physical energy condition of a cell.
Cancer , is a critically low state of energy within a cell and with a critically low metabolism , in which the cell is being “trapped” for various reasons. This critically low energy and metabolism state is manifested by a low transmembrane potential (TMP) of 15 mvolts, which causes a “chain ” of specific malfunctions for the cell, and a general state of ischemia (low energy) for the organism . When a cell is in this particular low energy/metabolism state and has below TMP of 15 mvolts that is responsible for cell metabolism (Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Cone and others). The extremely weak TMP of 15 mvolts cell divides in two identical parts in an attempt to survive in larger numbers as a species.
Cancer is also the most general phenomenon of missing cell energy , low metabolism and division in biological systems. It is a phenomenon found in all forms of life, i.e., plants, animals and, we may even say, in all living societies such as that of humans, animals, plants, and various micro-organisms .
We may suggest that Cell Cloning, Meristomatic Culturing for plants and Cancer, all have the same starting point in common for cell proliferation, that is metabolic stress, or poor nutrition, long known for cell cloning and meristomatic culturing for plants.
We demonstrate the above, with a common example taken from agriculture, which is known to most farmers: Let us suppose that we have two plants which we water every day. The plants stay healthy, but as a result do not produce flowers or seeds, which would lead to reproduction of the plant. If we deprive one of the plants of its nutrition by halting the water supply, as a result you will find the plant in a state of “stress”. This plant will then produce flowers and seeds in order to multiply and thus survive as a species. This result is due to an “instinct” or “survival program” deeply encoded in its DNA by its creator. This is a general phenomenon of reproduction, known for almost all plants .
The same holds true for advanced organisms which may secure food fairly easier versus a primitive one, which strives every day for food. Indeed a primitive organism is in a continuous state of stress while finding food and energy. In order to counter this and overtake its daily battle for food and survival as a species, it multiplies very fast and in large numbers.
On the contrary, an advanced organism or animal multiplies relatively very slowly, and in fewer numbers. For example, larger animals such as elephants or humans multiply very slowly, in comparison to a smaller animal such as a rabbit or a primitive organism.
The same is true for a poor, versus a rich society. For example, in poor couples of primitive societies we will find that they usually have between five and eight children. In comparison, the couples in rich societies tend to have one or two children.
Cancer environment, diffusion and metastasis: When a low energy proliferating cell is found to be lacking the proper nutrition and energy, many times this is so because it is surrounded by an adverse environment. This environment can be an anaerobic (non-oxygenated) one, which is limiting the “energy providing synthesis” of Na and O to K. Shortage of nutrition and energy may also be due to the fact that cells are adjacent or are surrounded by another tumor, or other low energy cells with limited veins and arteries. When a tumor is starving for energy and nutrition, the starvation is transmitted to the neighbors. Obviously, adjacent cells will suffer for proper oxygenation, nutrition and metabolism. Removing energy and nutrition by a tumor from adjacent cells, may cause a similar shortage of energy and nutrition, thus cancer diffusion and cancer metastasis to adjacent cells.
We can say, proliferating cells in an energy crisis, cause a similar “energy crisis” to nearby cells. In other words, the energy crisis of a smaller area of cells, is diffused or extended to a broader area, because of the most basic and fundamental principle of physics, the principle of the conservation of energy and the principle of conservation of matter.
This crisis of low energy is reflected in the following general chain reactions and results :
· low transmembrane potential,
· increased accumulation of sodium ions inside the cell : Hypernatremia
· increased water molecules attached to sodium molecules inside the cell associated to hypernatremia
· inflammation;
· increased volume of the cell and osmotic pressure inside the cell, damaging the cell membrane
· swelling
· thinning of the cell membrane
· cell division.
The above conditions further obstruct cell metabolism. When transmembrane potential drops below 15 mvolts, it leads to cell division and eventually causes cells to over populate. This enhances and diffuses the existing energy crisis from the cells to the system. The energy crisis is then extended and generalized for the system as a whole with the characteristic of low energy and low metabolism for the system itself. We may say, that cells with low energy get into a “panic” state of feverish multiplication in order to preserve their species, following an inherent program encoded in the most fundamental part - their DNA, for survival under the emergency of severe conditions. More cells are produced inside the tumor, or more cells are produced adjacent to the tumor which found naturally in a low energy or impoverished environment, diffused from the expanding prime energy crisis – the prime cancer. Newer cancer cells will lack even more energy for the same reasons. So, we see naturally why the tumor grows or diffuses to adjacent areas and tissues, a phenomenon known as “cancer diffusion”, i.e., cancers ability to diffuse to adjacent healthy cells and tissues which is particularly unexplained today by medicine. Obviously, the more those “low energy” cells multiply, more energy is needed in the organism as a whole to feed the newborn cells. Therefore, the energy crisis and the cell starvation continually expand, as does cancer.
The organism soon becomes a “poor society in a panic crisis situation” as a whole, lacking even more energy. In such a case, more and more cells will be in a “panic state” for nutrition and energy and so, we see that cancer triumphantly metastasizes and generalizes. The organism or person becomes thin, weak and underweight, with the common characteristic of loss of weight, low energy, and low nutrition intake. Cancer then spreads and generalizes, with no way for the organism or person to overcome this increasing need of energy and nutrition.
Apparently, there is no way out of this “energy crisis” when many more new cells appear, and the organism (or the person) dies. This is more or less the macroscopic “scenario” of the cancer phenomenon. This is of course omitting numerous details of the cell physiology, and the details of how the organism gradually fails as a whole. The reason for this is “over population of starving cells” and the resulting expansion of this “energy crisis”.
As an indisputable example and confirmation of the above, we may consider the modern technique of cloning living cells through genetic engineering. The technique of cloning living cells consists of forcing a newly fertilized cell (egg) to duplicate into more copies so that one identical embryo develops. This technique simply reported in the mass media consists of isolating a newly fertilized egg and placing it in an environment of very low nutrition. This state of starvation and obviously low energy causes it to divide into copies in exact agreement to the ideas expressed above.
After a number of divisions into cell copies, biologists then remove the cell copies and place them in an environment of proper nutrition and energy, where an independent and self organized embryo develops.
The same technique for plants has been known for many thousands of years to farmers for plants, called “meristomatic” culturing, or plant cloning as we could say today. The description of this old technique can be found in encyclopedias. A typical example (suggested to find and read) for meristomatic culturing or “cloning for the plants” can be found in relevant books and encyclopedias for Orchids, directly confirming our above hypothesis of multiplication and cancer.
Say you cut a small part of the leaf of the orchid and move it to a dry, isolated air sealed environment. It is then placed on a dry inorganic material such as stonewool (used in the building industry for sound insulation). Stonewool has nothing to offer to the piece of leaf from the orchid. It only holds the leaf mechanically in this air sealed environment. Being found in a “stressed environment” without any nutrition, the cells in the leaf multiply and form a new born orchid. The orchid is then moved into an environment where proper nutrition is given to the plant for its future survival.
The secrets of life revealed by the phenomenon of Meristomatic Culturing -Cloning for plants – known by farmers for thousands of years now – see major encyclopedias
culturing of an orchid is common and typical with meristomatic
culturing of other plants – cloning for plants, known for
thousands of years now.
Small pieces, cut from an orchid leaf, are placed in a closed
bottle on a wool stone, where the orchid cells are seriously
nutritionally starved, away from the mother plant. The cells,
in order to survive, multiply and produce a new orchid. Then
the new developed plants, after the nutritional stress, are
transported to a normal nutritional culture where they further
develop to new plants. Modern cloning for animals is initiated
by a similar nutritional stress. We suggest “cloning
meristomatic culturing” and “cancer”, all three based in cell
division and multiplication, have a starting phase of
nutritional poverty and stress or a forced low metabolism.
However, we may immediately question the following:
Why orchid cells when stressed lead to a new orchid and not to cancer?
Similarly, the other way around:
Why cells in a body when stressed lead to cancer and not to a new plant or animal like in meristomatic culturing or in biological cloning?
The answer is that meristomatic culturing or biological cloning is always processed away from the main plant or animal. A new identical plant or animal is developed according to its DNA description of the cell and regardless of its location. On a particular location or anatomic position of an organism, cells differentiate, or specialize, or restrict their DNA function to a specific task according to the location. This DNA restriction imposed by the anatomic position of the organism is what prohibits a multiplying cell in the organism to develop into a new independent organism as it would have done away from it and away from the particular anatomic position. The position directs the new born cells to differentiate according to a plan specifying the task of that position.
When starving conditions are imposed on an anatomic position of a plant or on an animal, either the cells will die or the cells with the “DNA restricted by this position” will produce a “monster form” multiplication that we call cancer.
It is beyond the scope of this article to discuss and prove the “form giving” or “cell differentiation” factor on an anatomic position of an organism. For the present scope, we may only call the controlling factor, the etheric archetype or morphogenic ether associated with the organism, after Aristoteles who specifically defines the non material and non visible “Ether” or the “Fifth Essence”, as the non material agent that gives form to inorganic and organic matter. Additionally, we may say that the etheric archetype universally seems to be in operation in giving forms to plants, animals, stones, clouds, mountains, the visible craters of the moon, the recent (late 90’s) found galaxy arrangement in lines in the Universe, forms associated with cohesion forces, forms of the iris of the eye, forms in crystals, ores concentration, forms in dried water, dried blood, dried saline, ice, all different forms of the very well known, but still unexplained, snow flakes!... etc. (suggested typical reference for water formations: “Messages from Water” by Masaru Emoto, MD, Hado Kyoikusha Co., Tokyo, Japan, ISBN4-939098-00-1,
Cancer also certainly has a form. Though, cancer is considered as a non controlled multiplication of cells. We may directly say this is an exaggeration because cancer is indeed the opposite. It is a controlled multiplication in a particular volume. Any arbitrary accumulation of cancer cells in a particular volume is subject to immediate fatality, as the necessary metabolism is not supported. For any cells, including cancer cells, an elementary system providing nutrients and sustaining at least an elementary metabolism is required. Tumors are known to create an organized net of capillary tubes - arteries and veins that collectively connect to a main artery for blood supply. Medication for halting an organized geometric structure called angiogenesis is provided to cancer patients to destroy their tumors. So, we see that tumors without the position-differentiated cells and organization to form geometric structures called angia or arteries cannot survive.
Therefore, though it is explicitly said that cancer is a non controlled undifferentiated multiplication of cells, the opposite is also clearly admitted - cancer cells also differentiate in an organized form, for example in arteries.
We may call the factor here that differentiates and gives the particular form to new born cells and geometry to the tumor that was non-existing before, the etheric archetype of the tumor that gives organization to it, enabling it to survive.
We shall also postulate here that this form factor is also the same as the universal form-factor once called the “ether” by Aristoteles and that is present everywhere in the Universe, as in the great variety of examples we have given above.
To understand the rest of this presentation, we shall also state here, as postulates, two basic principles which govern this non material form of etheric archetype that associates with the material structure of every object, based on many years of relevant observations and experimentations in several different scientific branches.
1. the Principle of extendibility of etheric archetype, i.e., its tendency to copy or extend itself to any available material carrier.
2. the Principle of fractal information for the etheric archetype, i.e., to store all the form information irrespectively in any point of the structure of the associated object.
We are suggesting here, that the methods of treating cancer should be based on controlling one or more of the factors, governing the above self-sustained mechanism of lack of energy and shelf-organized division, which is creating more need for energy, for the induced population growth. We call this suggestion the “constructive” treatment of cancer, as opposed to the “destructive” treatment described below.
controls of cancer:
“We consider this category, to be the first category used to control cancer.
We call this category “destructive”, because, it is mainly based on means of destruction (or means for killing cancer cells), which may, or may not be the same means, which have already caused cancer in the first place, according to the ideas expressed here.
Immediately, we see that the “destruction methods” or any “cell destruction processes” are causes of cancer too, as cancer itself is a state of emergency for survival against any destruction and extinction.
The destructive methods of controlling cancer practically are:
1. Surgery .
2. Radiation
Radiation consists of destroying a large population of such cells and potentially other cells, by a sufficiently strong radiation -mainly radioactivity. This treatment is based on the assumption that cancer cells are weaker cells and more likely to die than normal and healthy cells.
3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a generic term derived from two Greek words that of chemia for chemistry and that of therapia for treatment. However, chemotherapy in practice consists of destroying a large population of cancer cells and potentially other cells, by strong toxic substances. This treatment, too, is mainly based on the assumption that cancer cells are weaker cells and more likely to die than normal and healthy cells.
see the starting basis of treatments 2 and 3, is the same as our
main assumption for cancer cells being weak, low energy and low
metabolism with a relatively higher death rate. However, the
applied method for correcting the weak situation is basically
not any different.
In practice, for example, chemotherapy reduces the cancer
population. However, the same action of chemotherapy is the
characteristic reason for cancer development, in the same sense
we explained above, by making the cells which survived,
get into a more adverse state of “panic” and division for
survival. On top of this, the toxic
action of
chemotherapy does not assist at all in restoring the
missing energy resources of the
organism by destroying other vital
functions and particularly by damaging the immune system. The same facts are more or less true
for a radiation treatment.
Considering the following which we consider, fundamental conditions and principles for cancer:
A. Cancer is a panic state of low metabolism, leading to starvation, leading to a death threat, leading to multiplication for survival
B. Self organization
C. Problems of vital functions
We may say that chemo and to a lesser extent for radiation and surgery, for the surviving cells, clearly enhances A and C. We may also even add for the rest of healthy cells, that the destructive methods enhance C which may cause A for them, that is a new cancer or a new metastasis. This interrelated scheme explains the relative known failure of the destructive methods which in many cases after these treatments, new cancerous and more aggressive situations appear, making cancer to be widely considered an incurable disease.
Constructive methods controlling cancer may consist of:
1. Primarily restoring the missing energy , so the cells do not need to divide, and
become more cancer
This works against principle A above.
2. Helping the organism to restore its vital functions, for damage or loss of vital functions, results in lack of energy .
This works against principle C above.
3. Enhancing the immune system, which may limit the number of cancer cells,
and thus limit
the energy and nutrition expenditure of the organism .
Preventing self-organization of tumors by the extinction of the etheric archetype associated with the particular tumors.
This works against principle B above.
Unfortunately, medical methods that exist are not oriented into the “constructive methods” of the treatment of cancer. On the contrary, constructive methods are called “alternative” methods. Law excludes them in many cases. For some of those medical cases, the destructive methods are admitted to offer no hope.
For example, in certain cases, any treatment of cancer other than surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is considered illegal!
A law, which in its strict sense obviously contradicts and interferes with the freedom of “scientific” method and development.
PAP IMI™ exposures are assumed to provide inner magnetic and induced electrical inner energy. This transforms and directs inner energy to all cells and particularly to inner energy for the “energy thirsty cancer cells”. The PAPIMI™ increases the transmembrane potential of the cells towards the healthy state of 70 mvolts, and thus, puts them into a state which is known to prohibit division at 12 mvolts. (Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Cone, and others).
At the same time, the immune system is generally enhanced by PAPIMI™ exposures, and may start ”extinguishing” cancer cells. Also PAP IMI™ enhances the vitality of other vital functions.
PAP IMI™ exposure, due to its unique instant power, may cause considerable disturbances that apparently may disorganize or may erase the etheric archetype associated with the tumor. As soon as the tumor’s etheric archetype is erased, during the PAP IMI™ pulse pause, the rest of the body’s healthy etheric archetype may be extended or copied in the area, under the first principle of extendibility of etheric archetypes.
1 indicates the relationship between the intracellular
concentration of Na+ ions and the associated
trans-membrane potential, as they are correlated with the
health state of the cell. Papimi™ device moves TMP up and lessens
Hyper Natremia down, from the upper right of the curve,
towards the lower left part.
11Na23 + 8O16
= 19K39 + E(TMP)
Diagram 2 indicates the relationship between the relative intracellular concentrations of K+ and Na+ ions, as they are correlated with the trans-membrane potential and the health state of the cell. Papimi™ device pushes the condition of the cell from the lower right to the upper left to the young and healthy condition, from High Na+ to Higher K+. As Na decreases, the K increases according to:
11Na23 + 8O16 = 19K39 + E (TMP).
In accordance to the principle of the etheric archetype extendibility, a rejection has been reported in many cases along with or after PAP IMI™ exposures, by an “under the tumor growth” of healthy tissue, to the point that the tumor itself was rejected, in a manner that a “foreign body rejection” took place. Also, many times, tumor necrosis has been observed, without ever having any destructive effect on adjacent tissue or anywhere else that consists of healthy tissue. Only cancerous tissue seems to respond relatively better to normal tissue
Apparently, systematic or generalized cancer cases may not be helped by PAP IMI™ exposures and the principle of extendibility, for there will be no healthy area to be copied or extended to over a local cancerous area. Indeed, systematic or whole body leukemia cancer was not found to be helped by PAP IMI™ exposures, treating the blood as a whole. However, according to C. Wallach, with the treatment of the long bones alone, for leukemia depending on bone marrow defects he reports statistics of 60% success.
The triple action of PAP IMI™ exposures for treating cancer cells may be summarized as follows:
1. ENERGY AT LEAST ENTROPY: PAP IMI™ exposures, are assumed to stop cell proliferation by increasing energy and decreasing entropy, directly in the form of increased of transmembrane potential and also by reestablishing cell metabolism to normal levels, via the nuclear synthesis:
11Na23 + 8O16 = 19K39 + 452484 Kcal/mMol.
2. IMMUNE SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT: PAP IMI™ exposures are assumed to enhance or excite the immune system, which may extinguish cancer cells. Also, PAP IMI™ enhances other vital functions of the body, i.e., liver function, lung function, blood and lymph circulation, kidney function, etc, that may sustain or enhance metabolism in general.
3. ETHERIC INFLUENCE: PAP IMI™ may erase the etheric archetype associated with the tumor to the point that in several treatments it was found to cause tumor disorganization and necrosis, as well as to initiate tumor rejection as a “foreign body rejection”, because of under the tumor healthy tissue growth, presumably associated with an extension of the underneath etheric archetype to the tumor area to the point of rejecting the tumor out of its location.
As secondary actions of PAP IMI™ exposures in the respect of treating cancer cells with the above ideas of “cancer being in a state of low biological energy and nutrition”, in general may be considered to be:
PAP IMI™’s strong anti-inflammatory action, enhancement of metabolism, nutrition via blood influx and tissue oxygenation.
Suggested provisions associated with PAP IMI™ treatments for reestablishing metabolism:
It is an imperative condition that a cancer patient may have availability in all nutrients for his intended enhancement of metabolism by PAP IMI™.
“All cancer patients should be in good and sufficient order with respect to all of their vital functions that will sufficiently sustain their metabolism during and after PAP IMI™ exposures. In this direction, vital function’s sufficient restoration or enhancement is necessary prior to the fulfilment of PAP IMI™ exposures.
We consider the following to be true and would be applicable with any treatment of cancer.
We consider this to also be true with any treatment of cancer.
The thermometer for an underweight cancer patient should be a daily weight scale. Inability and failure to restore lost weight, or further loss of weight, should place the procedure under reconsideration into a state of alert. Consultation with an expert Medical doctor with knowledge on nutrition and metabolism should be an emergency and first priority.”
We consider this to be generally true and that it should be applicable with any treatment of cancer.
We anticipate to publish in the near future, (see articles on nuclear transmutation on this presentation) numerous didactic examples and paradigms, more details of how PMF energy of the kind the PAP IMI™ devices is producing, increases in cell energy, action and vitality, in the light of the research of biological nuclear transmutations of low energy, made by the Great French Scientist Louis C. Kervran; as well as in the light of the recent developments of cold nuclear fusion relating and confirming Louis C. Kervran of low energy nuclear reactions, which seem to take place particularly in every biological activity and to be the soul of every living cell.
We believe Louis C.
Kervran’s findings are the missing link so far, for
understanding properly basic cell physiology, energy and cancer. Such ideas will distinguish the
year 2001 and beyond from all previous years.
Upgraded January 2, 2002
Original January 21, 1998
Professor Panos T. Pappas ,
Minor corrected February 20, 2002
Minor upgraded January 12, 2004, May 2005