Keywords: Genetic
disease, Von Willebrand Syndrome, factor 2, Hematology, Ewina Saracoma,Willebrand-Juergens
Syndrome, freezing time, Antigen Von Willedrand.
Translated from German by Christine
Santas and John Skandalis
Incurable genetic disease (Willebrand
has been vanished for the first time after PAP IMI exposures
Von Willebrand Syndrome
Von Willebrand syndrome is known as a genetic, non curable
diseases of the blood with missing the so called factor 12, which becomes worse and worse
with the age.
However, an indisputable exception of this medical rule occurred
accidentally for the first time for a patient taking systematic PAP IMI treatments for
other reasons.
"Conclusively, it is a fact, that all the laboratory
findings that came up as a result of our tests, are within normal rates. Even, the
Willebrand factor (factor 12) which was low, 10 years ago, it is within normal limits now.
We have promised that we would check, this so pleasant and
unexpected result."
Dr. med. C. N.
Academic Didactic Clinic of Ludwing-Maximillian University,
wo/03 Koelner Platz 1, 80804 Muenchen
Tel. 089/3068-2228, Fax: 089/3068-3912
Date: 14.05.1998
e-mail: 1
First Medical Department of speciality in Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
Head of the Department: Assistant professor: Dr. med.Christoph Nert
Mrs C. G., ………………..,
82319 Starnberg, Germany.
Dear Mrs G.,
With the following, I would like to inform you, about the results of the tests, in
which you have been submitted at the outpatients´ department, on 21/04/98. We have
already called you, on 27/04/98 to announce the good news. In addition, I send you
enclosed, a copy of the real findings and also copies of all the previous ones, that we do
have here.
In relation to your case, I refer you to Dr. Kaboth´s letter of the 28/10/98, which I
also enclose, as a copy.
Diagnosis of Hematology
After the operation and the radiation of an Ewing sarcoma, at the age of 14. We had a
suspicion of the Willebrant-Juergens syndrome
Laboratory researches
Hematic picture: Hb 15,5 g/dl, Erythrocytes 5 Mio., HKT 45,6%, MCV 89 fl, MCH 30 pg,
Leukocytes 7.750/ml and 64 Segmenterkigen1 Eosinophilen, 9 Monocellulars , and 26
Lymphocellulars into the differential hematic picture, Thrombocellulars 336.000/ml,
Retikulocellurals 11o/000. BSK 1/8 mm n.W.
Further laboratory research
Immunglobulin, quantitatively: lgG 1.120 mg/dl, lgA 239 mg/dl, LgM 165 mg/dj,
Haptoglobin 129 mg/dl, b2 Microglobulin 1,69 mg/l, CRP < 3,6 mg?l (all rates are within
normal limits).
Freezing analysis
Rapidity: 104%, INR 0,99, PTT 33,8, “ Thrombosis time 18,2”, Fibrinogen 324 mg/dl,
Factor VIII 138%, Co-factor of Ristocetin 112%.
Antigen Von Willebrand 111% (all rates are within normal limits). Furthermore, in
Orbitometrie, such freezing time, as the quality of freezing, are quite normal.
Conclusively, it is a fact, that all the laboratory findings that came up as a
result of our tests, are within normal rates. Even, the Willebrand factor which was low,
10 years ago, it is within normal limits now.
We have promised that we would check, this so pleasant and unexpected result.
Please consider, that I am always available, for any further, possible clarifications.
With regards,
Assistant Professor:
Dr. med. C.Nert
Head of the Department
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