Keywords : cervical uterine cancer, para-aortic
nodes,swelling, fistula vaginalis, Chemotherapy,
Leukeran, sacro-iliac, pubic dextra, scapula, inflammation,
cortisone, cancer foci, intestinal hemorrhaging, fibroid tumors of
the uterus, digestive problems, hiatal hernia, duodenum, lymphoma, chronic nonspecific
lymphocytic leukemia, adenopathy, scleroderma, endometriosis, ovarian cancer,
staphylococcus infection, hand burn, respiratory congestion, hemorrhoid mild bursitis,
asthma, hysterectomy, laser laparoscopi, mastitis, hair loss, staphylococcus
Case Condition:

The PEC device, used in treating Cases A through D, is a predecessor
of the PAP II.

Diagnosis and Therapy Prior to PEC Treatment:
The patient was initially diagnosed to have cervical uterine cancer. A CAT scan taken
in April 1989 [see attachment A-1] revealed a remarkable swelling of the cervix
accompanied by remarkable amorphousness of the surrounding fat. The bladder appeared
compressed and a small cyst was evident in the left parametrium. In 1989 she received
radiotherapy treatment. In 1990 she developed fistula vaginalis and also had intense
intestinal hemorrhaging. To alleviate the latter symptom she had a colostomy.
A second CAT scan was taken in October 1990 [attachment A-2]. Compared with the April 1989
scan, it revealed the presence of para-aortic nodes swollen to 1 to 1.5 cm diameter. Also
the entrance to the cervix was less swollen. The surrounding fat was still amorphous and
the back part of the bladder and front part of the rectum appeared unclear. Judging from a
similar case treated at the same hospital, it was thought she only had months left to
PEC Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
Following the October 1990 CAT scan until the beginning of 1991 the patient underwent six
months of treatment with the PEC Ion Magnetic Induction Device, taking no other
therapeutic treatments. A CAT scan taken in September of 1991 [attachment A-3] showed that
the nodes had shrunken back to their former size. The cervix showed a small increase in
its dimensions possibly indicating local damage. By February 1992, the condition in the
patient's pelvis had significantly improved [attachment A-4]. Her intestinal hemorrhaging
had stopped, her infection had ceased, and her fistula vaginalis had been extinguished.
She was no longer using pain relief medicines.

Georgia had bone scan on October 24, 1991 to check the condition of her bone cancer.
She then used the PEC for about three months (late 1991 to early 1992) to expose certain
affected areas which included the left frontal jugale, sacro-iliac, and the pubic dextra.
Other areas, including the left scapula were exposed to a lesser extent. A bone scan
performed on March 2, 1992 showed that in the intervening 4 months the areas that had
received primary exposure had improved. The cancer in the lesser exposed areas was found
either to have remained stationary or to have slightly developed. In addition, several new
cancer foci were noticed. These had not received any exposure.

Since 1975, Diane has had endometriosis on the ligament behind her left ovary which had
caused her severe pain. In 1990 the diagnosis was changed to large fibroid tumors. One of
the tumors was pressing against her bladder and giving her difficulty with urination.
Surgery was recommended. At this point the pain from her groin was so intense that it
periodically woke her from a sound sleep. Before undergoing surgery she decided to try
some treatments with the PEC Device at a clinic on Nassau. Prior to departing for Nassau
in mid 1991, she had a sonogram exam.
On Nassau, she underwent ten, five-minute treatments on the PEC Device over a period of
three consecutive days. The treatments were painless and relaxing. After the third session
she noticed that her urination was unhampered and that her pain was gone She then had a
second sonogram after returning from Nassau. Surprisingly this showed that the size of the
tumors was drastically reduced. On June 30th she menstruated normally with no discomfort.
A few weeks later, in July, she returned to Nassau and had 12 six-minute treatments over
three consecutive days. She then returned home and had a third sonogram. The sonogram
indicated that the tumors had totally disappeared. Also she had no pain during a
subsequent menstruation.
A secondary therapeutic effect of the treatment was the cure of Diane's digestive system
malady. She had been diagnosed as having a hiatal hernia and a blockage in her duodenum.
Also as a result of one GI exam doctors suggested that she have a gall bladder operation.
Even after ceasing to eat foods that gave her a problem, she experienced a radiating pain
from underneath her right ribs toward her neck. Since she had her 22 treatments with the
PEC, she has had no pain in that area, no gas attacks, and has ceased taking digestive
aids. She is even able to eat foods that bothered her before without a problem.

In September, 1987 I. B., then 48 years of age, was being checked to investigate her
first-time heart fibrillation. At that time she was diagnosed with 3rd or 4th stage
lymphoma. There are two main tumors in her abdomen, one attached to the vena cava, the
other to the aorta, both inoperable, as well as several other smaller tumors. In 1988,
I.B. had 7 months of chemotherapy treatment with Leukeran. However, the treatment had
little effect. She refused further, more complicated chemotherapy and began turning to
"holistic" treatments.
Abdominal CAT scans were taken in June and July of 1991 [see attachments D-2, D-3 &
D-4] and compared with scans taken in July 1989 and October 1990. These showed that the
para-aortic adenopathy had progressively worsened since 1989 and 1990, with increases both
in size and in number. The largest lymph nodes measured up to 3 cm in diameter (left of
mid abdominal aorta).
There were also a number of 1 - 2 cm lymph nodes between the aorta and the vena cava. In
addition, a group of small mesenteric lymph nodes, collectively measuring 5 cm in
diameter, was noted at the level of the umbilicus. These mesenteric nodes appeared
slightly larger since the time they were imaged in October 1990. Finally, the June scan
showed her spleen to be mildly enlarged.
In August 1991, Iris was further diagnosed with chronic nonspecific lymphocytic leukemia.
Her white blood cell count at that time had reached 90,000.
PEC Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
In September 1991 she traveled to Mexico to be treated with the PEC at Instituto
Genesis West - Provida, a cancer treatment center. Over a period of 19 days, she exposed
the tumors for 25 minutes each day with the PEC set on medium intensity. In a typical
daily treatment, she would expose each of the five locations on her abdomen for 4 minutes,
always giving a second 5 minute exposure to her largest tumor. She reported that she
"felt good" using the PEC machine and also mentions that since she used it, the
condition of abdominal pain had improved and abdominal bleeding had ceased.
A CAT scan taken on October 31, 1991 [see attachments D-5 & D-6], showed a decrease in
the size of the para-aortic node from 2.5 (or possibly 3 cm) to 2 cm since the time of the
June and July 1991 scans taken 3 - 4 months earlier. This larger node is the one that Iris
had exposed to the PEC twice as long as the other nodes The para-caval and mesenteric
nodes remained unchanged. There was also a mild increase in spleen size.
Following the PEC treatment, Iris' white blood cell count dropped by 6 fold to 14,000.
This decrease suggests that her condition was responding favorably to the treatments at
the Genesis West clinic. She had another blood test at her home town in Bethesda, Maryland
two weeks after returning from Mexico. At that time her count was found to have rebounded
to 78,000. Soon after she began a vitamin C intravenous infusion therapy which has since
kept her white count down around 55,000.
It cannot be definitely claimed that the improved blood cell count or tumor shrinkage was
due to the PEC treatment alone since Iris was concurrently trying a number of other
therapies, one being the camphor based 714-X infusion treatment developed by Canadian
Gaston Naessens which she tried for 5 months. She eventually stopped these other therapies
because they were affecting her adversely.
Iris has most recently traveled to Athens Greece and has recommenced therapy on the PEC as
of May 18, 1992.
Letter Transcription
May 18, 1992
I, I. B., have had exposures with the ion dispersing device PEC at Genesis-West in
Mexico for 19 days in September, 1991 of twenty-five minutes duration each. I experienced
no evidence of side effects, or any harmful effect. To the contrary, there was a reduction
of one major lymph node and improvement of adenopathy, my white cell count went down from
approximately 90,000 to 14,000 temporarily in part due to treatment from the machine. It
also improved the condition of pain in my abdomen which had undetermined source of
bleeding. There has been no further bleeding since then.
I have decided on my own initiative and requested from Dr. P. T. Pappas to let me use the
same device in Athens, Greece believing that this will be further beneficial to my
condition. He accepted and I came to Athens, Greece on May 14, 1992. On May 18, 1992 I
requested to have my first 20 minute exposure. At the same time I am being diagnosed and
monitored at Saint Savas Hospital in Athens for determining the results of the ion
dispersing device mentioned above. I understand, and all sides agree that this will be
beneficial to my health to the best of their knowledge. According to medical conclusion in
the United States where I have been regularly attended, there was no treatment known that
could be done to my case.
I. J. B. (name withheld) Athens, May 18, 1992

The patient began developing her symptoms by the age of 20 (1962). At that time,
wrinkles began appearing on her lips. During cold weather, her hands would easily become
cold and stiff and turn dark in color. After she turned 28, her disease progressed more
rapidly. The skin of her face became so stiff that facial expression came very difficult.
Hardened skin and open wounds also began to appear on her hands, elbows, thighs, and feet,
both on the upper surface of the feet and on the soles. These wounds were present all the
time and would not heal. The digit bones of her hands and feet became partially
reabsorbed. She also developed an arthritis-like condition resulting partly from a
stiffening of her arm and leg tendons. As a result of these symptoms, walking became
extremely difficult. She could bear to walk for at most 5 minutes at any one time. Her
condition made her continuously feel tired and weak, to the point that she had no desire
to leave her home. <br> She began taking medication for her condition by the age of
36. She took regularly 100 mg per day of Penicillamine (2 pills/day), 2 pills/day of
Tilldium, and 5 mg per day (1 pill/day) of Prezalon (cortisone) She has continued to take
this medication for the past 14 years, except for the cortisone, which she stopped taking
two years ago because it induced serious digestive problem side effects. The medication
stopped the disease from getting worse, but did not improve her situation. <br> When
she reached the age of 49 and passed through menopause, her condition began to worsen,
even though she was taking medication. In particular, her movement became more restricted
due to a worsening of her tendon condition. Shortly after that, she heard about the PAP
IMI Device and decided to try treatments.
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
She began treatment with the PAP IMI on December 20th, 1991. As of this date (July 7,
1992), she has had 6-1/2 months of treatment. The first two months she was treated every
day for 40 minutes per treatment with the device set on a moderately high intensity
setting (3 on a scale of 4). During the second and third months she tapered off her
treatments to twice per week for 40 minutes per treatment, again at intensity 3. During
the most recent 2-1/2 months she has received treatment once per week for 40 minutes per
treatment at the highest intensity setting (4). <br> She has shown marked
improvement. The skin of her face now feels much softer. She is able to give considerably
more facial expression. The condition of the wounds on her elbows and hands has shown
substantial improvement. The wounds on her feet, and thighs so far have shown no
improvement. However, she finds that she is able to walk with much greater ease for
periods of up to 30 minutes, as opposed to just 5 minutes, as was the case before. She now
feels stronger, healthier, and happier.
February 16, 1995 Update:
When reinterviewed on February 16, 1995, the patient reported that she felt fine and
had no pain. Overall she said she was far better than the time she first started taking
the PAP IMI treatments. She explained that she had ceased her PAP IMI treatments around
the end of July 1992 since her condition had improved to the extent that she did not feel
a pressing need to continue making the trips for her periodic exposures. The patient said
that, during the 2-1/2 years from the time she stopped treatments until the present update
interview, her condition had stabilized and had not regressed, that she still retained the
improvements she had received from using the PAP IMI 2-1/2 years earlier. She reported
that she felt that the inflammation had gone away and that her disease was no longer
active. During this period, she said she was able to stop taking her medication. Moreover
at the time of this update her lifestyle was considerably more mobile than it had been
several years earlier in that she said she now was able to keep active by working for
several hours each evening in her family's nightclub.

Early History:
In 1976, at the age of 25, the patient was diagnosed with early stage cervical cancer.
She underwent a conization operation to have it removed. Prior to that time she had given
birth to two children and at the age of 30, gave birth to her third child. At that time
she had no adverse symptoms except that her PAP tests were not clear, indicating that
there still might be a cancer problem. At the age of 35 she was diagnosed as having a cyst
on her left ovary (12 X 6 X 4 mm). This variety normally does not go into remission. It
was surgically removed, together with a small part of her left ovary. As doctors had
predicted, after the operation she had great difficulty becoming pregnant.
Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment:
Two years later, at the age of 37, the patient began suffering from endometriosis. Her
menstrual period had become highly irregular with cycles ranging from 22 to 32 days and
her period sometimes lasting up to 12 days.
Her menstrual emission was abnormally thick and she suffered from continuous pain which
was most severe during her period. During several days of her cycle the pain was so great
that on some occasions it would prevent her from working. Around January 1990 (age 39) she
began hormone treatment with 100 mg/day of Danadrol. She noticed an immediate improvement
of her condition, her pain being considerably reduced and menstrual emission being much
thinner. But unfortunately her medication at the same time gave her several annoying side
effects. Twenty days after starting the medication, she developed mastitis, hair loss, and
gained about 8 kilos of weight. Also she contracted a staphylococcus infection which
covered her back with pimples.
For six months (January to June) she took medicine to counter the mastitis, however the
mastitis continued.
Her doctor suggested other ways of treating her endometriosis, such as hysterectomy or
laser laparoscopi (considered dangerous in her case). She did not wish to proceed with
either of these alternatives. On March 23, 1992 (age 41), she was diagnosed as having a
new cyst on her left ovary.
Sonograms taken on April 1st showed this to measure 39 X 26 X 18 mm (see Attachment F-1).
Rather than have it surgically removed or undergo a hysterectomy operation, she decided to
undergo treatments with the PAP IMI Device.
PEC and PAP IMI Treatments and Subsequent Diagnosis:
The patient had 2 or 3 PEC IDD treatments almost 2 years prior to her April 1992
treatment. She underwent these earlier treatments in February of 1990 for back pain. The
treatments alleviated her back pain. Although she did not treat her lower abdomen area,
she noticed that her period came shortly afterward on the day she received her first PEC
IDD treatment.
At the beginning of April, after her ovarian cyst had been diagnosed, she again underwent
treatment with the PAP IMI with the hope that her condition might improve. Over a nine day
period, she underwent 6 treatments exposing both the front and back of the left side of
her uterine region. She took these on April 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12. The first five
treatments each lasted from 7 to 10 minutes; her sixth treatment lasted 15 minutes and
included exposure to her whole body.
During her first treatment, she noticed an immediate relief of abdominal pressure.
Something she had never before experienced. Three to four hours later she released a small
amount of menstrual blood and within a day her period began and lasted for 12 to 15 days.
Its onset was quite unexpected since her previous period had finished just 4 to 5 days
earlier. Since that time, her menstrual cycle has returned to normal, with 2 cycles 28
days in length and one cycle 26 days in length and with periods each lasting 4 to 5 days.
These have been the first normal periods she has had in the past 6 years. They have
occurred without pain or any associated emotional disturbances. During this time she has
felt better than she has for many years. In addition, after her first PAP IMI treatment,
the staph pimples on her back, which she had endured for 2-1/2 years, became harder and
their pain went away. The infection entirely disappeared after forty days. Her mastitis
also was cured, as the pain and swelling had gone away.
Sonograms taken on April 29 and May 15, 1992 showed that her ovarian cyst had expanded,
but was much thinner. However, since it had not disappeared at that time, her doctors
insisted that she go ahead with her hysterectomy operation. On July 1st she was admitted
to the hospital and on July 2nd, just prior to her scheduled operation, the surgeon had
her undergo one more ultrasound examination. To their surprise, the sonogram showed that
no cysts were present. This miraculous recovery from her ovarian cancer and endometriosis
symptoms was attributed to her early April PAP IMI treatments.
Apparently she had a delayed response to that therapy since she had no additional
PAP IMI treatments in the intervening 2-1/2 months. Her doctor suggested that she repeat
the PAP IMI treatments from time to time as a precautionary measure.
Two other side benefits of her treatment should be noted. One relating to accelerated
healing of a burn and the other to clearing of her lung air passages. Prior to her first
PAP IMI treatment in April, Ms. C.S. had received a third degree burn on the left side of
her left hand due to a cooking accident. She noticed that after this first treatment, the
pain from the burn went away and the burn rapidly healed. Second, she noticed that after
her April treatments she expelled a considerable quantity of phlegm from her lungs and
noticed that she could breathe better. Ms. C.S. is a heavy smoker, smoking three packs per
day. So, apparently the treatment helped to reactivate the normal expulsion activity of
her lung cilia. She underwent another PAP IMI treatment on July 8th, the first in 3
months, treating the front and back of her abdomen for 10 minutes each. Again, following
the treatment she expelled a considerable amount of phlegm and felt that she could breathe
better. After both her April and July PAP IMI treatments she found that, not only did she
feel better, but also she could eat, sleep, breathe, and defecate better.

Diagnosis and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment.
Patient reacted adversely to several imodium capsules he had taken for treatment of
diarrhea by developing an external hemorrhoidal embolism (1 to 1-1/2 cm) On September 7th
his hemorrhoid had become particularly painful and on the following day he had it
diagnosed at Igeia Hospital (Athens, Greece). He applied Scheriproct Ointment to the
hemorrhoid on the evening of the 8th and morning of the 9th. Although this lessened the
acuteness of the pain to some extent, the hemorrhoid still ached and made him quite
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
Patient underwent two treatments on the PAP. He began his first session on
Sept. 9th, treating the hemorrhoid for 16 minutes and also giving a 10 minute treatment to
his right hip which had a mild trace of bursitis. Several hours after this first
treatment, he noticed that his hemorrhoidal condition had improved. The hemorrhoid had
shrunken to some extent and his discomfort had lessened. During this period he had stopped
applying cream to his hemorrhoid.
The next morning (Sept. 10th) he underwent his second treatment on the PAP IMI taking
blood tests before and after his treatment session. He treated his hemorrhoid for 12
minutes, his right hip for 5-1/2 minutes and his left shoulder for 1 minute. Toward the
end of the day he noticed further improvement in his condition. The hemorrhoid had
shrunken to about half of its initial size and there was little discomfort. Also he had
noticed that there was no trace of bursitis in his right hip. After about four days had
passed, his condition was essentially back to normal, the hemorrhoid having shrunken to
about 10 to 15 percent of its former size.

Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment
The patient suffered from her asthmatic condition for about 9 to 10 months prior to
being treated with the PAP IMI. She had gone to the Kaiser asthma clinic in Los Angeles on
several occasions to do testing. Also on two occasions she had emergency hospitalization
to stabilize severe asthma attacks. The first time she was hospitalized for 9 hours until
she was stabilized and released and a few weeks later she was hospitalized for 5 hours
until she was stabilized and released. She said that at the time "she felt like she
was dying". On each occasion she was stabilized to the point where she was able to
breathe on her own.
However her symptoms persisted following release at a less severe level. She was
coughing a lot and struggling for breath. She was continuously hunched over. The incessant
coughing caused her back, neck and other parts of her body to hurt. She would cough so
hard that she would choke and could not breathe. She was unable to leave the house for
walks. She was for the most part confined either to bed or to a couch. She could get from
one room to another by hanging on to objects, but would become completely exhausted in
going from one end of the house to the other. For this reason she kept medicinal sprays
and inhalants in every room of the house in case an attack should occur. she said her life
had become one long worry about where she had previously placed the inhalants. She could
hardly get up and down the stairs. Often she would cough continuously all night while
trying to sleep.
She was taking cortisone steroid pills daily. To suppress the attacks she used
Ventrilan and other inhalants (she could not remember the name at the time of the
interview.) After released for the second time from the emergency care, the patient joined
the Asthma Association and went to meetings in an attempt to try to learn how to live with
her condition. In the mean time Kaiser did some more tests.
PAP Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
The patient first received treatment with the PAP IMI around the beginning of 1993,
about 9 to 10 months after her condition had begun. At that time clinical trials were
being run on PAP IMI 300 at the national Pain Institute in Los Angeles. The patient
learned about the machine from a relative of hers who had come to visit and who encouraged
her to try it and to see if it could alleviate her condition. She was opposed to the idea
knowing how much trouble would be for her to venture out of the house. Also she did not
believe that a magnetic field would help her, she thought it was a crazy idea to even try.
But at the insistence of her husband and their relative she finally gave in. The trip was
quite a strain. When she arrived at the treatment room she was fighting for breath. She
said "I thought I was going to pass out."
The probe was placed over the chest area (back and front) and each time the machine was
turned on for an interval of 2-1/2 minutes. She was encouraged to repeat the treatment
until a total of 15 minutes of exposure had been administered over a one hour period. By
the end of her 10 minutes exposure she noticed a change in her condition. " I sensed
an easing in my chest. I didn't take deep breath, but I wasn't coughing regularly. It was
as if I could breath, if not as deep as I needed to, but I could take a breath and not
break out in another coughing spell." After her 15 minutes was up, she stud up to her
full weight (which she normally did not do), walked up to her husband and said " I
feel better!"
She took a deep breath and, pleasantly surprised by the results said " Oh my God
this is like witchery! This is strange. What is this?" They then went home. She
waited for the coughing to occur. But no severe attacks occurred. " A little bit of
coughing came on. But I coughed and it was over. But it wasn't heavy, it wasn't that
debilitating cough."
Two or three weeks later, her relative suggested that she should go back to do a 10
minutes treatment on the PAP IMI, which she did. About a year later he called her again
and suggested that she again should do a follow up treatment. She said " For what?
I've put everything away, I've given away the Ventrilan and other sprays." She told
him that she had not used a spray or inhalant in all that time and that she was going out
and walking again. Nevertheless at his encouragement she did the treatment one more time.
Her improved condition had continued until the day of the interview, a period of almost
3 years. She said she had been feeling fine. Since the first treatment she has not had any
serious asthma attacks. Sometimes when she inhales a chemically made perfume, like are
sometimes put in soaps, she gets a bit wheezing. She said that overall she still has
traces of asthma, but does not have the bad attacks like she got before the treatment. She
commented that on the day of the interview and the previous day she experienced a bit of
wheezing a few times, but that it was very mild. She thought that the weather had
something to do with it since at the time they had been having an unusual damp gray
weather. Nonetheless during the entire interview I did not hear her cough or wheeze. her
vice sounded quite normal.
In conclusion she reported
I don't know what the medical fields say, all I know is I was at Kaiser, I was being
treated for asthma, I was being put cortisone steroid for asthma, I had all these
inhalants, and now (after treatment with PAP IMI ) I'm not sick any more.