Coma victim able to speak again after pioneering magnetic field therapy
David Derbyshire
Last updated at 10:04 AM on 16th October 2008

Josh Villa can speak again after doctors waved a magnet at his head while he was in a coma
man who suffered brain damage in a car crash can speak again after
doctors waved a magnet against his head while he was in a coma.
Doctors believe the electromagnetic field encouraged nerve cells to send a 'wake-up' signal to the brain.
magnetic therapy has been used to treat depression, Parkinson's disease
and migraines, it is the first time it has been tried out on coma
Josh Villa was 26 when his car mounted the kerb
and flipped over, leaving him unconscious. After a year there was no
sign of improvement.
But Dr Theresa Pape signed him up for experimental treatment using magnets, New Scientist reports today.
technique - called transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS - involves
placing a coil of wire covered in plastic next to a patient's head.
When a rapidly changing current flows through the coil it creates a strong magnetic field - similar to the field created by a hospital MRI scanner.
15 sessions there were signs of improvement. Dr Pape said: 'They [the
words] were very slurred but they were there. He'd say erm, help, help
Mr Villa's mother, Laurie McAndrews of Rockford,
Illinois, said: 'You started talking to him and he would turn his head
and look at you. That was huge.'
He began to obey simple instructions - such as following the movement of a thumb around the room and speaking single words.
Dr Theresa Pape, of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Chicago who helped treat Mr Villa said: 'They were very slurred but they were there. He'd say "erm", "help", "help me".'
When the doctors ended the
TMS treatment after 30 sessions, Mr Villa's condition worsened slightly
and he became tired more easily. However, he was still better than
Another 10 sessions failed to make any improvement and he was sent home.
His mother believes that the treatment made a difference - and that he is easier to care for than before.
'When you talk to him he will move his mouth to show he is listening,' she said.
'If I ask him "Do you love me?" he'll do two slow eye blinks, yes.

Doctors believe nerve cells in Josh Villa's brain were 'woken up' by a powerful electromagnetic field
'Some people would say it's not much , but he's improving and that's the main thing.'
She added: 'Before I felt like he was not responsive, that he was depressed almost.
'Now you move him around and he complains - he can show emotions on that level.'
TMS can be carried out without sedation of anaesthetic. Some patients liken the sensation to being hit on the head with a rubber - and complain that it leaves them with a sore scalp for a few days.
Neuroscientists describe the case is intriguing - but say it is too soon to say whether magnets make any difference.
Dr John Whyte of the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute in Philadelphia said: 'Even after eight months it is not uncommon for patients to transition from the vegetative to the minimally conscious state without any particular intervention.'
However, he says TMS should be investigated as a way of rousing patients from deep comas.
Dr Papae is convinced that the treatment helped.
His condition had not improved since four months after the car crash. And after the 15th session, he improved with each dose of treatment.
She plans to treat a second coma patient later this year.
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Comments (15)
Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.
The most significant point here
is that casualties who may once have been considered as 'no-hopers' do
actually stand a chance of improvement in their conditions.
OK, stimulation by an alternating magnetic field (at what
frequency? or intensity? ) may have helped, - but PLEASE don't let's go
down the road of mumbo jumbo woo-woo magnetic charms, and amulets etc
Wellness homes, indeed! What a load of rubbish, Ruth ! I know
someone who will award you a prize of one million dollars if you can
prove any of your nonsense works!
Welcome to the "Magnetic World"
We have a "Wellness Home", which comprises of magnetic mattresses,
far-infra red quilts, Air Power machine, magnetic water filter,
insoles, jewelry and much more. Everyones well being has drastically
improved over the 9 years we have had these products. Now living in
Kabul we have a brought our portable water system with us and this has
kept the gastric ailments associated with this country at bay.
I have many friends who could benefit from these products, but
will not even attempt to try or try to understand the concept.They
prefer to look good rather than feel good. Each to their own..........
It's surprising so many people vouch for small magnets. Many also vouch for crystals, mystical amulets, or other scientifically insignificant things. If it had a field as powerful as was used to rouse this coma victim, a magnetic gewgaw would pull the wearer to every piece of steel within a yard (meter to you Britons). Eyeglasses and keys would come flying. Passersby would have their credit cards erased. The ancient world could not have duplicated this with their lodestones.
Just goes to show that patients are alive and aware of their environment when they are in a coma. Hospital 'professionals' should not be so quick to recommend switching off the life support machines to surviving relatives, based upon the real reasons for such recommendations such as hospital targets, bureacracy and financial budgets.
"Medically, the UK NHS is still living in the dark-ages."
Mr Hamilton, how absolutely right you are!
The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.
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I have used a magnetic hairbrush for sometime to help with hairloss. It really has worked, a lot of regrowth. It's amazing what the power of magnetism can do.
- Ernie Primeau, Florida, US, 16/10/2008 16:03
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