by Frederick Finch Strong, M.D.
Lecturer on Electrotherapeutics
Tufts Medical School
Reprinted from:
MARCH, 1917
Scientific progress during the past three decades
has perhaps surpast that of all preceding ages; but we are still
in the kindergarten class when we compare what is known with that which
is still to be discovered. To discover means practically the
same as to uncover, implying that the truth or fact was there all the time
but was hidden, covered, occluded, or occult; and is it not a fact
that many of the electrical discoveries of today would have been regarded
as supernatural, or occult by the scientists of a few generations
ago? Of course there is nothing super-natural in the strict sense
of the term, but many things remain occult, although science is daily uncovering
new and hitherto undreamed-of marvels.
There exist great Cosmic Forces of which we
still know but little. Gravitation is one of these; we know something
of its laws and the results of its action, but nothing whatever of its
real nature. Electricity is another; of this we know somewhat more,
and we now recognize it in a variety of forms, as light, heat, chemical
action, magnetism, etc., but its true nature is still a deep mystery.
or vital energy is another great Cosmic Principle; thru its action
electrons are formed into atoms, atoms into molecules, molecules into crystals
and chemical compounds, and these into the bodies of plants, animals and
of man. We have no name for this force, but thru its action the great
Cosmic Scheme of Evolution goes on. In India they call it by a Sanskrit
name - Prana. Here in the Occident we have not yet officially
recognized this force; it is quite unorthodox to even suggest that it exists
- simply because we have not been able to measure and record it by our
still comparatively crude laboratory instruments.
A few years ago, when almost every scientist was
a materialist, we believed in nothing but matter and force; today science
recognizes the necessity of a third basic principle, Intelligence or
Mind, without this we can satisfactorily account for none of the facts
of the world in which we find ourselves. Its manifestations in matter
thru the Cosmic Forces give us at least a working hypothe-sis of life.
As electricity has been the great field for the investigations
of the past century so will the nature and manifestation of the Life-force
be the source of the discoveries of the future. Even today we may
Hazard a few statements regarding this hypothetical Prana or Life-force.
For example, it comes to us - like all other active forces from the Sun.
It is stored and transmitted by plants and by the oxygen of the air, and
in the human body it appears to be distributed thru the great Sympathetic
Nervous System to every organ and tissue of the body. The Sympathetic
nerves radiate from the Solar Plexus - our Sun-center. If
bacteria or poisons interfere with this circulation, as for example in
paralysis, the muscles from which the supply of life force is cut off,
lose their power of reaction and wither away. It is in this connection
that we may study the action of certain electric currents as applied to
the treatment of disease. It would seem that certain types of alternating
currents of high frequency and voltage greatly facilitate the distribution
of this vital principle (Nerve-force, Prana, or whatever you choose to
call it), and this explains the action of one of the most valuable of recent
medical discoveries.
In 1893, Dr. Nikola Tesla described in a magazine
article the remarkable effects upon himself and his assistants resulting
from their exposure to the action of alternating currents of exceedingly
high-voltage and frequency during some research work. He prophesied
that when electrical oscillations were fully understood and applied by
physicians that a universal healing agent would have been obtained
- one which would so increase the vital energy and resistive reaction of
the human body as to enable it to throw off all disease. The present
writer, acting on this hint, constructed a high-frequency apparatus, tested
it on a number of patients and reported his results to a local medical
society in 1895. So far as can be learned this was the first clinical
work ever done with the Tesla current, altho d'Arsonval in Paris was then
experimenting with his relatively low voltage currents, produced from 3,000
cycle alternators. Later Apostoli, Denoyes, and others reported remarkable
results from the currents induced in the bodies of patients placed inside
of huge solenoids or wire coils thru which high frequency currents were
passing. The effects obtained were: increase of strength, appetite
and weight, induction of natural restful sleep, and increase in tissue
combustion and elimination.
Early in 1895, the author devised the first Vacuum
electrodes for applying Tesla currents to the patient. Today
thousands of physicians are using this device, often mis-calling it the
Violet-ray Treatment. This is of course a misnomer, the violet light
in the tube having nothing whatever to do with the healing effect produced
by the transmitted electrical oscillations.
Some years ago the great Swedish scientist, Arrhenius,
was reported to have subjected one-half of a class of school children to
the action of high-frequency currents, one hour daily for several months,
at the end of which time there was marked increase in the average growth,
weight, general health and mental ability in the electrified pupils as
compared with those not so treated. At the present time, high-frequency
currents are actually being used in truck-gardens to promote the growth
and increase the size of vegetables for table use.
The high-frequency currents, in short, act as vitality
boosters - no other form of electricity will do this. Galvanism,
Faradism, Static electricity are all valuable agents in the hands of
the Electro-therapeutic specialist, but they have little direct action
in promoting cell vitality and growth, as do the high-frequency currents
when properly applied.
Authorities explain the action of high-frequency
currents in various ways, the favorite theory being that the healing effect
is due solely to the liberation of heat in the tissues. It is perfectly
true that in many diseases the heat liberated in the body by the passage
of from 400 to 2,500 milliam--peres at a frequency of about one million
cycles is an important agent in promoting an artificial inflammatory reaction
and increasing circulation. The heat is, however, only one of the
forces generated by the current; there are many other factors in the
vitalizing effect. The thermic theory will, for example, not explain
the increased growth of plants produced by the action of high-frequency
currents of very high voltage and low amperage. In medical practice
often the most marked results are obtained by the use of Tesla currents
of low intensity, but of exceedingly high potentiality. The author
can account for these effects only on the theory that these currents, when
of proper frequency, are synchronous with the normal rate of sympathetic
nerve vibration, and in this way increase the flow of the mysterious
force thru which function and tissue growth are maintained.
High-frequency currents are now extensively used
by the medical profession to increase cell growth, metabolism and functional
activity. They tend to normalize the blood pressure and are the only
agents that are of real curative value in certain stage of Arterio-sclerosis
(hardening of the arteries). They greatly augment the defensive powers
of the organism, enabling it to resist and overcome disease-producing agencies.
The prejudice against high-frequency currents on the part of many physicians
may be attributed to the fact that they do not employ proper technique
or that they use an apparatus which does not admit the proper variation
of frequency, amperage and voltage, in order to suit the requirements of
the individual case...... FFS