Keywords: Protease inhabitor treatment, HIV viral, tonsil lymphatic tissue,
T-lymphocyte, influencza, clearing up herpes outbreaks, immune system stimulation, vitamine C, minerals, CD4, AZT8, DDI, painful
lesions, ZDV, DDI, DD3, 3TC, AZT, lyphatic fluids, tissues, Short-Wave Diathermy,
PHA(phytohaemagglutinin), (PEMF)Low-frequency pulse electromagnetic field, THERMASTIM,
Viral Treatment System, protease inhibitors, T-cell,
A suggested Protocol for AIDS
Part 1 of 4
March 14, 1998
To : P.T.Pappas
Enclosed is a copy of the AIDS IDC that I prepared for Gregg. I am quite sure I had
given you a copy of this in Minnesota. Nevertheless I here send it to you again.
Sincerely yours,
Paul A. La Violette
Investigational Device Exemption
PAP Electrodynamics, USA
8793 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 111
Canoga Park, CA 91304
PAP Electrodynamics Agency
1176 Hedgewood Lane
Niskayuna, NY 12309
A. |
Purpose |
B. |
Justification |
C. |
Prior Investigations |
1. Results of PAP IMI Treatment of AIDS Patients |
2. Electroinsertion of CD4 Molekules as a
Possible Explanation of the PAP IMI Results |
3. Electric Current Inactivation of the AIDS
Virus |
4. Other Research Indicating Vital Lysis by High
Frequency Electric Fields |
5. Treatment 0f AIDS Patient with Other Pulsed EM
Field Devices |
D. |
Description and Operation of the Device |
1. Device Description |
2. Principle of Operation |
3. Advantage of the Pulse Brivity of the PAP IMI Compared
with Other Diathermy Device |
4. Labeling for the PAP IMI |
E. |
Risk Analysis |
1. Electromagnetic Radiation Comparison to
Surgical Diathermies |
2. Reports of the Adverse Consequences |
3. Animal Studies |
4. Reports of Favorable Treatment Results |
5. Precautions |
6. Contradictions for Special Medical Conditions (applicable
to all diathermies) |
7. Safety Features |
8. Low Risk to High-Voltage Exposure |
F. |
Protocol |
1. Study Overview |
2. Personnel and Institutions |
3. Criteria for Patient selection and for
Exclusion of Patients and an Estimate of the Number of Patients to be Studied |
4. Patient Confidentiality |
5. Informed Consent |
6. Invesigational Review Board |
7. Methodology |
8. References |
9. Appendices |
Investigational Device Exemption
The purpose of this study is to investigate the safety and efficacy of treating HIV
positive patients with the PAP Ion Magnetic Inductor (IMI) diathermy device.
Great steps forward have been made in the pharmacological treatment of AIDS through the
use of combination therapy treatments incorporating protease inhibitors. Patients who have
followed the protease inhibitor treatment protocols for a sufficiently long period of time
have been found to have HIV viral load levels in their blood that fall below the level of
detection. Nevertheless, while such treatments may suppress viral load in the blood, some
form of the virus may still remain in a potentially infective state. For example, one
study found HIV DNA present in tonsil lymphatic tissue of patients taking protease
inhibitor combination therapy for 24 weeks even though their blood viral load levels had
declined dramatically (Science, val. 275, Jan. 31, 1997, p. 616). So it is believed
that protease inhibitors may at best keep the HIV infection in check only as long as their
consumption is continued. But because the cost of these antiviral medications is very
high, the expense of their extended use can be overwhelming for most uninsured
We wish to investigate the clinical effectiveness of an alternative method of AIDS
treatment that has been found to produce antiviral effects more dramatic than those
obtained with protease inhibitors, and far less costly. This therapy involves use of the
PAP IMI to apply very high-intensity, AC magnetic field pulses to the patient's body.
Specific target areas for treatment include the lymph nodes, which are known to
preferentially harbour the HIV virus especially in the early stages of the disease, the
spleen, which has a key role in filtering the blood, and the thymus, which is a key link
in the immune response to fighting the disease through its production of CD4 cells.
Past experience with the PAP IMI has shown that its effects on AIDS patients are to
dramatically reduce HIV viral load as well as dramatically increase T-lymphocyte count
toward normal levels. Thus the effects of the PAP IMI appear to be both viral destroying
and immunostimulatory, although the two effects are undoubtedly intertwined. Compared with
protease inhibitor therapy, the PAP IMI treatment is capable of producing far more
dramatic results. For example, unaided by antiviral medication, it has induced CD4 cell
count increases of as much as 240 ml-1 within just a one month period and as much as 850
min in just a 7 month period. By comparison, the protease inhibitor nelfinavir0 in
combination with AZT and 3TC was found to produce a rise in CD4 cell count of only 155 to
160 m1'1 after 6 months of treatment.
PAP IMI treatments are initially administered hi-weekly, and are eventually decreased to
semi-monthly or monthly maintenance treatments as the patient's condition improved.
Moreover there are indications that the treatment can eventually be discontinued. For
example, one AIDS patient, who received combination treatments with the PAP IMI and with a
micro current device for approximately 1-1/2 years, maintained a blood viral load level
below detection a full 10 months after the therapy was discontinued and without the help
of antiviral medication. If future viral load tests of this patient show similar
results" this may be an indication that the PAP IMI combination therapy is capable of
completely eradicate the virus.
Let us first take a moment to review past research that 1) is relevant to the safety and
effectiveness of the PAP IMI device for use in treating HIV infections and AIDS and 2)
that justifies the need for carrying out the proposed research study.
1. Results of PAP IMI Treatment of AIDS Patients.
a) Initial discovery of PAP IMI efficacy for AIDS treatment
and early results:
Dr. Jacob Swilling, M.D., of Mexico was the first to recognize in 1992 that PAP IMI
treatments might be beneficial to the treatment of AIDS. This indication was further
explored in the following year at the International Pain Research Institute of Beverley
Hills, CA where a small number of AIDS patients received treatment with the PAP IMI.
Appendix A presents testimonials given by three of these AIDS patients. CD4 data,
available for one of these patients shows that his CD4 count increased an astounding 19
fold over the course of his 9 month treatment period; see Figure l.
Also, about this same time other evidence came to light which also indicated that the PAP
IMI may have immunostimulatory or antiviral effects. For example, Dr. Sam Chachoua of
------- in ----------- found that PAP IMI exposures administered after vaccination to 21
patients stimulated antibody production. Also there were anecdotal reports that PAP IMI
treatments was useful in preventing or stopping influenza, and in temporarily clearing up
herpes outbreaks.
Figure 1. Response of T-cell
count to PAP IMI treatment. Patient: HIV positive, male, 37 years old. Treatment with PAP
IMI: 20 minutes per week reducing to 20 min. every other week.
Location: National Pain Institute (Santa Monica, CA) |
b) AIDS study conducted by Dr. Nick Tsilimigakis of the
Scientific Institute for Bioenergy in Athens (Glyfada), Greece (mid 1994 to present):
Dr. Tsilimigakis has reported data on seven patients receiving PAP IMI treatments over
periods of time ranging from one month to a year. His treatment protocol and the case
history summaries of these patients are presented in Appendix B. 1 Treatments usually lasted for 20 minutes and
were given two times per week. The probe was positioned over the thymus, for immune system
stimulation, as well as on infected regions or problematic areas. This magnetic induction
therapy was carried out in conjunction with a pulsed DC micro current therapy in which 2
to 3 milliamperes of pulsed DC current at 45 volts were conducted through the patient,
from one hand to the other. Each of these treatments lasted about half an hour and were
carried out two times a week. Usually large doses of vitamin C and minerals were
prescribed for the patients as well.
The Tsimilimigakis method obtained astounding results with a 100%
response. In all 7 cases, patients experienced immediate improvement in their physical
condition (i.e., more energy, better feeling, weight gain, alleviation of diarrhea
symptoms) followed by a precipitous increase in their CD4 cell counts, ranging from 41% in
one month (Case 6) to 293% in six months (Case 3); see Figures 2 and 3. In two cases the
initial CD4 cell counts of the patients were as low as 10 ml-1 and 30 ml-1. Only one of
these patients (Case 5) had been taking drug therapy (AZT & DDI) prior to treatment.
Figure 2. Patient No.1: CD4 cell
counts before and after treatment with the PAP IMI using the Tsilimigakis protocol. |
Figure 3. Patients Nos. 2, 3, 6,
and 7: CD4 cell counts before and after treatment with the PAP IMI using the Tsilimigakis
protocol. |
Although the PAP IMI was used in combination with the micro current therapy technique, Dr.
Tsilimigakis found that the PAP IMI significantly boosted the therapeutic results,
compared to just using the micro current technique alone. Evidence of this is also seen in
the CD4 count data in Case 1, where a doubling of the rate of increase of the CD4 cell
count is evident following addition of the PAP IMI treatments to the micro current
treatment regimen. That is, prior to the beginning of combination treatment with the PAP
IMI an increase of 6.7% per month is evident in CD4 count, whereas after the introduction
of combination treatment an increase of 15.6% per month is evident.
In Case 1, the evidence suggests that the disease was completely eradicated after 15
months of receiving PAP IMI along with micro current treatments, to the extent that viral
load measurements were unable to detect the HIV virus. Earlier in the patient's treatment,
there was an indication that the disease had not been completely eradicated, but only
counteracted. That is, after 4 months of PAP IMI treatment when the patient discovered
that her CD4 count had reached 312, she was so encouraged by the results that she
discontinued therapy to take a trip to France. However, after 4 months without treatment
her CD4 cell count had fallen 36%. Subsequently she resumed the combination treatment and
her count rose to a new high value. Again she discontinued treatment and 10 months later
found that her viral load was undetectable.
c) AIDS study conducted at the First Hospital of Social Security
(IKA) in Athens (Mellisia), Greece (February 1995 to present):
This study is being conducted by Drs. D. Stergiou, A. Papadopoulos, J. Arkadianos, and A.
Scoullos under the approval of the Greek National Drug Organization. Dr. Stergiou reports
data on 12 consecutive AIDS cases in which patients received PAP IMI treatments over
periods of time ranging from one to ten months (Appendix C). 2 Treatments lasted 25 minutes and were given
two times per week. The probe was positioned over the spleen, the thymus, the axillary and
neck lymph nodes, and in some cases over painful lesions. Most of the patients were also
taking some kind of retroviral medication (e.g., ZDV, DDI, DDC, 3TC, AZT). Other than
this, the patients received no other immunostimulatory therapy.
Very encouraging results were found. Four patients experienced a dramatic increase in
their CD4 cell counts, with increases ranging from 110% to 610% in periods ranging from
one to four months; see Figure 4. The CD4 counts of two other patients remained stable
during the three months that they underwent PAP IMI treatment (Figure 5). Also the CD4
counts of three other patients decreased in the two to three months that they underwent
PAP IMI treatment (Figure 5). One of these latter three (Patient 12) appears to have had
CD4 count decreases that were already in progress prior to PAP IMI treatment and which the
treatment failed to counteract. So these decreases should not be considered to be a result
of the treatment. Patient No. 10, who experienced a CD4 decrease of 68%, suffered from
Kaposi's sarcoma, yet his lesions remained stable during the treatment period. Patient No.
12, who experienced a CD4 decrease of 10%, was diagnosed to be in excellent condition. In
the third case (Patient No. 11), the decrease was moderate, 15%, and despite the decrease,
it was reported that the patient remained in very good clinical condition.
Figure 5. Patient Nos. 6, 8, 9,
10, 1l., and 12: CD4 Cell counts before and after treatment with the PAP IMI in the IKA
protocol. |
No CD4 count data are yet available on one of the 12 patients (Patient
No. 7). Also out of this set of 12, there was one patient (No. 4) whose condition worsened
after receiving just five PAP IMI treatments. Before he could receive the full benefits of
the therapy, he had to discontinue treatment, and a month later he died. No CD4 data is
available in his case either. Unlike the other patients, this patient was not taking
retroviral medication at the time and his Kaposi's sarcoma was rather advanced, with
lesions being present in his lungs as well as on his skin.
Like the Tsilimigakis study, this study found that unless treatment was continued for a
sufficiently long period of time, gains in CD4 count could relapse if the treatment was
discontinued. This was seen in Patient No. 2. After attaining an increase of her CD4
counts to 235 and continuing the PAP IMI treatments for a period of only 3 months, the
patient discontinued treatment, whereupon when measured some months her CD4 count was
found to have fallen five fold to 50.
CD4 count does not give the entire picture of the patient's response to PAP IMI treatment.
Viral load tests conducted on one patient showed that the patient's viral load of HIV had
decreased from 32,000 ml-1 to 22,000 ml-1 in the span of just one month in which the
patient had received just four PAP IMI treatments (once per week 20 minutes each).
3 Such a dramatic decrease in viral load and
evidence mentioned in (b) above that at least one patient had undetectable viral levels
after just 15 months of treatment indicates that the PAP IMI can be at least as effective
as treatments using protease inhibitors.
The protocol used in the First Hospital of Social Security study and case history
summaries of the 12 patients are presented in Appendix C. Also the Appendix includes an
excerpt of Dr. Papadopoulos' conversation from the November 17, 1995 Hillman/PAP
Electrodynamics teleconference.
2. Electro insertion of CD4 Molecules as a Possible
Explanation of the PAP IMI Results.
The PAP IMI generates in situ electric field intensities of the order of 1.5 kV/cm
during the first microsecond of every pulse discharge. This is sufficiently high to induce
several membranal phenomena. These include Electro insertion - the insertion and
permanent incorporation of molecules into the cell membrane wall, electropermeability -
the momentary increase in cell membrane permeability during the duration of the pulse
followed by a return to normal levels of permeability, electrofusion - the fusion
of juxtaposed cells during momentary alteration of their membrane permeability. The
electric field intensity threshold where these effects begin to occur ranges from 0.3 to
0.6 kV/cm, which is exceeded by the PAP IMI pulse at its initial peak intensity.
4 The PAP IMI peak field strength also lies at
the lower end of the field strength range for inducing membranal electroporation (1 to 10
kV/cm), electroporation involving the temporary increase in membrane permeability
resulting from the opening of membranal pores. 5
Experiments conducted on the electroinsertion phenomenon could explain the elevated T cell
counts observed in AIDS patients receiving PAP IMI treatments. For example, Mouneimne et
al. 6 have applied to human red blood cells in vitro
a sequence of 4 electric field pulses having a field intensity of 1.3 kV/cm and duration
of a few milliseconds, with the pulses spaced by a 15 minute rest period. Using this
technique, they were able to insert up to 5000 CD4 molecules into each red blood cell
membrane, while at the same time preserving the immunological integrity of the proteins.
These CD4 bearing erythrocytes (RBC-CD4) were found to be able to internalize HIV-1 in
vitro. Moreover the RBC-CD4 in vitro were found to compete with T4 cells for HIV
attachment. The preincubation of HIV-1 with RBC-CD4 reduced the infection of target cells
by more than 90% as detected by viral reverse transcriptase and the amount of P24 antigen
produced by the target cells. The electroinserted red blood cells exhibited a normal life
span. The researchers theorized that CD4 protein electroinserted into red blood cell
membranes might provide a useful therapeutic agent against AIDS. We believe that the PAP
IMI pulses administered to AIDS patients are electroinserting CD4 molecules present in the
blood plasma into the patients' red blood cells and thereby diverting the HIV-1 from its
attack on CD4 cells. This would result in the observed rise in CD4 cell count and observed
decline in viral load.
3. Electric Current Inactivation of the AIDS Virus.
In March 1991, William D. Lyman and his colleagues at the Albert Einstein
College of Medicine (The Bronx, NY) reported research in which they passed microcurrents
through HIV contaminated blood. 8-9 They found
that treatment durations as short as 6 minutes substantially incapacitated the AIDS virus,
halting its ability to reproduce.
In this study, 10 microliters of HIV-1 infected blood containing 105 infectious particles
per ml were exposed to an electric current passing between two platinum electrodes placed
in direct contact with blood in vitro. Currents ranged from 25 to 100 microamperes (ia)
and exposure times ranged up to 12 minutes. The researchers found that exposing the virus
to direct electric current suppressed its capacity to induce the formation of syncytia, an
indicator that quantifies the production of infectious particles. Passing a total charge
of 200 microamp minutes (25 ia for 8 minutes) through the blood reduced the number of
syncytia from 50 to 65% while a charge of 300 microamp minutes (50 ia for 6 minutes)
through the blood reduced the number of syncytia from 90%; see Figure 6.g Also reverse
transcriptase assay, an index of viral protein production, was found to be negatively
impacted. Reverse transcriptase activity was almost totally ablated (reduced by 94%) with
an exposure to 100 ia for 6 minutes; see Figure 7.8 The precipitous drop in both of these
indicators with administration of increasing electric charge (current X time) showed that
viral infectivity was substantially impaired by this electric current treatment. A reprint
of this report is presented in Appendix E.
Also Steven Kaali has reported that in addition to inactivating the AIDS virus, this
microcurrent treatment also left their blood samples free of hepatitis. This indicates
that electric fields may be useful in inactivating other viruses besides the AIDS virus.
The blood cells themselves were unharmed by the treatment. 10
Subsequently, in August of 1992, Kaali obtained a U.S. patent (#5,139, 684) on a device
for treating blood with therapeutic microcurrents. 11 Applications for this include processing
blood stored in blood banks to inactivate potential viral contamination. Alternatively, a
kind of dialysis machine was proposed that would remove blood from the patient, inactivate
potential viruses, and reintroduce it back into the patient.
By comparison, the PAP IMI has the advantage of being able to noninvasively induce
microcurrents in vivo by means of magnetic induction. The high frequency magnetic
pulses emitted from the coil of its probe are able to induce therapeutic electric fields
in the patient's body to an effective depth of 10 to 15 centimeters, exposing not only the
patient's blood, but also lymphatic fluids and tissues as well.
Figure 6. Syncytium - formation
assay as a function of microcurrent exposure (Lyman, et al.). |
Figure 7. Reverse transcriptase
activity as a function of microcurrent exposure (Lyman, et al.). |
4. Other Research Indicating Viral Lisis by High Frequency
Electric Fields.
a) Early diathermy findings:
In his book Short-Wave Diathermy, Tibor Cholnoky cites work by Carpenter and Page
which indicates that the increased heat generated in the body by high frequency
electromagnetic waves is unfavorable to viral development. 12 They note that the heat increases the rate of
chemical processes associated with the body's immune system response.
Cholnoky also cites research indicating that high frequency electromagnetic waves can kill
bacteria at ambient temperatures below those that would normally be lethal for such
bacteria (e.g., temperatures administered via a water bath). As one explanation, they cite
the focal heat theory which suggests that the "focal heat" absorbed by a single
bacterium may be higher than the average heat absorbed by the body's tissues, in which
case the bacterium itself would be exposed to lethal temperatures.
b) Immune system stimulation by electromagnetic fields:
Several studies have found that electromagnetic fields to weak to produce thermal effects,
are nonetheless able to affect the growth and DNA synthesis of many cell types, including
lymphocytes. 13-19 Research by J. Walleczek on human
lymphocytes has shown that EM fields can produce changes in calcium transport and cause
mediation of the mitogenic response (i.e., stimulation of the division of cellular
nuclei). 20 Also A. Cossarizza, et al. found that when
lymphocyte cultures were stimulated with PHA (phytohaemagglutinin), an extremely
low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) caused a significant increase of cell
proliferation in lymphocytes from both young or old subjects, the effect being more
pronounced in cells from older people. 21 After PEMF
exposure, cells from old people reached levels of 3H-TdR incorporation not significantly
different from those of unexposed cultures taken from young people. The pulsed field
consisted of a 2.5 mT magnetic field that every 20 ms was turned on for a period of 2 ms.
The field by itself, without the PHA stimulant, was not found to be mitogenic. Also they
found that this same pulsed magnetic field increased interleukin-2 utilization and
interleukin-2 receptor expression on the plasma membrane in mitogen-stimulated human
lymphocytes taken from elderly subjects. 22 They found
that IL-2 receptor expression increased 5 to 23 percent in 10 out of 10 aged subjects. The
percentage of activated T lymphocytes also had increased markedly in 83 percent of these
These immune system research results lend further support our finding that the
high-frequency electromagnetic pulses produced by the PAP IMI stimulate an increase in CD4
cell count in AIDS patients. Hence further investigation of PAP IMI therapy on AIDS
patients is warranted.
5. Treatment of AIDS Patients with Other Pulsed EM Field Devices.
In late April of 1994, Physiodynamics Corporation instituted a company funded research
project on the treatment of AIDS, a study conducted under the provisions of FDA
Regulations permitting limited gathering of experimental data. For their research the used
the THERMASTIM0, an electromagnetic, neuromuscular stimulator authorized for commercial
distribution by the FDA.
The THERMASTIM produces a weak pulsed electric field administered via electrodes attached
to various locations on the body. The current was pulsed at frequencies of 100, 500, and
10,000 pulses per second, at voltages ranging from 2.4 to 27 volts, at currents ranging
from 7 to 96 milliamps, and at wattages ranging from 0.06 to 2.9 watts. An eight pad
configuration was used to simultaneously stimulate the blood, lymphoid systems and bone
marrow, and a four pad configuration was used to treat the spleen and thymus. Treatment
times ranged from 10 to 45 minutes. Treatment frequency ranged from every other day to
once every fourth day. The protocol recommended that the total body be treated for half
the time and the spleen and thymus for the other half of the time. Physiodynamics named
this treatment protocol the VTS®, VTS standing for Viral Treatment System. Supporting
information on this treatment is presented in Appendix D.
Physiodynamics initially became interested in investigating the use of the THERMASTIM® in
treating AIDS patients following the announcement by Lyman et al. of their findings that
the AIDS virus could be inactivated by exposure to electric currents.
According to one person involved in the VTS study, one AIDS patient obtained several
positive benefits during the first 7 months of treatment, such as increased energy level,
increased appetite, weight gain, and greater resistance to infection (Appendix D-1).
23 However, there was no increase in his CD4
cell count, which was initially 3, later rose to 9, but finally fell to 1 by the seventh
month of treatment: 3.0 (5/5/94), 3.0 (7/5/94), 5.0 (10/5/94), 3 (10/28/94), 9 (11/28/94),
1 (12/19/94); see Appendix D-2). 24 Also a
study of six AIDS patients treated over a 2 to 14 month period concluded that the
treatment had no consistent effects on CD4, CD8, or viral burden (Appendix D-3).
By comparison, the studies cited in Section 3 above indicate that the PAP IMI has a far
more beneficial effect on the immune system of AIDS patients.
Continue to
Part 2 of this study