Keywords: IPRI, bladder infections, Ischemic, diabetic, varicose ulcers, decubitus ulcers, genital herpes, edematous herrhoids, infections, AIDS, hypoxemia, pelvic pain, tissue, cystitis, genital herpes, erythema multiform, pemphigus, CD4+, T-lymphocyte, HIV, colitis, Kaposi's sarcoma, Pneumocystis, Carinii Pneumonia, Diarrhea, DNA, cancer, Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, tissue. The following topics, have been suggested and written by IPRI to NIH after two years experience and research with five PAP-IMI Devices. It should be clarified that these suggestions by IPRI are not inclusive of all the most important or the most representative topics for research with the PAP-IMI device. The PAP-IMI is an advanced electro therapeutic device, that produces ultra high peak power, very low caloric energy, non invasive magnetic pulses, modulated by an air plasma that, by remote action induces a high peak alternating electrical current, disperses electric charges and energy to ionic concentrations inside biological tissue. Therefore, the device is useful for causing ionic charge and discharge in biological tissues as well as to induce electrical energy to cells and tissues. In particular, it is hypothesized that, it may increase the transmembrane potential and porosity of cells.Thus, it may increase cellular activity and efficiency, which in turn may cause beneficial effects in affected tissues.
* Acute and chronic bladder infections "The effect of PAP-IMI Device, a high peak power, low energy, non-invasive Pulsed Electromagnetic Device on patients with acute and chronic bladder infections." Infections of the bladder are far more common in women than men end most often results from a bacterial infection or venereal disease. IPRI has accumulated evidence on various cases that high peak power electromagnetic pulses are able to eliminate many types of bladder infections. This study is suggested to show to what extend the PAP-IMI
* Ischemic, diabetic or varicose ulcers after failure of all conventional therapeutic measures." Ischemic, diabetic and varicose ulcers are a tremendous problem as they
occur in patients who are debilitated in one form or another. These present problems in
wound healing caused mainly by a compromise in blood supply to the affected area. If
neglected these ulcers can become infected and gangrene resulting in amputation may be the
outcome. This study is to show to what extend the PAP-IMI
* Non-healing decubitus ulcers after failure of all conventional therapeutic measures." Decubitus ulcer is defined as ischemic necrosis and ulceration of tissues overlying a bony prominence that has been subjected to prolonged pressure against an external object (e.g. bed, wheelchair, cast, and splint). It is most frequently seen inpatients who have diminished or absent sensation, or are debilitated, emaciated, paralyzed, or are otherwise long bedridden. Tissues over the sacrum, ischia, greater trochanters, external malleoli and heels are especially susceptible. Decubitus ulcers can affect not only superficial tissues, but also muscle and bone. Because of their locations,and the type of patient they occur in, they are difficult to heal. IPRI has accumulated evidence on various cases that high peak power electromagnetic pulses, are able to improve the healing of these ulcers by increasing the blood supply, stimulating the formation of granulation tissue and preventing secondary infection. This treatment combined with a well-balanced diet, high in protein, and proper care of the ulcer, such as relieving the pressure, may close these lesions without the intervention of surgery. This study is to show to what extend the PAP-IMI
There are many skin conditions of known and unknown causes that present therapy has either little success in treating or the side effects of the treatment outweigh the severity of the primary condition. Such diseases include genital herpes, erythema multiform, pemphigus and other recurrent inflammatory skin conditions. IPRI has accumulated evidence on various cases that high peak power electromagnetic pulses are able to improve or cure some, if not all, of these conditions. This study is to show to what extend the PAP-IMI
* Painful and edematous hemorrhoids External and internal hemorrhoids occur universally in children and adults. External hemorrhoids (perianal hematomas) usually are thrombosed and often ulcerate. They are almost always extremely painful conditions. Internal hemorrhoids are often asymptomatic but when they enter the second degree of their development they start bleeding. Third degree internal hemorrhoids prolapse and thus become edematous and can undergo strangulation, thrombosis or ulceration, which can lead to excruciating pain. IPRI has accumulated evidence on various cases that high peak power electromagnetic pulses are able to eliminate the edema and inflammation of the hemorrhoids and thus help the healing process. This study is to show to what extend the PAP-IMI
* Opportunistic infections in
patients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Anecdotal data has shown that, in vitro, the AIDS viruses in a blood sample will lose their infectious capability after being subjected to an electrical current. Repeated exposures to electrical current appears to leave blood virtually free of HIV, as well as hepatitis. It is also suggested that opportunistic infections such as Kaposi's sarcoma and many other forms of cancer, pneumonia and diarrhea can be controlled or improved through changing the membrane potential and porosity of a cell. This study is to show the effects of ultra high peak power very low
energy modulated electromagnetic exposure on opportunistic infections associated with AIDS
especially the effects on Kaposi's sarcoma and Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP).
The CD4+ T-lymphocyte is the primary target for HIV infection because of the affinity of the virus for the CD4 surface marker. The CD4+ T-lymphocyte coordinates a number of important immunological functions, and a loss of these functions results in progressive impairment of the immune response and increased susceptibility to infections.Studies of the natural history of HIV infections have documented a wide spectrum of disease manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic infection to life-threatening conditions characterized by severe Immuno deficiency, serious opportunistic infections, and cancers.Other studies have shown a strong association between the development of life-threatening opportunistic illnesses and the absolute number (per microliter of blood) or percentage ofCD4+ T-lymphocytes. As the number of CD4+ T-lymphocytes decreases, the risk and severity of opportunistic illnesses increases. Measures of CD4+ T-lymphocytes are used to guide clinical and therapeutic management of HIV-infected persons. Anti microbial prophylaxis and antiretroviral therapies have been shown to be most effective within certain levels of immune dysfunction. As a result, antiretroviral therapies have been shown to be most effective within certain levels of immune dysfunction. as a result, antiretroviral therapy should be considered for all persons with CD4+ T-lymphocytes of less than 500/:L, and prophylaxis against Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia (PCP), the most common serious opportunistic infection diagnosed in men and women with AIDS, is recommended for all persons with CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts of less than 200/:L and for persons who have had prior episodes of PCP. Because of these recommendations, CD4+ T-lymphocyte determinations are an integral part of medical management of HIV-infected persons in the United States. Anecdotal data has shown that, in vitro, the AIDS viruses in a blood sample will lose their infectious capability after being subjected to an electric current. This study is designed to show improvement in the helper T-cell count in patients with AIDS. Measurements of helper and suppressor T-cells, P-24 antigen level sand PCR viral DNA studies should be used as parameters to determine improvement in these patients.
* Chronic diarrhea in patients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus after failure of all conventional therapeutic measures." Diarrhea, caused by the cryptococcus organism, is a tremendous problem in those patients Anecdotal data has shown that, in vitro, the AIDS viruses in a blood sample will lose their infectious capability after being subjected to electromagnetic energy. Repeated exposure, appears to leave blood virtually free of HIV, as well as hepatitis. It is also suggested that opportunistic infections such cryptococcusenteritis and colitis, which leads to the diarrhea, can be controlled or improved through changing the membrane potential of a cell, restoring the reduced transmembrane potential and porosity of an unhealthy cell. This study is to demonstrate the effect of high peak power electrical pulses on AIDS patients suffering from intractable diarrhea.
In both acute and chronic pulmonary disease the symptoms of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) may occur. Briefly, what occurs is that plasma and blood leak into the interstitial and intra-alveolar spaces. Alveolar flooding and edema result and surfactant activity is reduced leading to atelectasis. Interstitial and bronchoalveolar inflammation then develops with proliferation of epithelial and interstitial cells and an increase in edema. In the chronic phase severe interstitial fibrosis may occur leading to low lung compliance. Associated bronchospasm will further increase the hypoxia that develops. IPRI has accumulated evidence on various cases that high peak power electromagnetic pulses can reduce intrapulmonary edema as well as reduce involuntary muscle spasm and thus reduce bronchospasm. By these mechanisms the hypoxia is relieved. This study is to establish to what extend the PAP-IMI
Pelvic pain is a common complaint. Its nature and intensity may fluctuate, and its cause is often obscure. Pelvic pain may originate in genital or extra genital organs. In some cases nopathology can be demonstrated. Causes include dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, cancer, direct irritation of nerves, etc. IPRI has accumulated evidence that high peak power electromagnetic
pulses are able to eliminate pelvic pain either due to smooth muscle spasm or inflammatory
conditions. This study is to establish to what extend the PAP-IMI