- Reporter: Karina Kelly
- Producer: Andrew Holland
- Researcher: Leonie Hansell
depression will strike one in five Australians at some stage during
their lives. The illness can have devastating effects - it is the
leading cause of suicide. Many people don’t respond to either drug
therapy or psychological counselling. For over 60 years the only
alternative has been ECT – more commonly known as shock therapy.
has some serious disadvantages, not the least of which is that it
frightens away many people who could benefit from treatment. But now
there is hope thanks to pioneering new research in Australia that is
developing an alternative treatment. The new therapy, Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS, uses pulsing magnetic fields to change
the way people feel.
Narration: Richard Stroud is bipolar. It’s a disorder which
brings with it serious depression that is ruining his life. He’d all
but given up hope of improvement before discovering this amazing
experimental treatment. Pulsing magnetic fields are being used to try
and change the way he feels.
Richard Stroud (patient):
This is most important to me. I mean I‘ve dropped everything in my
life… so I’m looking at this as close to a last chance effort of
getting well.
Narration: News of this treatment has
attracted patients from around Australia and from overseas. Richard
Stroud has come to Melbourne all the way from his home in LA. An
imaginative entrepreneur, he’d built a business turning over 10 million
dollars a year. But the business crashed as the demons of depression
took hold in his mind.
Richard Stroud: Your most
important asset, your mind, instead of being your friend and your
consort, suddenly becomes your enemy, and since it’s with you 24 hours
a day, you have an enemy with you that knows everything about you
working against you 24 hours a day. It’s a very intolerable position if
you will.
Narration: Richard tried almost every
imaginable treatment– endless combinations of drugs, and psychological
counselling. But his depression became so severe it nearly claimed his
Richard Stroud: It comes to your mind that the only
way that you would possibly stop it would be to be no longer. All you
have to do to die is to stop trying and pretty soon you’ll die.
This is one therapy Richard has intentionally avoided. -
Electroconvulsive Therapy, or ECT. For 60 years it’s been the last
resort for people suffering severe depression. While ECT helps many
patients, it does have serious disadvantages. It requires a general
anaesthetic, which always carries a risk. And many potential patients
are frightened away by the common side effect of memory loss.
Dr Paul Fitzgerald, Psychiatrist:
ECT - it does have a tendency to produce problems with people with
memory. In general most of those problems go away over time and are
short-lasting, but there can be some lasting effects and people get
very distressed by change in their memory.
Psychiatrist Paul Fitzgerald thinks he has an alternative to ECT. It’s
called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS. It has been tried
before without much success, and most doctors still doubt it works. But
now Paul and his team here at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne think
they’ve cracked the TMS puzzle.
Dr Paul Fitzgerald: I
started out, particularly in this area, quite sceptical about how
effective the TMS would be in depression. I have become convinced now
that it works - now its really about developing into a tool that is
highly clinically useful.
Narration: Richard is about to
have his first treatment. The figure eight shaped magnet produces a
short, intense magnetic pulse. Like the much older ECT, no-one knows
exactly how TMS can change a persons feelings, but Paul has a theory.
Dr Paul Fitzgerald:
Ee think in general that what happens is the magnetic pulses actually
induce the nerves in the brain to fire. Like they would normally when
the brain is active, but to make a large plastical groups of nerves
fire at the same time. And by making the nerve cells fire repeatedly we
gradually change their properties. By that I mean we can gradually make
those nerve cells more likely to fire or less likely to fire in the
Narration: That’s important because depressed
people have an imbalance in the activity on the two sides of their
brain. But by getting the intensity and frequency of the magnetic
pulses right, Fitzgerald believes you can ‘re-balance’ nerve cell
Dr Paul Fitzgerald: We’ve got a type of TMS
that increases brain activity, and we target that on the left side of
the brain to try and make the left side more active. And we also have
an approach that reduced brain activity, so we target that on the right
side of the brain.
Narration: Throughout the 10 minute process Richard remains conscious and in relative comfort.
Richard Stroud:
It felt like someone was tapping on the top of my head with a pencil
maybe. I was more interested in whether this thing was going to hurt or
not and it doesn’t.
Narration: It’s now four weeks
since Richard began his daily TMS treatments. It’s time to take a look
inside his head and see if things have changed. While his brain is
being scanned, Richard solves a series of puzzles that activate his
frontal cortex - the imbalanced area of the brain linked with
Dr Paul Fitzgerald: So these are the scans,
which he's had before and after his treatment. So on this scan what you
see is the area of activation in the brain that's produced when he's
doing those puzzles in the scanner. So he's thinking its activating
areas in both his right and his left pre frontal cortex.
Before treatment Richard was using a large area at the front of his
brain. But after TMS the scan reveals a dramatic decrease in the area
of brain needed to solve puzzles.
Dr Paul Fitzgerald:
After treatment it's significantly reduced. What this suggests is that
when he reports feeling better there is concrete evidence from his
brain that the TMS results in a reduction in activity in that area of
the brain. How that relates directly to him feeling better is something
we need to nut out, and we want to see that across multiple patients.
But it's certainly very supportive of what we think's going on.
And even better news is the patients themselves feel. All the
participants had failed to respond to both drug and psychological
therapy, but TMS has enabled almost half of them to recover from
Dr Paul Fitzgerald: It’s really been the
response of our patients that convinces us that it is an endeavour
worth pursuing. We’ve certainly got no doubt now that TMS works. It’s
really a matter now of refining treatment and ensuring we’re able to
deliver it in an effective way for the greatest number of patients.
There’s still a way to go before TMS becomes commonplace. Big companies
have been unwilling to invest in treatment that can’t be patented. But
if Richard’s experience is any guide, the long term future of TMS is
assured. He’s emerged from his depression, revitalised and
Richard Stroud: I’m alive again, its
marvellous. And its going to get better I can feel its going to get
better. This stuff is working. Thank God it’s working!
Story Contacts
Dr Paul Fitzgerald
Deputy Director
Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre
The Alfred Hospital
Commercial Road
Prahan Vic
Ph: +61 3 9276 6552
This is the number for Patients wanting information
Tim Brown
Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre
Alfred Hospital
Phone 03 9276 6596
Phone 03 9276 6592
Related Info
Beyond Blue- general resource on depression
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