Magnetic Pulses to Brain Improve Lazy Eye in Adults
By Ed EdelsonHealthDay ReporterFRIDAY,
July 18 (HealthDay News) — Correcting lazy eye in adults is supposed to
be impossible, but researchers report they have been able to do that —
at least partially and temporarily — by beaming magnetic pulses into
the brain.
Someone with lazy eye — ophthalmologists call it amblyopia
— has poor vision because one eye is weaker than the other. Early
treatment often has a child wearing a patch over the strong eye to
strengthen the weaker one, but the problem has been thought to be
untreatable in adulthood. Most of the estimated 6 million Americans
with amblyopia are adults.
"We know now that visual loss is
caused by poor processing in the cortex," said Benjamin Thompson, a
postdoctoral fellow in the ophthalmology department at McGill
University in Canada, and a member of the group reporting on the new
method in the July 22 issue of Current Biology. "Treatment usually addresses the problem with the eye, not with the cortex."
study was prompted in part by research at a number of institutions
showing that changes can occur in the adult brain, which until recently
was thought to be impossible.
The cortex is a vital part of the
brain, involved in vision among other functions. Work by other
researchers has shown that transcranial magnetic stimulation, in which
a rapid train of magnetic impulses is delivered to the brain through a
hand-held coil placed on the scalp, has been effective in stroke rehabilitation and is being tested against depression.
it was tried on nine adults with amblyopia, 15 minutes of magnetic
stimulation improved the sensitivity of the weaker eye temporarily,
Thompson said. In visual tests, they were able to see finer details
than before the treatment.
"We were surprised by how well it
worked," he said. "Vision in the amblyopic eye improved for at least 20
minutes after transcranial magnetic stimulation."
It was
admittedly a small trial, but "one of the issues we were addressing was
whether amblyopia could be treated in adults," Thompson said. "The
adult brain doesn't have the same capacity for change as in children."
are two ways to exploit the finding, and the McGill group plans to try
both of them, Thomson said. One route is to use multiple bouts of
transcranial stimulation.
"We've only tried a single dose so far
in our study," he said. "Now, we can look at the effect of repeated
doses. In depression, it seems they can have an effect."
other possibility is to use magnetic stimulation to prime the brain for
a rehabilitation program, a training regimen in which adults are asked
to perform a series of visual tasks. Recent studies have indicated that
such a perceptual training program can improve vision in amblyopic eyes.
will also have a parallel project, a training regime with stimuli to
both eyes, higher-contrast stimuli to the amblyopic eye," Thompson
said. "We hope that repeated exposure will bring improvement."
report is one of several indicating that the adult brain has more
capacity for change than had been thought, said Dr. Robert Cykiert, a
clinical associate professor of ophthalmology at New York University.
eye occurs because the proper connections between the eye and the
cortex do not form early in life, Cykiert explained. "We thought that
if the connections do not form by age 10 or so, it is too late."
McGill study indicates otherwise, he noted. "The study has very
preliminary results, but obviously this may lead to other related or
similar treatments that may have a more lasting effect," Cykiert said.
"What we might be able to do is to allow people with lazy eye to have
treatments that stimulate that part of the brain."
Benjamin Thompson, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow, ophthalmology
department, McGill University, Montreal; Robert Cykiert, clinical
associate professor, ophthalmology, New York University, New York City;
July 22, 2008, Current Biology
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