A Report by the Patient's Daughter
By Rulla de Lucci
Tel./Fax : +
301-5232723 January
Keywords: Meniscus Tear, Femur Joint
Implant, Headaches, Cough.
Female, 82-83 years old
Patient's Medical History:
In 1952. The patient suffered total loss of
In 1955, 1958,
1962. She had three hearing corrective operations, partially recovering
hearing from the right ear. She was using a hearing aid. Nevertheless, for the
last fifty years the patient had suffered from a continuous “wind blowing”
sensation on her head and she would suffer severe headaches whenever exposed to
air drafts.
In 1996. The patient suffered a stroke,
and subsequently, she was hospitalized three times for the same reasons. The
patient was very problematic, taking irregularly her medication. She suffered
related dizziness, weakness and particularly, heavy nocturnal cough.
In 1998. The patient felt broke her left
forearm’s ulna and was placed in cast. Because of this accident, she continued
to feel pain and irritation two years later.
In 1999. The patient broke her right
femur, and underwent a joint implant operation. A year after the surgery, the
patient was still feeling pain and stiffness. She was limping and using a cane
to walk.
In 2001. The patient
suffered meniscus tear at her right knee. Her knee developed edema and she was
feeling intense pain and was unable to walk. The patient was hospitalized for
three weeks, with the intention to have an operation. At the hospital, after
the persistent suggestions of her family, the patient had PAP IMI treatments
that were available there, while she was prepared for the meniscus surgery,
having for it, several laboratory tests, scintigraphic examinations, x-rays,
CAT scan, MRI etc.
The patient had PAP IMI several treatments at two
different periods: At Dr. Pappas laboratory for five weeks, in June and July
2000; at the hospital for three weeks in May 2001 and at the patient’s home
from June to October 2001.
A. The patient had ten PAP IMI treatments for 20
minutes each, at left, right side and on top of the head.
The “wind” sensation inside her head vanished and the severe headaches stopped,
practically for the first time after fifty years.
B. The patient had three treatments for 15 minutes at
her forearm.
Results: The irritating feeling of heaviness at the bone,
the weakness of her forearm, the occasional pain and the general sensitivity of
her arm, since the accident, two years earlier, were totally cleared.
C. The patient had five treatments for eight minutes
at the proximity of the femur implant area.
Results: After the first treatment, the patient was
relieved of pain and could walk without the cane. After the fifth exposure, she
recovered total freedom of movement of her leg. No effects from the implant
were noticed.
PERIOD PAP IMI Treatments from
May to October 2001
A. In May 2001. The patient had
intensive PAP IMI treatments at the hospital for three weeks, while the patient
was there for a preparation and surgery for her meniscus tear. During the first
week, the patient had PAP IMI exposures twice a day for thirty minutes each
time and the following two weeks the exposures were reduced to once a day.
Results: At the first week of treatment all swelling
over the meniscus was gone. By the second week, all pain was gone and the
patient could walk with the help of a cane. As a result, the patient’s
operation was first postponed and then canceled and the patient walked out of
the hospital without getting on the surgery table.
B. June to November
After the patient left the hospital, because of PAP IMI unexpected great
success, the patient acquired a PAP IMI device for her home and continued
exposures two or three times a week at her knees. Besides treating and
strengthening both knees, the patient
had the opportunity at her choice to treat all different points she considered having a minor
problem, that is mostly, aches and pains all over.
I mention below a few among the significant results
from the PAP IMI exposures at patient’s choice:
The patient’s gingivae stopped bleeding.
The patient’s weak and loosen teeth were strengthened
enough that her dentist is reconsidering pulling the rest of the teeth out to
place a denture. The doctor thinks that her teeth can hold a bridge now.
After the patient had twice a week for eight minutes
treatments at the Thymus gland, over the lungs and with a proximity to the
heart, the patient’s heavy coughing was significantly reduced. The patient was
also and she is now able to sleep and rest better at night. In general, she is
a much calmer and pliable person now.
My comments: A.R., my 83 year mother and
elder person with several health problems, was able to reach a much better
quality of life with various PAP IMI sessions. It seems to me that PAP IMI
treatments were the best I could offer to my mother and the most ideal health
gift that could be offered to all elder people with inevitable various problems
like my mother’s. I strongly recommend PAP IMI for elder people.
Roula De Luci
any inquiry
Tel./Fax :
+ 301-5232723