NOTICE the previous result:
Δt=γ(Δt1-Δx1u/c2)=-γΔx1u/c2 |
Let us consider that the left system sees Δx1optically, and in the mean time moves with velocity u:
Δt=(Δx1 -Δtu)/c=Δx1/c -Δtu/c: Δt(1+u/c)=Δx1/c:
Δt=Δx1/c(1+u/c)=Δx1/(c+u): so there is a delay, due to seeing simultaneously by receiving from both ends of Δx1, signals at time difference Δt=Δx1/(c+u): So the above result in the box, is not due to time delay of light propagation with velocity c.
It is the result of Lorentz transformations, which are though relative, an objective reality for left system, not only based to the finite velocity c, but mainly to its invariance: c+u=c.