A normal cell has an electrical potential difference between the cell inner part and its environment of 70 milivolts ,shortly mv, called the4trnsmebrane potential of the cell- TMP A cancer cell, on the contrary, has TMP of 15 mv - nobel prize of Saint Giorgi of 1978. The PAPIMI Device was designed with the theoretical option to increase the TMP of the cell.

Many cancer patien (breast cancer, colon cancer, prostrate cancer, brain cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and much more.) treated intensively and systematically. daily with PAPIMI at high power accidentally were cured from cancer. However, no "double blinded clinical studies"  as they are called, were run, as it is required practically in Medicine' For ethically reasons, we could not cheat cancer patients like this. A "double blinded test" requires two groups of patients to be supposedly treated. The one group should be really treated. The other group of patients should be cheated with a fake device doing nothing -  this group is called the placebo group. The results on cancer are found by comparing the two groups whether the first group which was really treated, has improved and the other group which was cheated has going down actually closer to death.

We have run no such criminal tests  to prove that PAPIMI may treat cancer. So PAPIMI is only theoretically against cancer at the moment.