INTERVIEW WITH DR By Rulla de Lucci |
February 2001 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an identified condition with its medical basis having roots in the function or in the pathology of our organs. We can classify, study and very often manage it successfully, if we deal with fatigue, as the preceding symptoms of an organic disease and look for the underlying problems indicating the oncoming of its serious manifestation. We should always insist on a thorough medical check-up and in observing the fatigue pick curve: Morning, Afternoon and/or Night, or Continuous on a daily basis. Morning Fatigue SymptomsWhether a person awakes up refreshed or tired in the morning, it usually depends on the function of the liver. When a patient awakes up tired and, as the daily activities go on, he becomes even more tired, we could say that the liver, very important organ of our body “has lowered its rhythm”. Usually, the patient feels better only when he lies down to rest or to sleep a lot, also, he cannot concentrate, he becomes easily aggravated and blows up, and then he gets depressed. We very often notice the patient to be suffering from chronic asthmatic bronchitis, headaches, eczema and several rheumatic ailments as well. These same ailments are usually observed among other members of the same family If fatigue is left untreated the patient might eventually develop ailments such as chronic bronchitis, mesopharygitis, dyspepsia - due to the duodenum rather than the stomach, colitis, cysts, thyroid gland malfunction - towards hypothyroidism, skin pruritus, erythroderma and even psoriasis. Afternoon and Evening Fatigue SymptomsAfter
hard physical or mental work, it is natural to feel tired in the afternoon
or evening; but in case of chronic fatigue, a patient feels more tired
than work can justify. The patient does not rest well during sleep and weakness starts late in the morning that gradually increases to the point of feeling pain, cramps, heaviness at the lower limps, memory decrease, anxiety, depression. The patient eventually might suffer from dystonia of the sympathetic nervous system, colitis with “blowing up” of the large intestine, procardiac pain, degenerative arthritis mainly of the spine column, sexual problems and from having cold feeling of the body and limps. In general, although all these problems seem to be related to the patient’s psychological state, these symptoms usually precede organic diseases. Continuous Fatigue Symptoms For months, the patient feels tired all day, goes to bed tired, gets up tired and finally one day he awakes up with a serious pathological problem. Classical
medical standard, deals with this situation, usually, with psychiatric
therapy and antidepressant medication. The patient though, after the
manifestation of the disease, reacts badly to all medication because the
body is unable to metabolize it efficiently. The
patient usually exhibits a great degree of sensitivity in the respiratory
system and to chronic infections, colitis, cystitis, rheumatism, viruses,
melancholy, depression and memory “clouding”. In other words they feel
aged. |