to the
PAPIMI™ SYMPOSIUM 2003on Saturday, 8th of November 2003
Wellness-Hotel Hubertushof in Adnet / Salzburg, Austria
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We kindly want to invite to our next international PAP IMI-Symposium that will take place in Adnet/Salzburg from Friday, 7th of November until Sunday, 9th of November 2003. This Symposium will offer you the opportunity to discuss with Prof. Dr. Pappas and your colleagues, the experiences with the ion-induction-therapy and the possibility of the treatment of various illnesses, to learn more about those treatment combinations that have been discovered by some of your colleagues, and to get informed in the newest scientific discoveries regarding PAP IMI.
According to the last Symposium in autumn 2003 of course all lessons will be filmed and presented on Video and DVD as well as a written booklet will be made with all lessons.
The Symposium itself will take place on Saturday, 8th of November at 10.00 p.m. and will last – according to the experiences of the last two years – until the evening hours.
Therefore we advise those of you, who do not live in the area around Salzburg or Munich to check in on Friday evening and to stay until Sunday morning.
The programme of the Symposium you may find on the back-sheet of this invitation as well as a route-map how to come to Hotel Hubertushof.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Symposium!
Saturday, 08th of November 2003
10.00 a.m. Introduction by Alpha.Omega.Group GmbH
10.15 a.m. Dr. med. Frank Andrδ, Hamburg and San Remo/Italy:
„Practical experiences and theories on PAP IMI - PIT-Falls“
11.30 h Dr. med. Wilhelm Horkel, Starnberg:
„A summary of experiences with PAP IMI after 6 years of work with the device“
12.15 h Dr. med. Siegfried Hampl, Lindenberg:
“Experiences with PAP IMI in the medical practice”
13.00 h Lunch-break
14.30 h Dr. med. Reinhard Danne, Augsburg:
„Ionized minerals and PAPIMI.Practical experiences and scientific background.“
15.00 h Dr. med. Thomas Koch, Ingelheim:
„Experiences with PAP IMI in the medical practice“
15.30 h Dr. med. Desanka Petricevic-Riedl:
„Treatments of neurological and psychiatric patients“
16.15 h Dr. Chuck Wallach, Bio-Energy-Services, Inc., PAP IMI Headquarter USA:
“PAP IMI in the USA and treatments of race-horses”
17.15 h Prof. Dr. Dr. Panagiotis P. Pappas:
„Pappas’ physiology of the cell and its atomic energy“
18.00 h Discussion and round-table-talks
20.00 h Dinner
For detailed
information please look on to www.hotel-hubertushof.at
. If
you arrive by airplane or train, please choose the destination Salzburg and then
take a taxi to Adnet / Hotel Hubertushof. Alpha.Omega.Group
GmbH may offer a shuttle-service but please note that we have only small