Keywords: Exposing Sowing
Beans, pure activated water, pure nonactivated water, DNA grouth schedule, stay clean, get
rotten, develop parasites.
Experiments carried by Nick Vavlis
19, Maggnisias Street, Nea Smyrna, (Athens), Greece, 17121
Tel.: +301-9324370
More pictures will be posted as the experiments progress.
Sowing Peas Seeds, Day 1
Sowing Peas,
X Day after |

sowing peas with PAP IMI Probe |
Sowing Beans after X Day
Exposures |

Exposing sowing beans
with PAP IMI Probe |
Sowing Beans, 9 Day

2. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
1. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Peas, 14 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with activated water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Peas, 14 day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated
water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Beans, 17 day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated
water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Peas, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated
water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Peas, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated
water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Beans, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated
water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
Sowing Beans, 17 Day

1. After Exposed to PAP IMI and watered with actvated
water, it grows faster.
2. After Watered with non activated water and not exposed. |
All Plants exposed to PAP IMI pulses grow significantly
faster in comparison to twin non exposed plants. |
Sowing Beans after one Month

Both plants, exposed (white pot) and non exposed (black
pot) developed to about the same size finally after a month, indicating their DNA growth
schedule developed the same for both seeds exposed and non exposed. However, the exposed
plant grew up much faster, too, as it was indicated in the previous pictures. Nevertheless
the new clones of second generation of the exposed plant in the white pot grow
significantly taller and faster. Experiments are in progress 14/4/1999.
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