APPENDIX B-1. Case History Summaries of AIDS Patients Treated by N. Tsilimigakis, MD at the Scientific Institute for Bioenergy

Keyword: Kathidermo, Vitamin C, Diarrhea, Fatigue, lymphodentitis, Hodglin's diseas, emaciation, Anemia, leukopenia, lymph node swelling, CD4, AZT, Fever, DD1, 3TC, cervical lymph node, non-Hodglin's diseas, Chemotheraph, AIDS, Intestinal and stomach ulcers, Eye problems, Brain damage, Burnings, Fractures, Dermatopathy, Cosmetology.

December 14 , 1995

Scientific Institute for Bioenergy
15, Foivis Street, Glyfas, Athens 16674, Greece.


The Tsilimigakis Protocol


The Tsilimigakis method employs three devices in addition to use of vitamin and mineral supplements. These include:

a) an electronic acupuncture device that administers DC square wave pulses (30 - 60 volts) at approximately 10 Hertz
b) an ammeter diagnostic device for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition by measuring body conductivity, and
c) the PAP IMI device that administers high power, short duration magnetic pulses.

Microcurrent treatment:

Gold plated acupuncture needle electrodes are inserted vertically to a depth of about half a centimeter (3 to 5 millimeters) into the web between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. About 30 to 60 volts in the form of 10 Hertz DC square wave pulses, generated by a WO-10B Multiple Electronic Acupunctoscope, is administered to the patient for about half an hour via the implanted electrodes. The voltage is gradually increased until the patient's tolerance level is reached. T he polarity is chosen so that the right hand needle is made positive. The treatment is done twice a week until the patient's tissue conductivity is raised to a level typical of a healthy individual, as measured by the body electrobalance diagnosis techniq ue described below.

Body electro-balance diagnosis technique:

The body electro-balance diagnosis technique is carried out by using a Kathidermo H. F. device which measures the body's tissue conductivity (milliamp current conduction) while applying 45 volts DC to a pai r of 1.5 cm diameter tubular hand grips held tightly in each palm. The Kathidermo is a constant current 45 volt power supply. So regardless of the value of the patient's body conductivity, the power supply delivers a constant flow of current which may be increased by turning a knob on the control panel. The current flow is progressively increased until the patient's tolerance level is reached, at which point the amount of current (l) being delivered is read from a meter. The patient's body conductivity is then calculated accordingly (i.e., conductivity = i/45 volts).

All patients are found to have low tissue conductivities, drawing less than 4 milliamps at 45 volts, often 'as low drawing as little as 2 to 3 milliamps (45 to 65 micro mhos). Healthy patients generally yield currents of 4 to 5 milliamps (90 to 110 mic ro mhos). The measurements are fairly consistent. Most of the conductivity includes passage along the left and right hand and the upper body. The skin resistance contributes a smaller part. Most of the conductivity may be due to the electrolytic conductiv ity of the blood.

With progressive microcurrent treatments, the measured body conductivity is found to increase fairly consistently over a period of one to several months, rising from initially low unhealthy values to more normal values of around 4 milliamps per 45 volt s. During the same time, the physical condition of the patient improves accordingly.

PAP IMI treatment:

The patient is usually treated with PAP-M device for about 20 minutes twice each week. He receives these treatments with the same frequency as with the microcurrent device. He treats for about 6 to 18 minutes locally on the infec ted region or area that is giving problems and for about 6 minutes on the thymus for general immune system stimulation. In case pain develops in the treated location, the doses are reduced locally or discontinued for a period of time and then repeated acc ording to the normal protocol. Otherwise significant irritation and pain may develop. The microcurrent treatments are done in conjunction with the PAP IMI treatments until the patient s body electrobalance has achieved the proper level. Thereafter, the pa tient receives just PAP IMI treatments.

More about the combination therapy:

The microcurrent and PAP IMI treatment techniques were found to mutually benefit one another. Roughly speaking, the effectiveness of either technique used in isolation was found to be improved by 10 fold when both were used together. Improved tissue conductivity, body electro balance, not only improves the general condition of the patient, but also prepares the patient's body to better receive the PAP M treatments, thereby enhancing their effectiveness.

In general Dr. Tsilimigakis prescribes vitamins and trace metal minerals to his patients. For AIDS he prescribes large doses of vitamin C (beginning with 6 grams per day for the first week) and minerals (about one tablet per day), the particular dosage being dependent on their condition. For example, if the patient has diarrhea, the dose is reduced to a point which may be tolerated. Subsequently, Dr. Tsilimigakis adjusts the dose according to the condition, using his own experience and intuition.

Usage of PAP IMI: In all cases, except AIDS Case 1, the PAP IMI was used from the beginning of the patient's therapy in conjunction with the microcurrent therapy. In AIDS Case 1, the patient began with microcurrent therapy and after 21 months her treatments began to be supplemented with PAP IMI treatments, whereupon her recovery accelerated significantly.



AIDS Cases

Case 1
Patient: S.T.Female, 30 years old
Therapy period: November, 1992 - present

A. Method of therapy:

1.Use of diagnostic device for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition .
2. Use of the micro-current device,
3. Use of the PAP-M device beginning in August 1994.

At the beginning of the therapy, the patient was also receiving AZT, but stopped some months after beginning the PAP IMI treatments.

B. Clinical condition before beginning therapy:

Significant fatigue, lymphadenitis, Hodgkin's disease, emaciation, weight down to 46 kg (101 1b).

C. Laboratory findings before beginning therapy

Anemia, leukopenia, CD4 count = 29.

D. Patient development during therapy:

1. Patient began microcurrents therapy in November 1992. During the first month of therapy: A significant improvement of the physical condition, recession of the anemia , restitution of the white cell count to normal levels, a weight in crease of 3 kg (6.6 1b), and an improvement of body electro-balance indices.

2. By the end of the second month of therapy: Excellent physical condition, normal counts for red and white blood cells, a weight increase of 4 kg (9 1b), body electro-balance field indices return to normal.

3. By the end of the six month of therapy: Excellent physical condition, full vocational activities, a complete reduction in lymph node swelling, weight recovery to pre-illness level: 56 kg (123 1b), CD4 count = 90

4. By the end of the first year of therapy: Clinical condition is excellent, CD4 count = 120.

5. By end of the second year of therapy: Clinical condition is excellent. Note that the treatment is supplemented with PAP IMI treatments in the ninth month of this second year of therapy (August 1, 1994). Treatments are given to the th ymus region. The patient's recovery accelerates.

6. On June 25, 1994: CD4 count = 168. On December 9, 1994: CD4 count = 312, almost doubling in 5'/2 months. Excited and encouraged with the unexpected increase, the patient travels to France and discontinues therapy for 4 mon ths, whereupon CD 4 count drops by two-thirds - On April 24, 1995 CD4 = 201. Thereafter, the patient recontinues therapy.

7. By the end of the third year of treatment in December 1995: CD4 count has climbed to 350. During this year, no other medication for HIV is being taken. Physical condition is excellent.

8. Again encouraged by the increase in T cell count, the patient leaves treatment. A blood test made in June 1996 indicates a CD4 = 230, indicating that her CD4 count again had dropped by two-thirds in the intervening 6 months. However, more recently in October 1996 test results showed that the AIDS virus had dropped below detectable levels in her blood (according to reports received from the patient and her doctors). In the intervening 10 months since she discontinued PAP IMI treatment s she had taken no other AIDS therapy.

Case 2
Patient: K.H.
Male, 60 years old

A. Method of treatment:

1. Use of diagnostic device for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition,
2. Use of the microcurrent device,
3. Use of the PAP-IMI device,
4. Intake of large doses of vitamin C,
5. Intake of trace minerals.

B. Clinical condition before treatment:

Significant fatigue, emaciation, continuous fever 40-42° C (104-107.6° F) for two months with no response to continuous antibiotic intake, pneumonia carinii, diarrheal syndrome.

C. Laboratory findings before treatment:

Anemia, leukopenia, CD4 count = 10.

D. Patient development during treatment application:

1. With the application of the Tsilimigakis therapy and with all the antibiotics being discontinued, during the first 10 days the patient's temperature dropped to 37-37.5° C (98.6-99.5° F).

2.By the end of the second month of treatment the patient shows complete restitution of his body electro-balance condition. Patient's physical condition has become excellent, significant improvement to the laboratory indices. Patient re turns to work. CD4 count = 24. Complete cure from pneumonia. Weight increases by 4 kg (9 1b).

3.By the end of the first semester: Excellent physical condition. Lung X ray examination normal, weight recovery to normal from 60 kg (before) (132 1b), to 76 kg (after) (168 1b). To our knowledge no medication against H IV was taken by the patient during the entire period of the therapy.

Case 3
Patient: B. D.
Male, 47 years old

A. Method of treatment:

1. Use of diagnostic devices for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition,
2. Use of the microcurrent device,
3. Use of the PAP-IMI,
4. Intake of soluble Vitamin C (6 grams/day for first week and 1 gram/day thereafter), trace minerals, multivitamins, iron. Iron capsules (Microferre®) were given for treatment of anemia.

B. Clinical condition before treatment:

Significant fatigue, significant emaciation, continuous diarrheal syndrome, excessive anemia.

C. Laboratory findings before treatment:

Anemia, HT = 22, leukopenia, CD4 count = 30.

D. Patient development during treatment application:

The application of Dr. Tsilimigakis' treatment resulted in a significant improvement of the patient's physical condition during the first month. Weight increased by 4 kg (9 1b). There w as significant improvement in the laboratory findings. The body electro-balance condition got to the normal level for healthy persons. Diarrhea became intermittent. Patient returned to his work. By the end of the first semester, patient had an excellent p hysical condition, regained normal body weight. On September 11, 1995: CD4 count = 113. Patient was not taking any medication against HIV.

Case 4
Patient: B. A.
Male, 30 years old

A. Method of treatment:

1. Use of diagnostic devices for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition,
2. Use of the microcurrent device,
3. Use of the PAP-IMI device,
4. Intake of large doses of vitamin C,
5. Intake of vitamins and trace minerals.

B. Clinical condition before treatment:

Significant fatigue, emaciation, continuous fever 38-39° C (100-102° F), diarrheal syndrome, weight 56 kg (123 1b).

C. Laboratory findings before treatment:

Anemia, significant reduction of blood platelet count (28,000), CD4 count = 70, significant reduction of white cell count.

D. Patient's development during treatment application:

a. During the first two weeks, the patient showed improvement in his physical condition, weight increased by 2 kg (4-1/2 1b), reduction in the frequency of diarrhea.

b. By the end of the first month of therapy the patient exhibited a sufficiently good physical condition, weight increased by 3 kg (6-1/2 1b) [total increase in the first month 5 kg (11 1b)]. Diarrhea stopped completely. Laboratory verified improvement of anemia, HT = 31, restitution of white cells to a normal healthy level. Platelet count increased to 48,000. Patient was able to leave the hospital to receive the Tsilimigakis treatment and was receiving combinations of AZT, DDI, and 3TC.

Case 5
Patient: M. K.
Male, 30 years old

A. Method of treatment:

1. Use of diagnostic devices for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition,
2. Use of the microcurrent device,
3. Use of the PAP-IMI device,
4. Intake of large doses of vitamin C,
5. Intake of trace minerals.

B. Clinical condition before treatment:

Significant fatigue, excessive lymphadenitis of cervical lymph nodes due to non-Hodgkin's disease lymphoma

C. Laboratory findings before treatment:

Anemia, reduction of white cell count, CD4 count = 300.

D. Patient's development during treatment application:

a. By the end of two weeks, the patient shows improvement of his physical condition, reduction in the swelling of cervical lymph nodes.

b. By the end of the first month: Excellent physical condition, further reduction of swollen cervical lymph nodes. Laboratory tests for red and white cells are normal.

c. By the end of the second month, the lymphoma swelling had entirely disappeared.

The patient was taking AZT, DDI and had been through chemotherapy without any positive effect.

Case 6

A. Method of treatment:

1. Use of a diagnostic device for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition,
2. Use of the microcurrent device,
3. Use of the PAP-IMI device,
4. Intake of vitamins and minerals.

B. Patient development during treatment application:

The patient was HIV positive but had no symptoms of AIDS. The method was applied provisionally three times per week over a one month period. There was a significant increase of CD4 cells: initial CD4 count = 320, rises to CD4 = 450 after o ne month, without any drug intake.

Case 7

A. Method of treatment:

1. Use of a diagnostic device for assessing the patient's body electro-balance condition,
2. Use of the microcurrent device,
3. Use of the PAP-IMI device,
4. Intake of vitamins and minerals.

B. Patient development during treatment application:

The patient was HIV positive but had no symptoms of AIDS. The method was applied provisionally three times per week over a one month period. There was a sigruficant increase of CD4 cells: initial CD4 count = 410, rises to CD4 = 650 after one month, wit hout any drug intake.

Suggestions for Optimizing the Treatment Method


Patients usually leave treatment after two months because: 1) they are encouraged by the significant improvement of their physical condition and 2) because of financial difficulty to self cover the treatmen ts (not yet covered by health insurance). As a result, they do not follow our recommendations and instead decrease the number of treatments they receive.


Similarly, there is a problem of follow up and of retrieving laboratory examinations taken in major hospitals where the AIDS patients initially report and receive treatments. Major hospitals are unwilling to cooperate in carrying out examinations we recommend, as well as in providing existing results.


I suggest two solutions to this problem. The first is a short term solution, namely to provide financial support to supplement the expenses for the patient's therapy and required examinations. The second solution is to set up a specialized center in the form of a clinic or hospital for the proper self application of the therapy method. Presently, the application of the method involves many problems and difficulties, and as a result does not attain the efficacy which ideally could have been achieved.


Follow up for patients treated for AIDS and other major diseases, the patient's body electro-balance condition is very important. Many years of experience and many stages of research have taught us what is seen daily in curative medi cine, i.e., that patients with more serious adverse prognoses often complete more successful follow ups as compared with others that have less serious adverse prognoses. A decisive factor is the general condition of the patient's body electro-balance, whi ch does not show up in partial laboratory findings and prognosis.

If the patient's state defined by all his laboratory and clinical findings is represented as A , and if the state of his body electro-balance condition - not included in his laboratory and clinical description - is represented as B , then his true cond ition is the resultant of both states A and B, given by their product A x B. This is confirmed in the above cases which show that the patient's overall condition immediately following body electro-balance treatments is much better and optimistic than the c ondition expected by the laboratory findings alone.

In the present situation, the diagnosis of a patient's body electro-balance condition is considered very important for setting the plan for his therapy.


The present therapeutic method, besides having application to AIDS, has also been used to successfully treat various types of cancer. As indicated by the impressive and increasing number of successes, the techruque has also yielded positive results with the following:


bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Rheumatic diseases, bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Eye problems and conditions,
bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Asthma, bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Brain damage,
bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Intestinal and stomach ulcers, bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Dermatopathy and skin diseases,
bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Burnings and various edemas, bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Various inflammatory diseases,


bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Fractures with an impressive speed of healing, bull-blue.gif (97 bytes) Cosmetology.

This method may also provide significant results in the prognosis and prevention of diseases as well as in retarding the cellular aging process.



Nick Tsilimigakis, MD
December 14, 1995
Updated:9/20/96 & 10/15/96


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