Translation of story published in the Adesmeftos Newspaper
(October 15 & 16, 1995, Athens, Greece)

Keywords: AIDS, "Electrostatic field", Principles of acupuncture, diabetes, pulsed laser, antibiotics, diathermies, fever, pneumonia, diarrhea, vomiting, aching feet, back, loos of apetite.


Oct. 15, front page : 2 Greek scientists raise from the dead 5 seriously ill patients
Funding from the Common Market for a scientific research program
Page 24 - 25 : Greek Scientists Strengthen Patients' Immune Systems

"Current" of Life for AIDS and Cancer

Original Therapeutic Method with Phenomenal Results


Dr. Tsilimigakis has obtained stunning results for hundreds of patients, five of which suffered from AIDS in its late stage and many of whom had cancer and were destined to await death.

Without monetary reward, Dr. Tsilimigakis applied his therapeutic method to the 5 AIDS patients who had no hope of living. A short time after starting the therapy, the patients began to pick up weight, their physical condition and immune system had improved, and they were able to carry on a normal lifestyle. Similar results were observed in several cancer patients whom the hospitals had thought could not be helped by any medical technique.

Dr. Tsilimigakis and professor of physics - inventor Dr. Panagiotis Pappas, along with 14 other scientists (biologists, physicists, doctors, etc.), have already submitted studies for the method to the European Union under the program "Electrostatic Fields, the Bioelectromagnetic Field, and the Immune System." Their proposal is to be considered for funding in 1996.

Three Systems

The treatment method utilizes three machines. The first is a machine that measures the human energy field based on the principles of acupuncture. The second is a machine that passes electric current through the skin. In both machines, says Dr. Tsilimigakis there are negative and positive poles which are placed on the palms of the patients hands and on the back sides of the hands. The third machine is a Greek invention, which magnetically induces electric current at points in the body where there is a problem. The first two machines are operated in accordance with acupuncture energy field principles and with a knowledge of each individual's skin conductivity. The machine in which the poles are held in the palms can also aid in disease prevention in that it not only measures a patient's therapeutic progress but also allows a foreknowledge of any future disease based on skin conductivity.


As Dr. Tsilimigakis points out, conclusions regarding the skin conductivity of healthy and ill persons were based on measurements of 1000 individuals. With the second machine a special pulsed current is conducted through the body by means of two golden needles placed on the back of the hand. "Here in Greece," Dr. Tsilimigakis added, "the combination of the three machines has been used for 3 years with some phenomenal results. The AIDS patients were encouraged and their physical condition was improved.Earlier publication of these investigational results could not be made until a reasonable number of cases had been studied. Now we're publicizing the information to promote further improvements and to develop a systematic study at a broader university level so the most efficient therapeutic methods can be found. These applications concern not only patients with AIDS or cancer, but also patients with arthritis, stomach ulcers, pneumonic ulcers, and bone fractures.

The Lightning Bolts Led him to the Discovery

An accidental discovery may mean life for millions of patients suffering from AIDS, cancer, and other diseases.

The Greek inventor, professor of physics Dr. Panagiotis Pappas, who manufactured the electric current/magnetic induction device called PAP IMI 300, owes this invention to a chance happening and of course to his intensive inclination for investigation. Up to 1984 the object of his work was atmospheric electricity and the invention of lightning arrestor devices. Winner of a Fulbright postdoctoral research scholarship, he went to MIT along with his pregnant wife, where he worked with professor Graneau and his son who was working toward his PhD in physics at Oxford. The investigational activities concerned electric discharges of the order of 10,000 amperes and 45,000 volts.

Just before the completion of his research, Professor Graneau asked Dr. Pappas to transfer his research results to his son because, according to the prognosis of his doctors, he was not going to live long due to many cancerous tumors all over his body. But the professor lived. The only logical explanation was that the growth of his tumors was arrested as a result of his exposure to strong electromagnetic fields generated by the artificial thunder bolts. There was a danger," Dr. Pappas added, "that these fields could have caused side effects to my pregnant wife, but they didn't. So this was a mystery for me. Then I looked up the international medical bibliography which referred to instances of unexplained therapy of tumors." "These instances led me," Dr . Pappas added, "to change the course of my research and to turn in this direction. I met the assistant of Professor R. Rife who conducted similar cancer treatment tests and methods at Scripps Hospital in the USA and I studied related works of Lakofski, Priori, Tonto, and Rapsomanikis that concerned the operation of pulsed lasers and diathermies."

"After 10 years of continuous research," Dr. Pappas added "I succeeded in the development of this invention which has now resulted in investigational programs in the USA, Central Europe, Canada, and Greece."

Greek Newspaper: Adesmeftos
October 16, 1995

"How We Conquered Cancer and AIDS"

"A. P." (Adesmeftos Press) brought to light yesterday the miracle of two Greek scientists who managed to "keep" alive patients with AIDS and cancer!

Five of these patients speak today to "A.P." about the results of the pioneering therapeutic method to which they were subjected. The 49 year old Basil, a decorator by profession, was found to be an AIDS patient after an attack of pneumonia that sent h im to the hospital. He was diagnosed in March 1994 and on Easter he went to London since he had diarrhea, high fever, vomiting and other symptoms that were a result of the disease. "In June 1995 I started going for therapy to Dr. Nick Tsilimigakis. From t he first month I saw noticeable improvement in my physical condition during which time I picked up 5 kgs. The second month I gained 4 kilos more and reached my normal weight. In addition, while before the therapy I felt like a dead body - I was dragged an d couldn't walk, after the therapy all these symptoms disappeared. I livened up quickly, started eating regularly, and began to work again."

Another AIDS patient, Nikos, 66 years old, couldn't walk when he went to see Dr. Tsilimigakis. His weight had dropped from 81 kilos to 63 kilos, he had high fever (40 - 41 C, 104 - 106 F), and the doctor he had visited at the hospital had diagnosed the type of pneumonia that shows up in AIDS patients at the last stage.


"The first month I gained 6 kilos, and 6 kilos more the second month of therapy. I started walking without any problem and continued the therapy for 9 months while I was also taking the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor who had diagnosed the disease. In the summer I went back to my hometown and, because I had my doubts about the therapy, didn't continue it. I thought I had become well from the antibiotics. At the end of the summer I couldn't walk again and started to feel very weak. So I started the therapy again and immediately I started feeling better."

The first terminal stage AIDS patient subjected to the therapy at no charge experienced similar results. She is a 28 year old photographer who from the first month started gaining back the kilos she had lost and went back to her work, as Dr. Tsilimigak is told the "A.P." reporter. Another patient, the 60 year old John Davaris, who had cancer of the colon, had undergone surgery three times. The doctors had decided he couldn't have any further (surgical) therapy. "Before I started the (PAP IMI) therapy, M r. Davaris says, I felt weak and couldn't eat. After 5 months of therapy with Dr. Tsilimigakis I started feeling strong and was eating normally."


Finally a 65 year old lady from Chalkis, Greece, Mrs. K. M., when she came for the first timeto Dr. Tsilimigakis, was suffering from aching feet, aching back, loss of appetite, and was unable to walk. "Before I started the therapy," she said to the "A.P." reporter, "I had gone to the doctors and they couldn'tfind what I had - only increased blood sugar. Now after the therapy by Dr. Tsilimigakis, I started to eat regularly again. The aches stopped and I can do my housework."

Greek Newspaper: Adesmeftos
October 17, 1995

A New Therapeutic method for AIDS

The "A.P." publications about the new therapeutic method for cancer and AIDS that Dr. Tsilimigakis follows produced a major sensation to the readers of our newspaper as well as to scientific medical circles. The response from our readers was great, asking for more information about the method. There was also a positive response from medical scientific circles that indicated interest in seeing and verifying the results of this method which is based on the conducti on of electric current. For his part, Mr. Tsilimigakis expressed the opinion that soon medical practitioners will follow this therapeutic route, one that involves the energy balancing of the individual in collaboration with, and without giving up, the pha rmaceutical and therapeutic treatments followed today.

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