APPENDIX D-1. Physiodynamics Study on Use of Pulsed Electric Current for Treating AIDS Patients:
Testimonial by Carol Messard, N.D.

Keywords: Therastim, abrasion, laceration, PRN, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Candida esophagitis, AZT+ddI/placebo, Bactrim, Clarithromycin/placebo, rifabutin/placebo, fatigue, nausea, anorexia, tachycardia, Mycobacterium avium, Cytomegalovirus,   "T'-cell, toxicities.

Carol A. Mesard, RN.
2810 Utica street
Denver, CO 85212

March 23, 1995

To Whom it May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of PhysioDynamics to suggest that Therastim is an important new treatment modality deserving of funding and research.

As a Research Associate with a community-based Clinical Research Program, I have been involved in clinical drug trials for AIDS patients in. the Denver Metro area for the past five years.

The patient population with CD4 cell counts under 200 present challenges to the clinicians. Much of the care is dictated by actual "T'-cell count; antiretroviral therapy is initiated along with Pneumocystis prevention treatment at 2 00 CD4/cmm. When T-cells drop under 100, we begin considering prevention therapy for Mycobacterium avium: complex and Cytomegalovirus. Other manifestations that signal devastating opportunistic infections and malignancies loom large anti make clinicians feel as if we lie in wait to add yet another handful of pills to the regime. This approach is western medicine's often successful answer to disease control. Along with this approach and added medications are the considerations of drug interactions and toxicities.

I, for one, find this approach frustrating and exclusionary. As a participant of a national Alternative Treatment Caucus for the past. 3 years, my philosophy and approach to health is a more expansive one trat takes into consideration quality of life, disease prevention, wellness maintenance, and the utilization of western pharmacology complimented by alternative treatments.

In the usual two to three year course of a clinical study, we watch our patients dwindle, maintain, rally sometimes, than begin an irreversible decline with eventual death. Last year, however, there was an exception to this unfortunate scenario. A cheerful young man of 34 years old, named Lee. He had been a multiple study participant since 1992, soon after becoming aware of his HIV status. At that time his T-cell count was 54, his history included two AIDS defining illnesses; Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and Candida esophagitis. His physician had described him as "cachectic appearing". The course of sturdy medications include AZT+ddI/placebo, Bactrim, Clarithromycin/placebo+ rifabutin/placebo. Lee suffered with fatigue, nausea, anorexia, tachycardia, and appeared to lye declining before our eyes. In April of 94, Lee became a patient at PhysioDynamics. Gary 'Thomas and Carl Weseman administered Therastim treatments thrice weekly until August, then twice weekly until December and currently Lee receives PRN treatments to maintain his level of wellness.

I have been truly amazed and heartened by the positive change I have seen in Lee over the past year. His overall vitality of life has been enhanced and this is documented by his 5 pound weight gain, his voracious appetite, and his energy level which rivals that of any non HIV infected person. He hasn't experienced any opportunistic infections in the past year and remarks to me that if he gets a cold, an abrasion or laceration they heal quickly.

Now, having seen the remarkable effects of Therastim, I frequently refer patients (with the consent of their physicians) to Gary Thomas and Carl Weseman. These two gentlemen are professionals who have such faith and commitment in their treatment modality, I have found it inspiring as well as exciting to collaborate with them. They are always interested in the new clients I refer to them and appreciate the particular individual challenge that each patient represents.

As we all know, anecdotal evidence can be impressive but, one patient responding well does not necessarily mean that efficacy is generalizable. I am suggesting it is important to investigate this treatment in a controlled research study.


Carol Mesard, R.N.
Phone: 436-7192
Pager: 8559-9089

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