American Key Words – This page: brain damage, brain atrophy, brain
atrophy reversed, cavitations, NICO, osteonecrosis, root canals, root canal
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bipolar disorder, lithium, neuroAIDS, Alzheimer's, MRI, brain scan, susan
European Key Words – This page:
(Deu) cadavers des korpers
July 25, 2000
Re: Brain Atrophy Reversed by use of PAPIMI Device
Dear Chuck Wallach,
It seems so hard to believe, that four years ago I had a brain atrophy,
and that I lived, walked and talked as a person is expected to, having such a
brain condition. We believe my problems
began with a severe intolerance to amalgam (mercury) fillings and root canals
followed by extractions at my choosing.
The dentist did not at first agree to the extractions, but I
persisted. Then with the extractions the
pains did not stop, and took on a new character, and my continued complaints
threw my case into a new arena, a frightening one, in which there occurred
medical mistreatment, mishandling of records, an enormous amount of time lost,
and finally oral surgical intervention for what has come to be called (the
controversial) jawbone cavitations or “NICO”. */ I was also helped by hyperbaric oxygen (HBO)
at time of the surgeries, as others of his patients were so helped. Yet NICO surgeon promised me not a cure,
only a remission of the agonizing pain for up to 10 years, and during these
years (as the “controversy” tolled on) the osteonecrosis had reached my skull. My 10 years was up, C.W., when I came to you
and to the PAPIMI in 1996. I came
diagnosed with brain atrophy.
Then in 1996, C. W., you allowed me to use the PAPIMI device on my
head. When we now look at all the MRIs
of my brain, before and after my use of the device, it is very visible to see
that my brain is restoring. For me this
is still a little a dreamlike. Such a
thing is hard to understand and it is also very hard to talk about it. Yet fortunately the MRI-photos, and the
sequence of MRI written reports speak for themselves.
You tell me how my speech and my muscular coordination have improved
over time. From my side, I can report,
that I’ve returned to college and have somehow switched my academic strength
from language to math, thereby learning "Excel" for accounting and
attending computer classes, while at the same time, I am working in
computerized bookkeeping. Compared to
the idling on Social Security disability with a so called “incurable” brain
atrophy, this is really amazing. Before
it would hurt me physically in my head, when I had to read a newspaper. Now, not only I can do that, but I scan large
numbers of columns without any problems.
I think that people should know my story. I have been told that brain atrophy is found
in ever-increasing frequently in people in their forties and fifties. Doctors don’t know why, and there is no
treatment. Thus the standards for a
healthy brain is lowering with time. How ironic! Possibly this disease is caused by amalgam
fillings, root canals, smog, high stress, clinical depression, transfats,
genetically engineered food, ever-new viruses & bacteria, or other. It is my subjective belief that amalgam
fillings and root canals were my culprit.
Hail there is a treatment for brain atrophy, and it is the PAPIMI as
evidenced by MRI. NICO is evidenced to
be in remission firstly, by lack of pain and I've been pain free for 14 years
now, and can attribute this happy state only to continued use of PAPIMI.
But my doctors tell me you haven't reversed my brain atrophy unless
you've also reduced the enlarged fluid ventricles in my head, and this the
PAPIMI did not do. The other part of
brain atrophy is enlarged fluid ventricles, essentially water trapped on the
brain, it fills up the space. They're
just avoiding you. It is like the Wizard
of Oz exacting further tributes from those on the Yellow Brick Road after
they've killed the Wicked Witch for him. But maybe there's a solution. In Los Angeles where I live, an Osteopath
induces drainage and he, teamed with an Optometrist has prescribed me glasses
that "relieve stress". Thus my
first reading glasses ever are prescribed with prisms in them, no less (all the
better to see the Road with). I like the
glasses a lot, so we'll see where this goes.
Thank you to C. W. and to Dr. Pappas.
*/ Neuralgia inducing cavitation
Susan Sawicki
Sawicki e-mail: susan.sawicki@yahoo.com Alternate e-mail: sawicki_savickas@hotmail.com