July 24, 1999
Scientist Faked Data Linking Cancer to Electromagnetic Fields, Probe Finds
federal probe has found that a scientist at the Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., faked what had been
considered crucial evidence of a tie between electromagnetic
radiation and cancer. The disclosure appears to strengthen the case
that electric power is safe.
Robert P. Liburdy, a cell biologist at the laboratory, an arm of
the Energy Department, was found to have published two papers with
misleading data. Investigators said Liburdy eliminated data that
did not support his conclusions. After the investigation, he
resigned quietly from the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in March and
has agreed to withdraw his research findings.
Federal officials say his misrepresentations helped him win $3.3
million in grants from the National Institutes of Health, the
Department of Energy and the Department of Defense to investigate a
link between electric power and cancer.
Debate has raged for decades over whether power lines cause
cancer even though top scientific groups such as the National
Academy of Sciences have repeatedly found no evidence of danger.
But other researchers say enough tantalizing clues keep emerging to
warrant further investigations of possible links between
electromagnetic radiation and killer diseases, sowing seeds of
anxiety among people living near high-tension power lines.
"If he hadn't gotten these results, nobody would have paid any
attention," a federal investigator in the case, who spoke on the
condition of anonymity, said Friday.
The two papers reported data indicating that electromagnetic
fields, also known as EMF, exert a biological effect by altering
the entry of calcium across a cell's surface membrane. The fields
are ubiquitous forms of radiation that arise from all power lines,
home wiring and computers.
Federal officials say Liburdy's claims were potentially very
important when published in 1992 because they purported to link
electromagnetic fields to calcium signaling, which is a fundamental
process governing many important cellular functions.
"When he originally published these papers, there was quite a
bit of interest in it," said Glenn R. Woods, the laboratory's
counsel. "Now both the lab and the Office of Research Integrity
have found that data on which he based his conclusions were
fabricated. He's been asked to withdraw that data, and I think he's
doing that right now."
As part of his federal settlement, Liburdy has agreed to make no
applications for federal grants for three years and not to contest
the federal findings in administrative proceedings.
Liburdy can, however, disagree publicly with the misconduct
findings, and he is doing so vigorously, professing his innocence.
The ethics probe of Liburdy began after a whistle-blower
challenged his intriguing results. In July 1995, the Lawrence
Berkeley Lab determined that Liburdy had indeed falsified data, and
it alerted the Office of Research Integrity, an arm of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services.
Last month, the integrity office announced its findings in the
Federal Register, saying Liburdy had "engaged in scientific
misconduct in biomedical research by falsifying and fabricating
data and claims about the purported cellular effects of electric
and magnetic fields."
Recently, in letters sent over the Internet to scientific
colleagues and interested parties, Liburdy has denied that his
research is wrong and said he agreed to the federal settlement only
because he was unable to spend $1 million to mount a legal defense.
"The raw data for these figures is not challenged, and is
valid," Liburdy wrote in one letter. "How I graphed them is a
matter of disagreement among scientists. Independent scientists
have reviewed this for me and concluded that misconduct is not
He also stressed that "none of my scientific conclusions in the
two papers are being retracted," only the disputed published data.
Requests for further comments left Friday at Liburdy's residence
in Tiburon, just north of San Francisco, went unanswered.
Federal experts vigorously disagree with Liburdy's defense and
claims of innocence.
"This is not a matter of interpretation or graphing," said the
investigator. "This is fabrication and falsification. He can
express his opinion, but not to an appeal board."
In misconduct cases, especially ones involving large sums of
money, the federal government can bring civil or criminal charges,
and the defendant can be fined and sentenced to jail. In this case,
officials say, they concluded that an administrative remedy was
The terms of the settlement with Liburdy are detailed in the
June 17 Federal Register. The notice says Liburdy "neither admits
or denies" the finding of scientific misconduct.
Federal officials say Liburdy did not spend all of the $3.3
million in grant money, and that the remainder is controlled by the
Lawrence Berkeley Lab.
"It's being used for other science" and none of it has been
returned to the federal government, Woods said Friday.
Liburdy's two disputed papers both appeared in 1992, and in both
cases he was the lone author.
The paper, "Biological interactions of cellular systems with
time-varying magnetic fields," appeared in the Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences. "Calcium signaling in lymphocytes in ELF
fields" appeared in FEBS Letters, published by the Federation of
European Biochemical Societies.
In the years since Liburdy's research appeared, more than 20
studies have found no hard evidence that electric power causes
cancer, a National Institutes of Health panel concluded recently.
Robert L. Park, a professor of physics at the University of
Maryland who has long questioned the power-cancer link, said
Liburdy's deception was probably typical for the field, which he
said seems to attract crusaders out to vilify industry.
"It's often not deliberate fraud either," Park said of slanted
data. "People are awfully good at fooling themselves. They're so
sure they know the answer that they don't want to confuse people
with ugly-looking data."
In the power line debate, Park added, the proponents of danger
"were desperately looking for a physical effect, and the nearest
they could come by was the calcium signal."
The growing consensus among researchers seems to be that
electric power is safe.
Two years ago, a large, meticulously designed study found no
evidence that electromagnetic fields emanating from power lines
cause leukemia in children. The study was a collaboration between
scientists at the National Cancer Institute and childhood leukemia
specialists from the nation's leading medical centers.
The study involved 636 children with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia, the most common childhood cancer, and 620 healthy
children who were matched to the cancer patients by race, age and
residential neighborhood.
Scientists tracked the children's exposure to the fields that
power lines produce, but found no relationship between exposure and
Park said the new findings of power-cancer misrepresentation
will aid the emerging consensuses on safety. "But I'm not sure how
strongly," he added, as other scientists are still investigating
and advancing the idea of a cancer linkage.