Below, are some quotes taken from the book Short Wave Diathermy by Tibor de Cholnoky     (New York: Columbia University Press, 1937)

Keywords: Cholnoky's book.


"Tribute should be paid to the numerous experiments of Haase and Schliephake and others, for their investigation of the effect of short waves on bacteria. They found that short-wave exposures kill bacteria at a lower temperature than does the hot-water bath. This might indicate, they believe, that there is, in addition to the heat effect, another effect as yet undetermined, inherent in the short-wave field, though they warn against drawing conclusions prematurely." (p. 29)

Reference to: Haase, W. and E. Schliephake,
"Verusche uber den Einfluss kurzer elektrischer Wellen auf das Wachstum von Bakterien."
Bietr. z. klin. Chir., 60 (1931), 133-58.

In vitro experiments conducted on:
Staphylococci, Streptococci, Bacillus Coli, Tubercle Bacillus, had some positive results, others were resistant to treatment.
Viruses (early consideration of immune system stimulation):

"Carpenter and Page pointed out that the increased heat generated in the body by short waves, established an environment that is in general unfavorable to the development of the virus. The heat increases the rate of those chemical processes which are concerned with the general defense mechanism of the body against the infectious agents." (p. 37)

Reference to:
Carpenter, C. M. and A. B. Page, "The production of fever in man by short radio waves."
Science, 71 (1930), 450-52.

The book Short Wave Diathermy by Cholnoky also gives information on following conditions that were treated using pulsed spark-type diathermies being used at that time.

Below we list the indications taken from Cholnoky's book.

 Notice: These indications should not be considered the same for the PAP IMI devices, or the two technologies are not identical. There are a number of serious differences. On the other hand, certain other indications have never been tested or tried for the PAP IMI devices. For those cases tried with the PAP IMI units, see the beginning of this presentation.

Cholnoky's Indication's: The table below, as the rest of similar tables below are given for comparison and scientific research only.

Table 3

Infectious Diseases:
κουκκίδα The Common Cold
κουκκίδα Pneumonia
κουκκίδα Pulmonary Tuberculosis
κουκκίδα Erysipelas (pre gangrenous condition)
κουκκίδα Erysipeloid (infective dermatitis)
κουκκίδα Actinomycosis (infects soft tissues & bone of lower jaw)
κουκκίδα Allergic Diseases
κουκκίδα Bronchial Asthma

Metabolic Diseases:

κουκκίδα Gout
κουκκίδα Obesity
κουκκίδα Diabetes Mellitus
κουκκίδα Disorders of the Endocrine Function

Disease of the Respiratory Tract:

κουκκίδα Laryngitis
κουκκίδα Bronchitis
κουκκίδα Bronchiectasis
κουκκίδα Emphysema
κουκκίδα Pleurisy
κουκκίδα Empyema
κουκκίδα Abscess of the Lung
κουκκίδα Pulmonary Gangrene
κουκκίδα The Oral Cavity:

Dental structures:

κουκκίδα dental granulomas, parodontitis
κουκκίδα Tonsillitis
κουκκίδα Spasm of the Esophagus

The Stomach:

κουκκίδα Gastritis
κουκκίδα Peptic ulcer
κουκκίδα Gastric neuroses

The Intestines:

κουκκίδα Tuberculous colitis
κουκκίδα Chronic appendicitis
κουκκίδα Abdominal adhesions
κουκκίδα Spastic colitis
κουκκίδα Perityphlitis
κουκκίδα Peritonitis

The Biliary Passages:

κουκκίδα Cholecystitis
κουκκίδα Cirrhosis of the liver
κουκκίδα Hepatitis
κουκκίδα The Urinary Tract:
κουκκίδα Cystitis (Tuberculous)
κουκκίδα Puelitis
κουκκίδα Nephritis
κουκκίδα Perirenal Abscess

Diseases of the Skin:

κουκκίδα Furuncle
κουκκίδα Carbuncle
κουκκίδα Axillary Sweat-gland Infection and Abscess
κουκκίδα Phlegmon
κουκκίδα Streptococcus
κουκκίδα Eczema (chronic ulcers, lupus)
κουκκίδα Acne vulgaris
κουκκίδα Pruritus

Diseases of the Head:

κουκκίδα Sinusitis (acute and chronic)
κουκκίδα Empyema of the antra, adjacent, and ethmoid sinuses
The Female Genital Tract:
κουκκίδα Pelvic Inflammation and Infections:
κουκκίδα Old Adnexal Tuberculosis
κουκκίδα Acute salpingitis
κουκκίδα Adnexal tumors
κουκκίδα Peritonitis
κουκκίδα Gonococcal adnexitis
κουκκίδα Adnexal swelling due to infection following miscarriage or pregnancy
κουκκίδα Chronic adnexitis
κουκκίδα Metro endometritis
κουκκίδα Bartholin's Gland Abscess
κουκκίδα Dysmenorrhea

The Male Genito-Urinary Tract:

κουκκίδα Gonorrheal Urethritis
κουκκίδα Epididymitis
κουκκίδα Diseases of the Prostate
κουκκίδα Tuberculous disease of the testicles, bladder, and kidney

Diseases of the Locomotor System:

κουκκίδα The Muscular System:
κουκκίδα Myalgia
κουκκίδα Lumbago
κουκκίδα Spastic contractures
κουκκίδα Rheumatism, etc.
κουκκίδα Tendovaginitis
κουκκίδα Bursitis

The Bones:

κουκκίδα Periostitis
κουκκίδα Osteomyelitis

The joints:

κουκκίδα Arthritis
κουκκίδα Gonorrheal arthritis
κουκκίδα Traumatic arthritis
κουκκίδα Atrophic arthritis
κουκκίδα Hypertrophic arthritis
κουκκίδα Tuberculosis

Traumatic injuries:

κουκκίδα Hematoma, Sprain, Lesions, Lacerations

Diseases of the Nervous System:

κουκκίδα Neurosyphilis
κουκκίδα Neuritides
κουκκίδα Neuralgia of the Lumbosacral Plexus
κουκκίδα Trigeminal, Brachial, Exipital, and Intercostal Neuralgias
κουκκίδα Polyneuritis
κουκκίδα Migraine
κουκκίδα Parkinson's Disease
κουκκίδα Epilepsy
κουκκίδα Hiccup
κουκκίδα Urinary Incontinence of Nervous Origin (due to multiple sclerosis, syphilis, traumatic hematomyelia, enuresis nocturna)
κουκκίδα Neuroma (e.g., amputation neuroma)

Diseases of the Eye:

κουκκίδα Atrophy of the optic nerve
κουκκίδα Corneal ulcer
κουκκίδα Orbital phlegmons
κουκκίδα Iridocyclitis, tuberculous lesions, inflammatory disorders, and palsies of the ocular muscles

Diseases of the Ear:

κουκκίδα Otitis media
κουκκίδα Mastoiditis
κουκκίδα Mastitis
κουκκίδα Malignant Diseases

Note that the effects of PAP IMI treatment have not yet been established on many of the conditions listed in the above table.

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