Keywords: Electroporation,
thermoelectricity, unform energy, Quantum Mechanics, thermodynamics, high power low
calories pulses, electrolysis, Pulsed Electrosurgical diathermy, Pulsed Laser Surgery, HE,
VHF, UHF, MW in-and-out ion transportation, The PAPIMI Devices produce magnetic pulses which generate (or induce) electric pulses inside biological matter with instantaneous peak values in the order of 1,000 volts/cm or less and with an average thermal equivalent value of less than1 volt/cm. This device was initially designed to increase transmembrane potential of cells after studying all biochemical and electrical parameters of eukariotic cells. The conclusion was that the eukariotic cell membrane may allow instantly and selectively the passage of an electrical charge on a particular ion by a mechanism that is not fully understood, but the permanent dielectric strength of a eukariotic cell membrane or its potential to insulate electricity is much higher than atmospheric air. Besides, the thickness of the cell membrane is extremely small in the range of some 10 Angstroms. This signifies that the cell membrane can stand 0.1 volts over a really microscopic barrier.The strength of the electric field is defined in Physics as volts divided by distance v/m.The corresponding strength of the field that is stopped by the membrane is thus . 0.1Volts /100 Angstroms = 0.1/10x10-10=10,000,000 Volts/meter. This means a cell membrane can stand over ten million volts at a distance of one meter while an atmospheric molecule or atmospheric air can stand only one million volts at the same distance! Atmospheric air within one meter from one million volts gets ionized and breaks down cells do not! This is an incredible dielectric strength for the cell membrane. As a comparison, it may only get directly affected after a radiation affects the air. This explains the distinction between ionizing (hazardous) radiation and non ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is considered a radiation that may potentially have an immediate effect on living matter. The PAPIMI was calculated to produce a peak field, which at the closest distance is well below the ionizing the air limit and, besides, the duration of the peak to last less than a millionth of second or a duration too short to cause ionization breakdown of the air. Direct microscopic examination of in vitro cells and of animals' cells discloses no difference for the PAP IMI exposed cells within the least possible distance, compared to unexposed cells. The design was meant to assist the already known in-and-out ion transportation through the cell membrane, such as the circulation of Na and K ions.However, after the first design in 1988, a new technique in 1990 was becoming state of the art and really popular in biochemical literature which was called Electroporation. This technique was applying by conduct similar electrical pulses to the pulses induced by the PAP IMI device. This technique is meant to assist or cause the in-and-out the cell transportation - proved to be a universal electrical and biological phenomenon. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 51:426, April 1993, is characterized by J.C.Weaver of Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology, as: a fascinating cell membrane phenomenon with several existing biological applications and others likely... Electroporation is a universal non thermal biochemically mild phenomenon. Electroporation occurs at 1,000 to 10,000 v/cm. The PAP
IMI produces maximum pulses less than 1,000 v/cm with an insignificant amount of heat.
No side-effects have been noticed to date. The amount of heat delivered is proportional to
the total energy delivered per second. In the case of PAP IMI, this amount is 40 to
60 Joules minus the dissipation losses, delivered over a big volume of the order of
30x30x30 = 27,000 cm3or 27 liters. This amount is significantly less compared
to what other diathermies deliver. However, the instant power per pulse is relatively much
higher. The higher the number of pulses, the less the maximum allowed power per pulse, or
the lesser the number of pulses, the more the maximum allowed power per pulse. The present
device apparently has a number of lesser effects in common with other non thermal devices
or high peak pulsed electromagnetic devices or pulsed diathermies with much lower peak
values of much less than 1000 Volts/cm. These lesser but common effects can not be
attributed to heat. This suggests to us that the common, however less pronounced, effects
observed with the other devices producing less peak power are also an Electroporation in
origin phenomenon and that Electroporation is not a phenomenon that starts just at a
threshold of 1,000volts/cm, but extends to a lesser extent below this value. Probably, the
first stages of Electroporation take place at down to 10 volts/cm or less, however, at a
relatively lower rate. Electroporation is not fully understood and explained. Considering
the above findings, we may attempt an explanation of the universal phenomenon of
Electroporation with the overwhelming plethora of beneficial effects, based on very
general principles of Physics and living matter. Thermoelectricity is very low voltage
electricity produced at the contact of every metal, however, it is usually so low (lower
than a fraction of a volt)that it is not easy to produce useful work and most of it
perishes as no practical mechanism may really produce useful work from it.
Supplying heat with an ordinary diathermy, we
provide low quality energy to the system, carrying very little or no organization to the
system.Unless we have some form of control, we may destroy the system by accumulating
excess heat. A higher temperature pulsed diathermy provides a higher quality of energy
which may become beneficial provided the total amount of thermal energy is not provided in
excess,i.e., the high temperature pulses are short enough to not result in a high
accumulation of heat. From the thermodynamics point of view, for the same amount of
energy, the higher and shorter in time the pulses are, the higher the power (or the
organizing power) and the less entropy or disorganization they carry. Probably, it is not
accidental that continuous heat (energy at the lowest organization level) decomposes
proteins. However, in the presence of electrical discharges - a very high pulsed and thus
organizing phenomenon -proteins are found to be composed - a phenomenon established by
Stanley Miller in 1953.Photosynthesis also occurs with primarily ultra Violet light and
not with infrared. Ultraviolet light in comparison to infrared, having much higher
frequency or shorter wave length, is of more wave packet or particle like character,
according to Quantum Mechanics. Thus, ultra violet is more discontinuous or discreet or so
to speak pulsed with respect to infrared. We may attribute to this A pulsed character @ of
ultra violet light its ability to produce photosynthesis and thus sustain life on the
planet earth. Very high amplitude pulses
should not be of concern, unless, they carry over a certain amount of energy. The amount
of energy a pulse is carrying is independent of its amplitude or power. The energy of a
pulse is equal to its amplitude times its duration or its power times the time it lasts. One may have a low and long pulse, which may carry a lot of energy, as well as one having a very high and short pulse, which may carry less energy. A pulse may or may not be destructive. This depends on whether the total energy which it delivers is higher or lower than the amount needed for a particular change (destructive or not) to occur. If the amount of energy delivered is less than that required for a particular change, then that change (destruction) does not occur. However, between two pulses with the same amount of energy, E1, E2 E1 =h1xt1= h2xt2 = E2 the most constructive one in the sense of living matter which absorbs organization from its environment at a rate higher than it looses, it is the pulse which carriers more organization or less entropy, i.e., the higher and shorter pulse with amplitude h1 h2 and duration t1 < t2. We may at this point explain why high peak power low energy Electromagnetic pulses or Electroporation seems to be so fascinating and so promising new modality today.
After Note: Reading the independent writing in the
recent book by
Appendix: are the least Entropy Pulses, or, practically Zero Entropy Pulses. In delivering heat energy from a source to an absorber there is an important parameter that specifies this delivery which is called the entropy. Entropy is equal to the ratio of the heat Q delivered at the temperature of the delivery T, i.e.,Q/T. The importance of this parameter is discussed in every book of physics. However,there is no similar parameter in the present day physics for other energy forms, i.e.,electromagnetic energy, sound energy, etc. We suggest here that for other forms of energy too, there exists a general parameter corresponding to the Entropy concept of Thermodynamics, which is the ratio of the P average/ P peak. We find that the inverse of this ratio, i.e., P peak/P average is more practical and we shall call it the Eutropy of the energy transfer or state, in distinguishing it from the concept of Entropy. Eutropy for heat will be defined as T/Q. The difference between Entropy and Eutropy is reciprocity.Entropy naturally increases, however, Eutropy decreases. Entropy corresponds to disorder.Eutropy corresponds to order. Disorder naturally increases and order decreases so do Entropy and Eutropy correspondingly. In thermodynamics there are two fundamental quantities that of heat which is an amount of energy and that of temperature which is a state relating to heat and indicating how fast molecules vibrate or randomly move around in a confined space. Heat is the measure of the total energy delivered. If we define the power of the energy delivered in the form of heat besides the amount of heat delivery, then we have exhausted all the parameters that specify this energy delivery. Therefore, heat is undoubtfuly the amount of energy delivered and the temperature is the power of the delivery, i.e., the speed the particular amount of heat was delivered. There is an obvious dual correspondence heat to energy and temperature to power. For a general form of Energy delivery other than heat,we may generalize the definition of entropy to: Energy/Power.This ratio corresponds to the ratio: Average Power/Peak power.If Peak power is maximum and average power is the least during a delivery, and let us assume that the delivered power transforms into heat Q, which is a probable assumption, then the instant temperature of the receiver will be maximum while the delivered heat Q will be minimum. Therefore, the ratio: Q/T in this case will be minimum when ever the ratio: Average power/Peak power will be minimum. We call this ratio the generalized entropy change during the general energy delivery. However, the inverse ratio Peak Power/Average Power is more important, as it corresponds to concepts of order instead of disorder, to increasing gain instead of decreasing gain, etc, i.e., it is closer to man's efforts in every day life and long term civilization as well as technology. We call this ratio the Eutropy change of the general energy delivery. Examples: Eutropy for DC current delivery is Peak Power/Average Power = 1. The Eutropy for alternating sinusoidal current delivery is Peak Power/Average Power = 2. The advantages of the alternating sine current over the direct current is described in every textbook of electricity. It is also known that the higher the voltage the less the loss in transferring electricity. It is obvious, if the sine current is changed to an alternating current with enhanced peaks then the current will stay longer at higher voltage values and the losses will become less. In this case, the Eutropy of the enhanced peak current with less losses has a value bigger than 2. It becomes obvious in these examples that the higher quality of the delivery system is reflected to a higher Eutropy number. Recently there has been great concern and publicity about high voltage power lines, running through the country and passing over houses, schools, and other buildings, that might cause cancer in people, living in them.However, this claim has been disputed by others and nothing has been finally proved.Whatever happens because of chronic exposure to high power lines, leaves no visible or detectable evidence to the plants and animals under them. We shall try here to shed some light from another point of view to the general issue of how electricity might have adverse or beneficial effects. First, we would like to distinguish two main categories of electromagnetic fields. With the term "field",we mean the area of space upon which electricity exercises its influence without making physical contact with the subjects. In the first category are the constant fields, i.e., fields which do not change polarity with time (SF) or that change their polarity very slowly(ULF, ELF, LF). Such a field is the natural geoelectric field, which is a strong vertical electrical field everywhere during good whether conditions, due to a huge high voltage field existing over our heads of the order of billions of volts, between the ground and the ionosphere, some 50 Km above us. This field may quickly start reversing during bad weather conditions and cause lightning, a several Km long spark. Some 10,000 volts are needed to ignite a 1 cm long or 1/100,000 Km long spark in the atmosphere. Based on this,one may estimate for himself the magnitude of the natural high voltage in which we are constantly living. I may only say that man has never reproduced artificially any field strong enough to compare to this huge electrical field of nature. Another field is the natural and weak magnetic field of the Earth, in the order of 1 to 2 gauss. Other such fields are man made, and they are the slowly varying or low frequency fields produced by the high power lines, the electrical wiring in out houses, or the electrical lamps next to our beds. It is not only the magnitude of the high voltage these lines carry in order to exercise their influence, but also it matters how far we are from them, as the influence drops very quickly with distance. For example, one may get a higher exposure, sleeping next to an electric lamp than the exposure of the high power lines over his house, particularly if the wiring in his house is not well neutralized or he is using long fluorescent lamps which technically form unbalanced electrical loops, producing much stronger fields around them. In the second category are the fast varying or high frequency electromagnetic fields, HF, VHF, UHF, MW. Such fields are the natural coming to earth of radio waves from deep space and the sun; the natural lightning field; the various man made radio and television waves; the various man made non radiative fields, such as the diathermy fields, fast pulsating fields, the PAP IMI field, the automobile and motorcycle spark plug field, the electric motors (sparking) field, particularly the electric train heavy motor (sparking) field, the electro surgery field, etc., exposing almost all civilians, technicians, surgeons and patients of this planet. Finally, we may include in this category the heat fields, infrared, light, ultra violet, x rays, and gamma rays. However, the latter fields have been examined extensively elsewhere and we shall not include them in the present small analysis. The question is to what extent these fields are harmful or beneficial?.Taking into account their enormous daily exposure to life, since life appeared, they cannot be very harmful, otherwise they would not have allowed life to develop or would have extinguished life on earth by now. On the other hand, taking into account that life is exclusively dependent on the electromagnetic field in the form of light, we may categorically say that some of them are beneficial and necessary for the existence of life. Having stated the two main categories, we would like to distinguish the reason for separating them. From a physical point of view there is only a general way to see how these fields produce their influences. They affect living matter by setting various internal motions to the electrical charges and to the ions of this matter, i.e.,inducing an electrical current to the living matter, either DC or AC, either a tiny one,or a considerable one. Therefore, we have to examine the general effects of electrical currents to answer our general question. There are two main effects of electrical current into matter: electrolysis and the heat or energy effect. We should consider here the heat effect, as a special low sub category high order energy effects of electricity which particularly concerns the PAP IMI effect. The heat effect is produced whenever a substantial electrical current goes through a medium organic or non organic. It is known as the Joule heat effect of electricity familiar almost to every body. It may be beneficial or destructive, depending whether the current is weak and moderate or it is strong and over a limit. The other effect associated with the electrical current is electrolysis. Electrolysis is a general term used in physics and chemistry to indicate the phenomenon of chemical decomposition and chemical transportation caused by electrical current into certain substances called electrolytes, no matter how weak or strong the electrical current is, provided its potential (vis. its pressure on the exposed electrolytes) is over a limit of a few volts. Electrolysis is caused by constant polarity electrical current, or slowly varying electrical current like ULF, ELF, LF. Higher frequencies like HF, VHF, UHF, do not cause electrolysis, due to the fast varying polarity of the field, causing a back and forth electrical motion which is self neutralized.Uncontrolled and extensive electrolysis in living matter might be harmful, toxic, and even fatal. It is the main cause of death by electrocution. Very weak electrolysis is theoretically possible to be caused by all ULF, ELF and LF fields, if they are strong enough over a certain limit to surpass the so called electrolytic potential of the electrolytes in the substance under exposure. Steady polarity fields are not expected to cause electrolysis, because they induce no motion to electrical charges or ions. Similarly, ULF fields cause less induction effect, i.e., less ULF current induced with a particular ULF strength, but ULF current is more effective for electrolysis. Therefore, there is a peculiar trade that tiny or weak electrolysis may be caused better somewhere between strong ULF and LF fields under chronic exposures. However,it is questionable whether such weak and slow electrolysis by strong LF fields may not betaken care of by the defense systems of the living matter, taking in to account that some particular LF are naturally existing in the earth ionosphere cavity (known as the Schumann oscillations) since life appeared. HF fields are widely known to cause heat. Heat is a random motion into all directions of the molecules with no particular order. Heat or disordered motion is random kinetic energy in the atomic and molecular level. Providing heat over a certain limit one may destruct a system. Therefore strong uniform HF fields may be destructive by causing excess heat. However, among the stated HF fields of radio, television, outer space, motors, automobile spark plug fields, etc., none may cause substantial localized heating to be of any concern, other than the continuous diathermies and Electrosurgical diathermies, inside the proximity of their effective range. Energy is supposed to be conserved,
i.e., not to be created from nothing, nor to vanish to nothing. We may not be concerned
for the degree of the accuracy of this low here. However, energy is self-transformed from
one form to another. Doing so,it is like coming down hill or coming down a non-reversible
ladder. Somehow energy self-transforms into a lower rank each time, until it reaches
uniform heat that may not self-transform any more. However, no energy transformation is
equivalent to still death for the system. This is expressed in physics by stating that the
energy of a closed system is conserved, but the system increases its entropy each time its
energy transforms. The system becomes inert when its entropy maximizes. We may express the
same thing using different words, which will make easier to understand this mechanism. The
energy of a closed system is conserved. Its energy transforms from one form to another,
but the system loses some structure each time its energy is transformed. The system will
be become inert when it will loose all its structure. A closed system will undergo more
transformations and will last longer its functions, before it ends to a still randomly
uniform collection of objects, the higher its initial structure stands or how much initial
structured energy the system contains, before this energy degrades into uniform heat with
no possibility of farther transformation. HF
fields may provide not only heat which is a special form of energy, but generally energy
at a higher structure or a higher order energy, as stated previously. Supplying high
structured energy to a closed system reverses its degradation. Or by doing so, one may
maintain the system from its natural disorder and degradation. HF fields may provide
higher order energy compared to heat energy, provided their are modulated. Fortunately,
most of the man made radio, television, and radar waves permeating all cities, are
modulated. Particularly, these waves might be very beneficial providing substantial
ordering into biological systems, if they are modulated in a particular way. Modulated HF, the beneficial effect..Where Science
missed the point... some seventy years ago. |