Dr. Edmund Storms is a new-energy researcher
and author of The Science of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction A Comprehensive
Compilation of Evidence and Explanations about Cold Fusion.
Here he speaks about an application of the transmutation effect of cold fusion.
Some biological organisms that have the ability to initiate transmutation
effects in their environment, including radioactive environments, and transmute
the material to a benign, non-radioactive element.
David Jubb, Ph.D. is an expert on LifeFood,
an author, lecturer, and one of the world's top naturalists, a physiologist,
microspocist and blood formation specialist.
He is an innovator in the field of neurology, language, communication, gender
roles, nutrition, blood formation, and colloidal biology.
"Lifeforce allows a lifeform to be able to reproduce itself. If it can reproduce
itself and is plant based it is a lifefood. If not it is not lifefood. If
lifefood or herb is put with what came from nature it compounds synergistically
to harmonize and maintain a confluence of vibration. This is not so for what
cannot exist for itself in nature."
Physicien, maître de conférence - CNRS Aix Marseille Université, ingénieur
en physique nucléaire et électronique, docteur-ingénieur et docteur ès
science, spécialiste de la fusion froide.
Jean-Paul Biberian a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années sur les
propriétés physico-chimiques des surfaces des métaux et semi-conducteurs en
France et aux Etats-Unis. En 1977 il est présélectionné pour le choix du
premier astronaute européen.
En 1982 il fonde la société Luminy-Instruments qui développe de
l'instrumentation d'analyse de surface. C'est à cette période qu'il dépose
trois brevets dont deux sur les écrans plats à micro-pointe. Depuis 1993 les
domaines de la Fusion Froide et des transmutations biologiques le
passionnent. En 2004, il en organise la conférence internationale à
Marseille, où 170 chercheurs de 20 pays ont participé.
Avide de faire connaître la science à un large public, il donne des
conférences et interviews. Depuis 2001 il anime régulièrement un café
scientifique au 19 place Gouffé à Marseille.
Transmutations biologiques: Jean-paul Bibérian at TEDxNice
Published on Feb 19, 2014
Jean-Paul Bibérian, Ingénieur en électronique et Physique Nucléaire, Docteur
ès Sciences, et Maître de Conférences à Aix-Marseille Université (à la
retraite). Il est spécialiste en physique des surfaces, et travaille depuis
plus de 20 ans sur la Fusion Froide et les transmutations biologiques. Il
est l'auteur de plus de 60 articles dans des revues scientifiques, et il est
l'éditeur en chef de la seule revue scientifique traitant de la fusion
froide: The Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Journal.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized
events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx
event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and
connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded
TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference
provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events
are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
une conféence
La fusion froide et les transmutations biologiques " Samedi 16 Novembre 2013
de 16h20 à 17h20 (Salle Clovis) - Jean-Paul Biberian, maître de Conférences
à Aix-Marseille Université (à la retraite) a travaillé depuis 20 ans sur la
fusion froide et les transmutations biologiques. Il est l'un des rares
scientifiques français à travailler dans ces domaines. Récemment, il a
publié un livre : "la fusion dans tous ses états, fusion froide, ITER,
alchimie, transmutations biologiques". Il est l'auteur de plus de soixante
articles scientifiques dans des revues avec comités de lecture. Depuis une
dizaine d'années, il donne des conférences de vulgarisation de la science.
Au cours de cette conférence, il présentera les derniers résultats obtenus
par lui-même, et d'autres chercheurs sur la fusion froide et les
transmutations biologiques. Son approche n'est pas technique, et accessible
à un large public.
Komaki, H., production de proteins par 29 souches de microorganismes et
augmentation du potassium en milieu de culture sodique sans potassium. Revue
de Pathologie Comparee, 1967. 67: p. 213.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation
Komaki, H., Formation de protines et variations minerales par des
microorganismes en milieu de culture, sort avec or sans potassium, sort avec ou
sans phosphore. Revue de Pathologie Comparee, 1969. 69: p. 83.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation
Komaki, H. and C.L. Kervran. Experiences de Komaki, Premiere Serie de
Recherches. in Preuves en biologie de transmutations a faible energie.
1975. Maloine, S. A. , Paris.
Coauthors: Kervran, C. L.
Category: Miscellaneous
Komaki, H. Observations on the Biological Cold Fusion or the
Biological Transformation of Elements. in Third International Conference
on Cold Fusion, "Frontiers of Cold Fusion". 1992. Nagoya Japan: Universal
Academy Press, Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation, ICCF-3
Komaki, H. An Approach to the Probable Mechanism of the Non-Radioactive
Biological Cold Fusion or So-Called Kervran Effect (Part 2). in Fourth
International Conference on Cold Fusion. 1993. Lahaina, Maui: Electric Power
Research Institute 3412 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation, ICCF-4
Title : Energy Development from
Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems.
Descriptive Note : Final rept. Dec 77-Apr 78,
Personal Author(s) : Goldfein,S.
Report Date : MAY 1978
Pagination or Media Count : 24
Abstract : The purpose of the study was to determine
whether recent disclosures of elemental transmutations occurring in biological
entities have revealed new possible sources of energy. The works of Kervran,
Komaki, and others were surveyed; and it was concluded that, granted the
existence of such transmutations (Na to Mg, K to Ca, and Mn to Fe), then a net
surplus of energy was also produced. A proposed mechanism was described in which
Mg adenosine triphosphate, located in the mitochondrion of the cell, played a
double role as an energy producer. In addition to the widely accepted
biochemical role of MgATP in which it produces energy as it disintegrates part
by part, MgATP can also be considered to be a cyclotron on a molecular scale.
The MgATP when placed in layers one atop the other has all the attributes of a
cyclotron in accordance with the requirements set forth by E. O. Lawrence,
inventor of the cyclotron. It was concluded that elemental transmutations were
indeed occurring in life organisms and were probably accompanied by a net energy
gain. (Author)
Bibliographic Code:
The purpose of the study was to determine whether recent disclosures of
elemental transmutations occurring in biological entities have revealed new
possible sources of energy. The works of Kervran, Komaki, and others were
surveyed; and it was concluded that, granted the existence of such
transmutations (Na to Mg, K to Ca, and Mn to Fe), then a net surplus of energy
was also produced. A proposed mechanism was described in which Mg adenosine
triphosphate, located in the mitochondrion of the cell, played a double role as
an energy producer. In addition to the widely accepted biochemical role of MgATP
in which it produces energy as it disintegrates part by part, MgATP can also be
considered to be a cyclotron on a molecular scale. The MgATP when placed in
layers one atop the other has all the attributes of a cyclotron in accordance
with the requirements set forth by E. O. Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron. It
was concluded that elemental transmutations were indeed occurring in life
organisms and were probably accompanied by a net energy gain.
The book presents
the results of complex experimental and theoretical studies of effective nuclear
synthesis and transmutation of stable and radioactive isotopes in growing
biological systems. These nuclear processes are examined from three different
points of view as totality of experimental facts of low energy transmutation of
isotopes in growing systems, as a process analyzed from the laws and perspective
of nuclear science, and as a process studied from the point of view of
biochemistry of live systems.
About the Author:
Professor Vladimir I. Vysotskii is Head of Department of
Theoretical Radiophysics at Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine. He has
published 5 books and more than 250 articles and patents on radiation physics,
laser physics, nuclear physics, physics of extreme states (including
cavitations, shock waves and the problem of stability and collapse of a matter),
gamma-Ray and X-Ray optics, molecular biophysics and radiation biology. He is
active member of different International Academies and Societies.
Dr. Alla Kornilova is senior scientific researcher at physical faculty of
Lomonosov`s Moscow State University and director of Innovation
scientific-educational center of physical faculty of the same university. She
has published 3 books and numerous articles and patents on solid physics at high
pressure, physics of cavitation phenomena, X-Ray optics, medical physics,
biophysics and radiation biology. She is active member of Russian Academy of
Natural science.
Contains results of experiments on performing controlled nuclear
synthesis of isotopes
in growing microbiological cultures.
Theoretical models which explain the possibility of highly efficient
nuclear reactions
in growing biological systems are presented.
Text is presented in both Russian and English.
Chapter 1. Foreword
Chapter 2. The issue and the history of the effect of chemical elements
transmutation in biological systems
Chapter 3. The isotopic content and the impact of isotopes from biosystems
Chapter 4. Experimental study of transmutation of isotopes and chemical elements
in microbiological systems
4.1. Choosing experimental methodology and bilolgical object used
4.2. Comprehensive study of controlled transmutation of isotopes in fast growing
biological cultures using the Messbauer and mass-spectrometry methods
4.2.1. Study of isotopic transmutation in microbiological cultures using the
Messbauer spectrometry method
4.2.2. Study of controlled transmutation of light and intermediate isotopes in a
growing microbiological culture using the laser time-of-light mass-spectrometer
4.3. Monitoring and mass-spectrometry analysis of controlled transmutation of
isotopes with middle-range atomic-range atomic numbers in a growing culture
4.3.1. Experimental methodology and procedures
4.3.2. Results and discussions
4.4. Observing transmutation of heavy isotopes and studying methods of
controlling transmutation processes in growing microbiological cultures
4.4.1. Catalytic effect of cesium on effectiveness of nuclear transformation of
medium and heavy isotropes in a growing biological culture
4.4.2. Detection oftransmutation of heavy isotopes in growing biological
4.4.3. Study of the combined effect of Sr, Cl and S on efficiency of the process
of transmutation in biological cultures
Chapter 5. Physical aspects of the process of low temperature transmutation of
isotopes in biological systems
5.1. Low energy non-threshold nuclear reactions of synthesis with participation
of charged particles
5.2. The ?cold nuclear synthesis? phenomenon
5.2.1.Accelerating models
5.2.2. Reducing the Coulomb barrier through reflection of electrons
5.2.3. Coherent and interference effects involving lattice
5.2.4. Fermi and Bose nuclei condensation
5.2.5. Reactions stimulated by lattice phonons
5.2.6. Exotic chemistry
5.2.7. Catalysis by heavy (transmuonic) particles
5.2.8. Reactions under the influence of neutrons
5.2.9. Peculiar nuclear effects
5.3. Distinctive features of producing the ?cold nuclear synthesis? phenomenon
in bilogical systems
5.3.1. Is there a distinctive mechanism of producing low temperature nuclear
synthesis in biological systems?
5.3.2. Potential mechanism of non-barrier nuclear synthesis in optimal potential
quantum wells in the non-stationary mode
5.3.3. Possible scenario of running barrier-less nuclear synthesis in growing
biological systems
Chapter 6. Essential biochemical factors of the process of transmutation of
isotopes in biological systems
6.1. Elementary constitution of biological objects and the problem of controlled
synthesis in a growing culture
6.2. Specific features of microorganismsinteraction with metals
6.2.1 Metals mobilization
6.2.2. Immobilizing of metals
6.2.3. Accumulation of metals
6.3. Biological significance of microorganismsinteraction with metals
6.4. Adaptation of biological objects, microelementsanalogy and synthesis of
isotopes -patterns of biological evolution
6.5. DNA restoration and the problem of transmutation of isotopes
6.6. Adaptation of biological objects, analogy of microelements and synthesis of
isotopes - the rule of biological evolution.
Chapter 7. Prospects and possible methods of using the phenomenon of
transmutation of isotopes in biological systems
7.1. Using the phenomenon of transmutation of isotopes for prevention and
treatment of illnesses, etiologically caused by deficit of microelements
7.2. Obtaining rare light and heavy stable isotopes by biotechnological methods,
based on the phenomenon of transmutation of isotopes
7.3. On the possibility of radioactive waste utilization using the effect of
transmutation of isotopes in biological systems
7.3.1. Reaction of utilization of long-living isotope Sr-90
7.3.2. Reaction of utilization of radioisotope Zr-95
7.3.3. Reaction of utilization of Nb-95
7.3.4. Reactions of utilization of highly active isotopes Ru-103 and Ru-106
7.3.5. Reactions of utilizations of highly active nuclei of Sb-125
7.3.6. Reactions of utilization of highly active isotope I-131
7.3.7. Reactions of utilization of highly active isotope Co-60, used in
metrology and flaw detection
7.3.8. Utilization of highly active isotope Kr-85
7.3.9. Utilization of highly active isotope Sc-46
7.3.10. Utilization of highly active istope Mn-54
7.3.11. Utilization of highly active isotope Ar-39
7.3.12 Utilization of highly active isotope S-35
7.4. Conclusion
Literature in Russian.
The book presents the results of combined (Mössbauer and
mass-spectroscopy) examinations of stable isotope transmutation processes in
growing microbiological cultures.
In this book the processes of transmutation of different
stable isotopes in growing biological systems are examined from three different
points of view — as the totality of experimental facts of low temperature
isotopes transmutation, as a nuclear science based process, and as a process
studied from of biochemistry of live systems. For the first time the
experimental observation and study of low-energy nuclear transmutation of light
(p 1, d 2), intermediate (Na 23, P 31, Mn 55, Fe 54, Fe 57) and heavy (Sc 133,
Ba 134) mass isotopes were carried out in growing microbiological cultures
Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and yeast culture Saccharomyces
cerevisiae with controlled conditions of growth. The rate of these isotopes
transmutation equals 10 -8 s -1.
The physical mechanism of non-barrier nuclear interaction in
optimal non-stationary microcavities in growing biological objects is discussed.
The biological reasons of nuclear fusion in growing systems are also
investigated in details.
A lot of possible applications of the phenomenon of isotope
transmutation (including the problems of obtaining of rare light and heavy
stable isotopes and the possibility of radioactive waste utilization) are
Prof. V.I. Vysotskii received his PhD (theoretical
Physics) from Kiev Institute of theoretical physics of Ukrainian Academy of
Science in 1975. He has also received the additional Habilitus degree in
Theoretical Physics, and Solid State physics from Kiev National Shevchenko
University in 1992. Since 1992 he has been a Full Professor in the Kiev National
Shevchenko University. His research interest include topics in laser Physics
(including X-Ray and Gamma-Ray lasers), Nuclear Physics - creation of abnormal
nuclei, stability of nuclear matter, nuclear fusion, Nuclear Astrophysics -
neutron and proton stars, Supernova gravitation collapse, biophysics. Prof.
Vysotskii has published more than 150 articles in referred journals, including
three books: 1-Gamma-Ray Lasers (1989), 2- Nuclear Fusion and transmutation of
Isotopes in Biological Systems, (2003), 3- Introduction to Biophysics of
Activated Water, (2005).
Vysotskii, V. and R. Kuz'min. On Possibility of Non-Barrier DD-Fusion in
Volume of Boiling D2O During Electrolysis. in Fourth International
Conference on Cold Fusion. 1993. Lahaina, Maui: Electric Power Research
Institute 3412 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.
Coauthors: Kuz'min, R.
Category: Theory
Keywords: theory, bubble, ICCF-4
Vysotskii, V., A.A. Kornilova, and I.I. Samoylenko, Experimental discovery
and investigation of the phenomenon of nuclear transmutation of isotopes in
growing biological cultures. Infinite Energy, 1996. 2(10): p. 63.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Samoylenko, I. I.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation
Vysotskii, V., et al. Direct Observation and Experimental Investigation of
the Process of Gamma-Decay Controlling in Quantum Nucleonics. in 8th
International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2000. Lerici (La Spezia), Italy:
Italian Physical Society, Bologna, Italy.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Sorokin, A. A., Komisarova, V. A., Reiman, S. I.,
Riasnii, G. K.
Category: Theory
Keywords: half-life, radioactivity, gamma emission, theory ICCF-8
Vysotskii, V., et al. Experimental Observation and Study of Comtrolled
Transmutation of Intermediate Mass Isotopes in Growing Biological Cultures.
in 8th International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2000. Lerici (La Spezia),
Italy: Italian Physical Society, Bologna, Italy.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Samoylenko, I. I., Zykov, G. A.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation, ICCF-8
Vysotskii, V., et al. Experimental Observation and Study of Controlled
Transmutation of Intermediate Mass Isotopes in Growing Biological Cultures.
in 8th International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2000. Lerici (La Spezia),
Italy: Italian Physical Society, Bologna, Italy.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Samoylenko, I. I., Zykov, G. A.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation, ICCF-8
Vysotskii, V., et al., Observation and mass-spectrometry. Study of controlled
transmutation of intermediate mass isotopes in growing biological cultures.
Infinite Energy, 2001. 6(36): p. 64.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Samoylenko, I. I., Zyhov, G. A.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation
Vysotskii, V., et al., Observation and mass-spectrometry. Study of controlled
transmutation of intermediate mass isotopes in growing biological cultures.
Infinite Energy, 2001. 6(36): p. 64.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Samoylenko, I. I., G., Zyhov. A.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological, transmutation
Vysotskii, V., et al. Successful Experiments On Utilization Of High-Activity
Waste In The Process Of Transmutation In Growing Associations Of Microbiological
Cultures. in Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003.
Cambridge, MA: LENR-CANR.org.
Coauthors: Shevel, V., Tashirev, A., Kornilova, A. A.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: transmutation, biological, nuclear waste remediation
The problem of utilization of high-activity waste by effect of nuclear
transmutation in growing associations of microbiological cultures was study. For
the first time we have observed utilization of several kinds of highly active
isotopes in the volume of distilled water extracted from first contour of
water-water atomic reactor to nonradioactive nuclei.
Vysotskii, V., et al. The Theory And Experimental Investigation Of Controlled
Spontaneous Conversion Nuclear Decay Of Radioactive Isotopes. in Tenth
International Conference on Cold Fusion. 2003. Cambridge, MA: LENR-CANR.org.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Perfiliev, Y., Kulikov, L.
Category: Theory
This paper paper discusses the theory and results of a direct
experimental investigation into the control of internal electron conversion
channels of radioactive isotopes' spontaneous decay. This occurs by controlling
the action of an oriented crystal matrix on the motion of conversion electrons.
The same effect takes place at any beta-processes (including at decay of a
neutron with an emission of electrons and neutrino). It was shown that
parameters of internal electron conversion decay greatly depended on the
structure of the crystal matrix and on the distance between the excited nucleus
and the crystal matrix.
Vysotskii, V., et al. Experiments On Controlled Decontamination Of Water
Mixture Of Long-Lived Active Isotopes In Biological Cells. in Eleventh
International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2004.
Marseille, France.
Coauthors: Odintsov, A., Pavlovich, V., Tashirev, A., Kornilova, A. A.
Category: Miscellaneous
Vysotskii, V. and A.A. Kornilova. The Spatial Structure Of Water And
The Problem Of Controlled Low Energy Nuclear Reactions In Water Matrix. in
Eleventh International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science.
2004. Marseille, France.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A.
Category: Theory
Keywords: theory
Ordinary water has a number of unique features, among which there are its stable
spatial structure and long-term memory.Numerous experiments confirm the
existence of water memory, which is activated under the influence of various
physical fields (e.g., magnetic field, mechanical impact, abrupt temperature or
pressure change) and may store information about such influence for many hours
and days. Such activated water has altered physical and chemical (including
biochemical) features. An increasing number of reliable experiments show that
the continuous model is inadequate for describing the structure of water.
Vysotskii, V., et al. Experimental Observation And Combined Investigation Of
High-Performance Fusion Of Iron-Region Isotopes In Optimal Growing
Microbiological Associations. in The 12th International Conference on
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2005. Yokohama, Japan.
Coauthors: Kornilova, A. A., Tashirev, A., Kornilova, J.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: biological transmutation
Kornilova, A.A., V.I. Vysotskii, and G.A. Zykov. Investigation of combined
influence of Sr, Cl and S on the effectiveness of nuclear transmutation of Fe-54
isotope in biological cultures. in The 9th International Conference on
Cold Fusion, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 2002. Tsinghua Univ.,
Beijing, China: Tsinghua Univ. Press.
Coauthors: Vysotskii, V. I., Zykov, G. A.
Category: Experiment other
Keywords: ICCF-9, biological, Fe, transmutation
В работах К.Л. Керврана (C. Louis Kervran) [1–8] изложены
результаты экспериментов и научные гипотезы по преобразованию элементов. Эти
преобразования рассматриваются на примере биологических и геологических систем.
Работы Керврана опубликованы в 70–80 гг. ХХ в. и являются пионерскими. Он первым
высказал гипотезу о "слабоэнергетических ядерных трансмутациях".
1.1. Преобразования в геологических системах
В работе [6] приведены результаты по изменению химического
состава силикатов при их нагревании под давлением. Для исследования выбраны
четыре типа силикатов: пироп – силикат магния и алюминия Mg3Al2(SiO4)3,
альмандин – силикат железа и алюминия Fe3Al2(SiO4)3,
гроссуляр – силикат кальция и алюминия Ca3Al2(SiO4)3
и спессартин – силикат марганца и алюминия Mn3Al2(SiO4)3.
Все эти кристаллы имеют достаточно высокую твердость 6,5…7,5. Это
свидетельствует о достаточно плотной их упаковке в кристаллической решетке. В
табл.1.1 представлены результаты опыта, проведенного Akella и Kennedy [9], о
влиянии давления на нагретую до 1200°С смесь гроссуляра, пиропа и альмандина.
Значения погрешностей измерений авторы не приводят.
Таблица 1.1
Изменение состава под давлением
Давление, МПа
Необычность этих результатов заключается в том, что наблюдается
значительное увеличение содержания гроссуляра при одновременном уменьшении
содержания пиропа и альмандина. Эти результаты можно трактовать как переход Mg →
Ca и Fe → Ca.
Кервран провел также и свои опыты [6, с. 90–94]. Нагреванию под
давлением подвергалась смесь четырех силикатов: 53% пиропа, 25% альмандина, 16%
гроссуляра и 5% спессартина. Были предприняты специальные меры по подготовке
исходного состава. В установке, где проводились нагревание и сжатие также были
предусмотрены меры для обеспечения чистоты эксперимента. Нагревание происходило
до температуры 850…900°С. Далее исследуемый образец подвергся сжатию при
давлении 500 МПа. Результаты многокомпонентного анализа исходных и обработанных
образцов представлены в табл.1.2. Значения погрешностей измерения автор не
Таблица 1.2
Изменение содержания окислов при сжатии
Вид окисла
До сжатия, %
После сжатия, %
2,14 (+0,74)
0,37 (–1.33)
7,94 (–1,06)
Из таблицы видно, что произошло значительное увеличение
содержания хрома при одновременном уменьшении содержания железа и марганца. Эти
опыты можно трактовать как осуществленные переходы Fe → Cr и Mn → Cr.
Эти результаты позволяют по-новому подойти к пониманию проблемы
формирования минералов и особенностей их метаморфизма и проблемы происхождения
нефти и газа [10,11].
1.2. Преобразования в биологических системах
Прежде всего, отметим, что работы автора [1–8] в оригинале
труднодоступны, поэтому для упрощения в этой части воспользуемся работой [12].
Там же имеются и другие результаты по данному вопросу.
В табл.1.3 представлены результаты изменения содержания кальция
в семенах кресс-салата после их проращивания. Проращивание производилось на
бидистиллированной воде с добавлением различных солей. При проведении измерений
принимались меры, которые исключали попадание кальция со стороны в измеряемую
среду. Значение погрешности измерения не приводится.
Таблица 1.3
Изменение содержания кальция
Содержание Ca в 20 г семян, мг
Добавление солей, мг
MgSO4, 400
K2CO3, 200
Серия 1
Серия 2
Серия 1
Серия 1
Серия 2
До опыта
Прибавка опыта
26 %
25 %
24 %
19 %
13 %
Из таблицы видно, что в процессе проращивания произошло
значительное увеличение содержания кальция, если оно превышает погрешность
измерения. Эти результаты можно интерпретировать как переход Mg → Ca и K → Ca.
При проращивании семян клевера и ячменя отмечено значительное
увеличение содержания фосфора. Данные этого опыта представлены в табл. 1.4.
Значение погрешностей измерения не приводится.
Таблица 1.4
Изменение содержания фосфора
Содержание фосфора, мг
В 20 г семян клевера – 187
В 30 г семян ячменя – 111
Добавка, мг
Прибавление P, мг
Прибавление P, %
Данные из этой таблицы указывают на возможный переход Ca → P.
В опытах по проращиванию кресс-салата было также замечено, что
уменьшается содержания фосфора на 16…20% и одновременно увеличивается содержание
серы на 17…23%. Это может указывать на переход P → S.
1.3. Теоретические положения
Основные теоретические положения гипотезы Керврана о
преобразовании элементов в биологических системах выглядят следующим образом.
Главными химическими элементами определены H, C, N и O. Из них могут
образовываться другие элементы. Например,
Существуют и обратные реакции Ca → Mg → Na и Ca → K → Na.
Соотношения (1.5) и (1.9) могут объяснить результаты табл.1.1,
соотношения (1.4) и (1.5) могут объяснить результаты табл.1.3. Объяснение
результатов табл.1.2 может быть дано уравнением, которое аналогично (1.7),
5525Mn – 11H →
Результаты табл.1.4 в рамках предложенных уравнений не
объяснимы. Увеличение содержания серы при одновременном уменьшении содержания
фосфора можно объяснить присоединением атома водорода в реакции
3115P + 11H → 3216S.
В работе [13] с диалектических позиций дана положительная
оценка возможности таких преобразований. Авторы пишут: "…гипотеза
слабоэнергетической трансмутации (безотносительно к ее справедливости) не
противоречит каким-либо общеметодологическим принципами и основам диалектико-материалистического
мировоззрения. Более того, как раз с общефилософских позиций рассматриваемая
гипотеза представляется вполне корректной и даже предпочтительной".
C. Louis Kervran. Transmutations Biologiques, Metabolismes Aberrants de
l'Azote, le Potassium et le Magnesium. Paris: Librairie Maloine S.A., 1962.
C. Louis Kervran. Transmutations Naturelles, Non Radioactives. Paris:
Librairie Maloine S.A., 1963.
C. Louis Kervran. Transmutations a Faible Energie. Paris: Librairie
Maloine S.A. 1964.
C. Louis Kervran. A la Decouverte des Transmutations Biologiques. Paris:
Librairie Maloine S.A., 1966.
C. Louis Kervran. Preuves Relatives a l'Existence de Transmutations
Biologiques. Paris: Librairie Maloine S.A., 1968.
C. Louis Kervran. Preuves en Geologie et Physique de Transmutations a
faible Energie. Paris: Librairie Maloine S.A., 1973.
C. Louis Kervran. Preuves en Biologie de Transmutations a faible Energie.
Paris: Librairie Maloine S.A., 1975.
C. Louis Kervran. Transmutations Biologique et Physique Moderne. Paris:
Librairie Maloine S.A., 1982.
Корольков П.А. Спонтанный метаморфизм минералов и горных пород //
Вопросы превращений в природе. Концентрация и рассеяние. Ереван: Айастан,
1971. С.95–123.
Корольков П.А. Средняя продолжительность существования атомов химических
элементов земной коры //Материалы по геологии и полезным ископаемым Урала.
Свердловск: Урал. геол. упр., 1958. Вып.5. С.201.
Глазовская М.А. Биогенное накопление и возможные биогенные превращения
химических элементов в почвах//Почвоведение, 1974. №6. С.3–16.
Корюкин В.И., Ершов В.М. Некоторые проблемы современных концепций
формирования горных пород и минералов и гипотеза слабоэнергетических
трансмутаций элементов. Проблемы и особенности современной научной
методологии: Сборник / Под ред. В.И. Корюкина. Свердловск: УНЦ АН СССР,
1979. С.74–80.
Abstract The human hypothalmus produces an endogenous membrane Na+-K+
ATPase inhibitor, digoxin. A digoxin induced model of cellular/neuronal quantal
state and perception has been described by the authors. Biological transmutation
has been described in microbial systems in the quantal state. The study focuses
on the plasma levels of digoxin, RBC membrane Na+-K+
ATPase activity, plasma levels of magnesium and lithium in neuropsychiatric and
systemic disorders. Inhibition of RBC membrane Na+-K+
ATPase activity was observed in most cases along with an increase in the levels
of serum digoxin and lithium and a decrease in the level of serum Mg++.
The generation of endogenous lithium would obviously occur due to biological
transmutation from magnesium. Digoxin and lithium together can produce added
membrane Na+-K+ ATPase inhibition. The role of membrane Na+-K+
ATPase inhibition in the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric and systemic disorders
is discussed. The inhibition of membrane Na+-K+ ATPase can
contribute to an increase in intracellular calcium and a decrease in magnesium,
which can result in a defective neurotransmitter transport mechanism,
mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis, defective golgi body function and
protein processing dysfunction, immune dysfunction and oncogenesis.
Japan scientists studied several single-cell
organisms and tested biological transmutations using modern analytical
techniques. They found that the needed but missing elements were manufactured by
the organisms using elements that were present in the environment.
Reference :
Hisatoki Komaki, “Observations on biological cold
fusion or the biological transformation of elements”,
Proc. Fourth International Conf. on Cold Fusion,
Lahaina, Maui, Dec. 6-9. (1993), EPRI TR-104188-V4 (1994), p. 44,
Russian scientists placed various single-cell
organisms in heavy-water containing manganese sulphate. Iron-57 would result if
a nuclear reaction were to cause a deuteron to enter the nucleus of the
manganese. Production of iron-57 was detected using the Mössbauer effect, a
method which can easily determine the presence of this isotope at very low
levels and with no chance for mistaken identity. They found that iron-57 was
made at a constant rate when heavy-water and manganese were both present in the
growing cultures. No effect was seen when normal water was used or when the
manganese was absent.
Reference :
Vladimir I. Vysotskii, et al., “Experimental
discovery of phenomenon of low-energy nuclear transformation of isotopes
(Mn55=Fe57) in growing biological cultures”,
SPAWAR's mission is to provide the warfighter with knowledge superiority by
developing, delivering, and maintaining effective, capable and integrated
command, control, communications, computer, intelligence and surveillance
systems. And, while our name and organizational structure have changed
several times over the years, our basic mission of helping the Navy
communicate and share critical information has not. SPAWAR provides
information technology and space systems for today's Navy and Defense
Department activities while planning and designing for the future.
A new official report just out, prepared by the U.S. Navy, is strongly
supportive of cold fusion research:
TECHNICAL REPORT 1862, February 2002
Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System
(In two volumes)
A new official report prepared by the U.S. Navy strongly supports cold fusion
research and its funding:
TECHNICAL REPORT 1862, February 2002
Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System
It is a public document with unlimited distribution. Because of its importance,
we are posting below some of the introductory material in each of the report's
two volumes. The full report is available on the internet in two electronic
We wish to highlight a crucial statement from the Foreword to the report:
"As I write this Foreword, California is experiencing rolling blackouts due to
power shortages. Conventional engineering, planned ahead, could have prevented
these blackouts, but it has been politically expedient to ignore the inevitable.
We do not know if Cold Fusion will be the answer to future energy needs, but we
do know the existence of Cold Fusion phenomenon through repeated observations by
scientists throughout the world. It is time that this phenomenon be investigated
so that we can reap whatever benefits accrue from additional scientific
understanding. It is time for government funding organizations to invest in this
Dr. Frank E. Gordon, Head
Navigation and Applied Sciences Department
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego"
Again, because of its national and international significance, we present here
the initial material of Volume 1 in its entirety:
TECHNICAL REPORT 1862 February 2002
Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System
Volume 1: A Decade of Research at Navy Laboratories
S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier-Boss, Editors
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited SPAWAR Systems Center San
Diego, SSC San Diego San Diego, CA 92152-5001
P.A. Miller, CAPT, USN Commanding Officer R.C. Kolb, Executive Director
Administrative Information
The work described in this report was performed for the Office of Naval Research
through the collaboration of Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego (SSC
San Diego); the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake; and the
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). Released by G.W. Anderson, Head, Applied
Research and Technology Branch, Under authority of R.H. Moore, Head,
Environmental Sciences Division.
Contributing authors (in alphabetical order): Dr. Pamela A. Mosier-Boss (Spawar
Systems Center San Diego), Dr. Scott R. Chubb (Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC), Professor Martin Fleischmann, F.R.S.,United Kingdom, Dr. M.
Ashraf Imam, Naval Research Laboratory,Washington, DC, Dr. Melvin H. Miles,
Department of Chemistry, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreeboro, TN, Dr.
Stanislaw Szpak, San Diego, CA.
Twelve years have passed since the announcement on 23 March 1989 by Professors
Fleischmann and Pons that the generation of excess enthalpy occurs in
electrochemical cells when palladium electrodes, immersed in D2O +
LiOH electrolyte, are negatively polarized. The announcement, which came to be
known as "Cold Fusion," caused frenzied excitement. In both the scientific and
news communities, fax machines were used to pass along fragments of rumor and
"facts." (Yes, this was before wide spread use of the internet. One can only
imagine what would happen now.) Companies and individuals rushed to file patents
on yet to be proven ideas in hopes of winning the grand prize. Unfortunately,
the phenomenon described by Fleischmann and Pons was far from being understood
and even factors necessary for repeatability of the experiments were unknown.
Over the next few months, the scientific community became divided into the
"believers" and the "skeptics." The "believers" reported the results of their
work with enthusiasm that at times overstated the significance of their results.
On the other hand, many "skeptics" rejected the anomalous behavior of the
polarized Pd/D system as a matter of conviction, i.e. without analyzing the
presented material and always asking "where are the neutrons?" Funding or
research quickly dried up as anything related to "Cold Fusion" was portrayed as
a hoax and not worthy of funding. The term "Cold Fusion" took on a new
definition much as the Ford Edsel had done years earlier.
By the Second International Conference on Cold Fusion, held at Villa Olmo, Como,
Italy, in June/July 1991, the altitude toward Cold Fusion was beginning to take
on a more scientific basis. The number of flash-in-the-pan "believers" had
diminished, and the "skeptics" were beginning to be faced with having to explain
the anomalous phenomenon, which by this time had been observed by many credible
scientists throughout the world. Shortly after this conference, the Office of
Naval Research (ONR) proposed a collaborative effort involving the Naval
Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, RDT&E Division, which
subsequently has become the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego (SSC
San Diego); the Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division, China Lake; and the
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The effort's basic premise was to investigate
the anomalous effects associated with the prolonged charging of the Pd/D system
and "to contribute in collegial fashion to a coordinated tri-laboratory
Each laboratory took a different area of research. At San Diego, our goal was to
understand the conditions that initiate the excess heat generation (the
Fleischmann-Pons effect) and the search for evidence that indicates their
nuclear origin. To eliminate the long incubation times (often weeks), Drs. Stan
Szpak and Pam Boss decided to prepare the palladium electrodes by the
co-deposition technique. Initially, they concentrated on tritium production and
the monitoring of emanating radiation. More recently, they extended their effort
to monitoring surface temperature via IR imaging technique and showed the
existence of discrete heat sources randomly distributed in time and space. This
discovery may prove to be a significant contribution to the understanding of the
At China Lake, Dr. Miles and his collaborators showed that a correlation exists
between the rate of the excess enthalpy generation and the quantity of helium in
the gas stream. Such a correlation is the direct evidence of the nuclear origin
of the Fleischmann-Pons effect.
The research at NRL was directed toward the metallurgy of palladium and its
alloys and the theoretical aspects of the Fleischmann-Pons effect. In
particular, Dr. Imam prepared Pd/B alloys that Dr. Miles used in calorimetric
experiments. It was shown that these alloys yielded reproducible excess enthalpy
generation with minimal incubation times (approximately 1 day). The theoretical
work of Dr. Chubb contributed much to our understanding of the Fleischmann-Pons
Although funding for Cold Fusion ended several years ago, progress in
understanding the phenomenon continues at a much slower pace, mostly through the
unpaid efforts of dedicated inquisitive scientists. In preparation of this
report the authors spent countless hours outside of their normal duties to
jointly review their past and current contributions, including the "hidden"
agenda that Professor Fleischmann pursued for several years in the 1980s when he
was partially funded by ONR. Special thanks are extended to all scientists who
have worked under these conditions, including those who contributed to this
report and especially to Professor Fleischmann.
As I write this Foreword, California is experiencing rolling blackouts due to
power shortages. Conventional engineering, planned ahead, could have prevented
these blackouts, but it has been politically expedient to ignore the inevitable.
We do not know if Cold Fusion will be the answer to future energy needs, but we
do know the existence of Cold Fusion phenomenon through repeated observations by
scientists throughout the world. It is time that this phenomenon be investigated
so that we can reap whatever benefits accrue from additional scientific
understanding. It is time for government funding organizations to invest in this
Dr. Frank E. Gordon, Head Navigation and Applied Sciences Department
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, San Diego
Table of Contents (Volume 1) 1. The Emergence of Cold Fusion- S. Szpak and P. A. Mosier-Boss
2. Events in a Polarized Pd+D Electrode Prepared by Co-deposition Technique - S.
Szpak and P. A. Mosier-Boss
3. Excess Heat and Helium Production in Palladium and Palladium Alloys - Melvin
H. Miles
4. Analysis of Experiment MC-21: A Case Study
Part I: Development of Diagnostic Criteria
Part II: Application of Diagnostic Criteria - S. Szpak, P.A. Mosier-Boss, M.H.
Miles, M.A. Imam and M. Fleischmann
5. An Overview of Cold Fusion Theory - Scott Chubb
Appendix: Listing of Publications/Presentations Related to Cold Fusion by Navy
Thermal and Nuclear Aspects of the Pd/D2O System
Volume 2: Simulation of the Electrochemical Cell (ICARUS) Calorimetry
The calorimetry of any electrochemical cell involves two type of activities:
data collection and data evaluation. The required data are the cell
potential-time and cell temperature-time series. The evaluation is based on
conservation laws subject to constraints dictated by cell design and the adapted
experimental procedure.
Volume 2 of this report deals with the modeling and simulation of the Dewar-type
calorimeter. It was written by Professor Fleischmann to provide an authoritative
discussion of the calorimetry of electrochemical cells. The emphasis is on the
interpretation of data and the accuracy of the determination of the excess
enthalpy generation via the appropriate selection of heat transfer coefficients.
The discussion of the calorimetry of the Dewar-type cells is presented in the
form of technical report for a number of reasons, among them: (i) its length
would likely prohibit publication in topical journals, (ii) to clarify
misunderstandings regarding the principles of calorimetry as applied to
electrochemical cell in general and to the cell employed by Fleischmann and his
collaborators, in particular.
- S. Szpak and P.A. Mosier-Boss, eds.
Table of Contents (Volume 2) Introduction - Symbols Used 1. The Evolution of the Icarus Data Evaluation Strategies.
2. Definition of the Heat Transfer Coefficients.
3.Differential Equations Governing the Behavior of the Calorimeters: Simulations
of the Temperature-Time Series.
4. Specification of the Icarus-1 Experimental Protocols and Data Evaluation
5. Evaluation of the "Raw Data" Generated Using the Simulation Described in
Section 4.
6. Evaluation of a Measurement Cycle for a "Blank Experiment" Using an Icarus-2
7. Assessment of the Specification of the Icarus-1 Experimental Protocols and
Data Evaluation Procedures.
Thanks to
Cold Fusion Now and AlainCo at LENR Forum for picking up what seems to be a
very important development — Mitsubishi Heavy Industries has been granted a
patent by the European Patent Office for a “Nuclide transmutation device and
nuclide transmutation method” which the introduction to the patent states
could allow for the transforming of long-lived radioactive waste into
short-lived radioactive nuclides or stable nuclides, and the transmutation
of abundant elements into rare earth elements.
The patent
application was filed in 2001 and was granted on December 3 2013, and the
inventors are listed as Yasuhiro Iwamura, Takehiko Itoh and Mitsuru Sakano
with the applicant being Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
I don’t find
a reference to LENR itself in the patent application, but the description of
the device clearly shows that an LENR process is involved. The invention is
described as a ‘small scale device’ which comprises of a multilayer
structure body made of palladium or other hydrogen absorbing metal or alloy,
absorption and desorption parts that surround the body, and high and low
pressurization devices that produce deuterium.
The granting
of this patent provides an important stamp of credibility for the field of
LENR, and opens a door to a world of possibilities in materials science
where elements can be engineered in useful ways. Mitsubishi is one of the
world’s giants of engineering and having them involved in LENR development,
and now granted this patent, will surely garner the attention of the
engineering, scientific and business worlds.
enough LENR patents are now being granted, after passing the muster of the
patent examiner. They must perform, as described, in order to do so. Each
time I rejoice, and after studying it deeply, appreciate the brilliant and
applied efforts undertaken to achieve such a patent granted.
Patent Application – Filed 2001
Transmutation Device and Nuclide Transmutation Method
Iwamura, Y.,
T. Itoh, and M. Sakano Iwamura, Y., T. Itoh, and M. Sakano, 2002,
Published in the May 2002 Popular Mechanics issue.
Researchers claim they have used common lab equipment to create
fusion--the process that powers the sun. Unlike so-called "cold fusion,"
the new process relies upon an accepted physical phenomenon known as
sonoluminescence ("Hot Sounds," Feb. 1998, page 40).The experiments,
conducted by American and Russian scientists at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory in Tennessee, used high-frequency sound to create and rapidly
collapse neutron-bombarded bubbles in a mixture of acetone and
deuterium.Scientists are divided as to whether the phenomenon can be
scaled up to produce useful amounts of power.
We proposed a new mechanism of LENR: cooperative processes in whole system -
nuclei+atoms+condensed matter can occur at smaller threshold then corresponding
ones on free constituents. The cooperative processes can be induced and enhanced
by low energy external fields. The excess heat is the emission of internal
energy and transmutations at LENR are the result of redistribution inner energy
of whole system.
We proposed a new mechanism of LENR: cooperative processes in whole system -
nuclei+atoms+condensed matter can occur at smaller threshold energies then
corresponding ones on free constituents. The cooperative processes can be
induced and enhanced by low energy external fields. The excess heat is the
emission of internal energy and transmutations at LENR are the result of
redistribution inner energy of whole system.
The review of possible stimulation mechanisms of LENR (low energy nuclear
reaction) is represented. We have concluded that transmutation of nuclei at low
energies and excess heat are possible in the framework of the modern physical
theory - the universal resonance synchronization principle [1] and based on its
different enhancement mechanisms of reaction rates are responsible for these
processes [2]. The excitation and ionization of atoms may play role as a trigger
for LENR. Superlow energy of external fields may stimulate LENR [3].
Investigation of this phenomenon requires knowledge of different branches of
science: nuclear and atomic physics, chemistry and electrochemistry, condensed
matter and solid state physics,... The results of this research field can
provide a new source of energy, substances and technologies. The puzzle of poor
reproducibility of experimental data is due to the fact that LENR occurs in open
systems and it is extremely sensitive to parameters of external fields and
systems. Classical reproducibility principle should be reconsidered for LENR
experiments. Poor reproducibility and unexplained results do not means that the
experiment is wrong. Our main conclusions:
ISBN13: 9780841269668 -
ISBN10: 0841269661-hardback, 420 pages - Aug 2008,
This book is a summary of selected experimental and
theoretical research performed over the last 19 years that gives profound and unambiguous evidence
for low energy nuclear reaction (LENR), historically known as cold fusion.
In 1989, the subject was announced with great fanfare, to the chagrin of
many people in the science community. However, the significant claim of its
discoverers, Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons, excess heat without
harmful neutron emissions or strong gamma radiation, involving
electrochemical cells using heavy water and palladium, has held strong.
In recent years, LENR, within the field of condensed matter nuclear science,
has begun to attract widespread attention and is regarded as a potential
alternative and renewable energy source to confront climate change and
energy scarcity. The aim of the research is to collect experimental findings
for LENR in order to present reasonable explanations and a conclusive
theoretical and practical working model.
The goal of the field is directed toward the fabrication of LENR devices
with unique commercial potential demonstrating an alternative energy source
that does not produce greenhouse gases, long-lived radiation or strong
prompt radiation. The idea of LENR has led to endless discussions about the
kinetic impossibility of intense nuclear reactions with high coulomb barrier
potential. However, recent theoretical work may soon shed light on this
Understanding this process is one of the most challenging and perhaps
important issues in the scientific world. This book includes previously
unpublished studies, new and controversial theories to approach LENR with
access to new sources and experimental results. The book offers insight into
this controversial subject and will help readers re-evaluate their
perspective on LENR for a possible alternative energy source.
Jan Marwan, who built up his own research laboratory
in Berlin, Germany, to deeply investigate cold
fusion processes, is a specialized electrochemist
and focused his research on the electrochemical
properties of metal hydride systems.
Steven B. Krivit is the editor of the New Energy
Times online magazine and Executive Director of New
Energy Institute. He has been the lead journalist
investigating the LENR field for the last eight
Andrea Rossi's answer to the question: "why did you chose a Greek company to
build and market the commercial device based on your discovery, granting them
worldwide rights, (except for America)"? During the Defkalion Green Technologies
press conference, in Paleo Faliro, June 23 2011
Greek Deputy Development Minister Socrates Xynidis Attends
Agreement With 3 Multinational Companies
17 Countries Have Expressed Interest
Establishment Of Research New Centre
3 New Plants Making e-cats in Xanthi
Investment Totals 200 Million Euros
Co-operation With University of Xanthi
Also in attendance:
of the Association of Exporters of Northern Greece
of "Larco" which will supply nickel
Secretariat for Research of China
of the Technical Chamber of Greece
Representative of German Green Party
Press Conference just finished (around 16.30 Athens time) In Palaio
Faliro Municipality Congress Center, around 150 people attended.
Press coverage: 7 cameras from Greek mainstream stations, RAI, news
paper journalists from major Greek newspapers, Italian, Assosiated
Press, and others.
On the stage: Prof Stremenos, A. Xanthoulis from Defkalion GT and Andrea
A press release and a press kit in DVD was distributed to the media. A
special company announcement on the event will follow on Friday 24th
with details, full list of participants, photos etc.
The event was filmed and it will be uploaded next week, with English
subtitles, on YouTube after technical preparation.
The following report is from Greek News site
Xanthi Press
The report has been translated using Google Translate, so there are some
transcription issues going from Greek to English.
The first official presentation of the investment-mammoth company
Defkalion Green Technologies in Xanthi, to produce energy from fusion of
hydrogen-nickel (the invention of Foccardi-Rossi), was held Thursday
afternoon in the auditorium of Town Hall Palaio Faliro.
To XanthiPress.gr covered the event and presents interesting material on
investing and the importance ascribed by the scientific and business
community. The
presentation was made by the company president Alekos Xanthoulis,
accompanied by the inventor - Professor, University of Bologna Andrea
Rossi and former Ambassador, also professor at Bologna, Chris Stremmeno
while the event was attended by Deputy Development Minister Socrates
A. Xanthoulis: "We can say that we start"
President Alekos Xanthoulis company initially said that "For 1.5 years
we have started this effort in time to present.
Indeed the first time I saw this device that produces energy from
"nothing" totally believed Professor Rossi.
He was questioned and many audits by international organizations, but no
longer as an industry standard and we can say that we start, "he said.
In parallel, inter alia, noted that the effort has a national character
by referring to "a light will come and we want to be ours and not the
According to President of Defkalion, industrial production starts from
Xanthi to the first factory to the Fall, where katakefazetai
core-reactor device (the "secret").
A new plant will operate within the next year again in Xanthi, where
devices are manufactured complete e-cat, while the third plant unit will
be operational in 2013 and again in Xanthi and will deal with the
production of industrial units.
The total investment cost estimated at over 200 million euros.
On the question of XanthiPress.gr reason for the choice of Xanthi as
installation space industry, said three reasons:
First, note that in 3-4 visits to the region found a very high
level of technical people in the region as well as kindness and warm
hospitality of the people.
Secondly, said the geo-strategic position Xanthie 2 ports, 2 airports
near and immediate access to all trans-European road networks are very
important and, thirdly, he noted that the overall reception has been
very positive, noting " We want the development to cease to be vertical
and not move up from Lamia and Schimatari.
My hometown is Volos not welcomed me as I expected, unlike the blonde
who greeted us as they should, "he said with meaning.
Declared open to cooperation with scientists and the University of
Xanthi and said an agreement with three major multinational companies
and the planned establishment of a Research Centre in the region.
The device will be presented in a formal test before the Greek
authorities in the first 10 days of July, with several institutes around
the world have tried the device.
Moreover, 17 countries have expressed interest and demand is very high
every day.
We are very proud of that time.
Greek diaspora investment fund
9 Greek diaspora-that compose Defcalion Global-fund investment
outside of A. Xanthoulis.
There is no debt or other financing and stated clearly that there is no
request for a grant and the investment is only covered by equity.
"We inform the state for this operation and the presence of Mr Xynidi
indicates the support provided to us," said President of the company.
Alongside Professor Rossi revealed that interest was the discovery of
various countries, but considered it more sincere effort identified by
the Greek company Defkalion market the patent, adding that it is Greece
of a large and highly appreciates the achievements of the country over
the past 25 centuries.
"There are entrepreneurs with patriotic feeling at this time we will not
see what you get from the investment, but what will give the country"
said Professor H. Stremmenos, pointing out the cultural dimension to the
Technical details of the device
According to President of the Company "is a box-reactor that uses nickel
and hydrogen, which gives us heat. They had been many attempts in the
past for cold fusion, but we managed to get to this form of energy
production while Greece has 83% of the amount of nickel in the EU.
It can produce up to 30 kilowatts / hour of thermal energy.
We proceed experimentally and we present the toimoi Anna October 1
megawatt device and November 12 megawatts of energy. "The box can be
used for domestic or industrial use of energy while producing heat can
be produced and electricity the country needs."
The cost is estimated at 4-5000 euro and the depreciation is estimated
to not exceed a period of one year. "We'll cover the world and is a
great project because, especially abroad, this technology has become too
big noise, and although Greece is exclusively non-US country has shown
There were parliamentary questions to Obama and Berslouskoni for this
reason that Greece got this patent.
We now hope to have an interest in Greece. "Said Alexis Xanthoulis.
"From Greek goodwill of a product will reduce the cost of heating and
hot water at 10%.
Anyone who wants can add whatever a mechanism to convert thermal energy
into electricity and return the surplus to PPC.
He noted, however that did not produce any harmful effects.
The cost is less than 1 minute per kilovatora, unlike the 12 that
currently pays the Greek and the importance for industry, rural economy,
and the power of the islands are large enough.
Use for example using a michanmimatos to house 200 square, where a
device is provided free throughout the thermal energy required in the
home while it collects 2,500 euros from the sale of electricity by
High attendance at the event
The event was attended, apart from company executives, several
representatives of the scientific community and representatives of
foreign states and organizations show the importance given to the
success of the invention. Among them, the representative of the
local government of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany controlled by the Green
party, the President of the Hellenic-American Chamber, representing the
General Secretariat for Research of China, Chairman of the Technical
Chamber of Greece The President of the Association of Exporters of
Northern Greece as well as the President of "Larco" which will supply
nickel as raw material Defkalion. Furthermore, there was quite a
large interest from the municipalities of Athens interested in
installing systems in municipal buildings.
Apart from the journalists of Greek and international media,
questions submitted and scientists and business people, pairontas by
Andrea Rossi answers only on the outside and not in the inner core of
the device, which is a closely-guarded secret.
6 ημέρες πριν –
Η συσκευή “Ψυχρής Σύντηξης”
για αστείρευτη ενέργεια, έφυγε από
την Ξάνθη και πηγαίνει στον Καναδά –
Η Εταιρεία “ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ” κουράστηκε
2 ημέρες
πριν – Η εφεύρεση του αιώνα
εγκατέλειψε την Θράκη. Η συσκευή Ψυχρής
Σύντηξης για αστείρευτη ενέργεια, έφυγε από
την Ξάνθη και πηγαίνει στον ...
4 ημέρες
πριν – Η εφεύρεση του αιώνα
εγκατέλειψε την Θράκη; Η συσκευή
“Ψυχρής Σύντηξης” για αστείρευτη ενέργεια,
έφυγε από την Ξάνθη και πηγαίνει στον ...
31 Δεκ. 2012 –
Η συσκευή “Ψυχρής
Σύντηξης”για αστείρευτη ενέργεια, έφυγε από την Ξάνθη και πηγαίνει στον
Καναδά – Η Εταιρεία “ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ” κουράστηκε ...
4 ημέρες πριν –
Η συσκευή
“Ψυχρής Σύντηξης”για αστείρευτη ενέργεια, έφυγε από την Ξάνθη και
πηγαίνει στον Καναδά – Η Εταιρεία “ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ” κουράστηκε ...
21 Δεκ. 2012 –
αἰέν ἀριστεύειν.
Η εφεύρεση του αιώνα εγκατέλειψε την Θράκη;. Πριν από 4 λεπτά.
TNSite. Η Kim Kardashian έγκυος στο παιδί του Κanye West!
6 ημέρες πριν –
Η εφεύρεση του
αιώνα εγκατέλειψε την Θράκη; | Φωτογραφία 1. Η συσκευή “Ψυχρής
Σύντηξης” για αστείρευτη ενέργεια, έφυγε από την Ξάνθη και
Η συσκευή “Ψυχρής Σύντηξης” για αστείρευτη
ενέργεια, έφυγε από την Ξάνθη και πηγαίνει στον Καναδά -
Η Εταιρεία “ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ” κουράστηκε να περιμένει
συμπαράσταση από το Κράτος - Εκατό (100) εκατομμύρια
Ευρώ πρόσφεραν οι Τούρκοι για να μεταφερθεί η έδρα της
Εταιρείας στην Τουρκία - Η ΝΑSA ενδιαφέρεται, η Ελλάδα
Τόπος των χαμένων
ευκαιριών δεν είναι μόνον η Αλεξανδρούπολη αλλά και η
Θα θυμούνται ασφαλώς οι
αναγνώστες της ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΗΣ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ τα ρεπορτάζ που είχαμε
δημοσιεύσει για την ίδρυση Εργοστασίου στην ΒΙ.ΠΕ Ξάνθης
που θα συναρμολογούσε επιβατικά και αγροτικά αυτοκίνητα.
Επρόκειτο για μια πολύ
μεγάλη επένδυση σύμφωνα με τις ανακοινώσεις, που όμως έμεινε
στα χαρτιά. Και μην την είδατε και μην την ακούσατε.
Άλλη μια παρόμοια
περίπτωση που πριν από ένα χρόνο είχαμε παρουσιάσει,
ήταν η επένδυση της Εταιρείας “ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ” για κατασκευή
οικιακών συσκευών “Ψυχρής σύντηξης” που θα παρείχαν
αστείρευτη ενέργεια.
Για την συνέχεια και την
κατάληξη αυτής της ιστορίας διαβάστε τι έγραψε “ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ”
Η Ελλάδα της κρίσης
μοιάζει απελπιστικά με το κουτί της Πανδώρας: μύρια κακά
και μόνο ένα καλό – η ελπίδα – ήρθαν στο φως.
Η έσχατη τραγωδία μας
είναι πως ακόμη και αυτή την ελπίδα αποδεικνυόμαστε
ανίκανοι να την κρατήσουμε στα χέρια μας και τη
διώχνουμε στα πέρατα της Γης.
Για τι πράγμα μιλάμε;
Για το καυτότερο μυστικό του πλανήτη, την πηγή
αστείρευτης ενέργειας.
Τώρα, έπειτα από πολλές
δοκιμές και κρίσεις τρίτων παρατηρητών, «Το Βήμα»
επισκέφθηκε το εργαστήριό της και είδε ιδίοις όμμασι την
εισαγόμενη ενέργεια να εξαπλασιάζεται στην έξοδο!
Ομως δεν πρόκειται να «δει
το θαύμα» κανένας άλλος στη χώρα μας: την επόμενη ημέρα
η Δευκαλίων τα μάζεψε κι έφυγε για το Βανκούβερ του
Είχε κουραστεί πια να
περιμένει αυτό το άψυχο κράτος να της δώσει πλαίσιο
Αξίζει πολλαπλά να
διαβάσετε τη συνέχεια αυτής της ιστορίας, όχι μόνο για
την ευκαιρία να ξανασχηματίσετε το γνωστό πενταδάχτυλο
σχήμα αλλά και διότι είναι μάλλον ο πρόλογος ενός νέου
κεφαλαίου στην ιστορία της ανθρωπότητας!
Το 1751 ο γερμανός
βαρόνος Axel Frederik Cronstedt έψαχνε σε ένα ορυχείο να
βρει χαλκό. Αντ' αυτού ανακάλυψε ένα καινούργιο μέταλλο,
που το ονόμασε τσαντισμένος «kupfernickel», δηλαδή «χαλκό
του Διαβόλου». Το λευκό αυτό μέταλλο είναι το γνωστό
νικέλιο, που βρίσκεται άφθονο και στη χώρα μας.
Η αλχημεία του «χαλκού
του Διαβόλου»
Πολύ αργότερα, και ενόσω
το νικέλιο έπαιρνε τη θέση του στη βιομηχανική
επανάσταση με τις ποικίλες εφαρμογές του, κάποια
περίεργα φαινόμενα απρόσμενης μεταστοιχείωσης άρχισαν να
διαπιστώνονται στα εργαστήρια των επιστημόνων.
Συγκεκριμένα, στο τεύχος
Ιουλίου του 1905 του περιοδικού The Physical Review ο
βρετανός χημικός Clarence Skinner έγραψε:
«Κατά την πειραματική
μελέτη της εμβάπτισης διαφόρων μετάλλων σε ήλιο
παρατηρήθηκε ότι όσο προσεκτικά κι αν καθαρίζαμε το
αέριο εμφανιζόταν επίμονα ακτινοβολία υδρογόνου στην
Ακολούθησαν δεκάδες
άλλοι με όμοιες διαπιστώσεις, σε βαθμό που ο καθηγητής
του Πολυτεχνείου της Καλιφόρνιας (Caltech) Robert
Millikan δήλωσε λίγο μετά τη βράβευσή του με το Νομπέλ
Φυσικής - το 1923 - πως «οι
πυρηνικές μεταστοιχειώσεις κατά την ηλεκτρική εκκένωση
είναι ένα από τα εξόχως ενδιαφέροντα προβλήματα της
σύγχρονης φυσικής».
Το 1926 οι καθηγητές
Fritz Paneth και Κ. Peters αποφάνθηκαν ότι το παλλάδιο
ήταν αυτό που επέφερε μεταστοιχείωση του υδρογόνου σε
ήλιο κατά τα πειράματά τους, σε θερμοκρασία δωματίου.
Ο επιστημονικός κόσμος
όμως ξέχασε τα επόμενα χρόνια να ψάξει άλλο το θέμα και...
ξαφνιάστηκα περίεργα όταν άκουσα τον τεχνικό διευθυντή
της Δευκαλίων Γιάννη Χατζηχρήστο να μου λέει - σχεδόν
έναν αιώνα μετά - πως «δεν συζητάμε για πυρηνική
ενέργεια αλλά για χημική ενέργεια που προέρχεται από
«Δηλαδή τι κάνετε και
πώς φθάσατε σε αυτήν;» τον ρώτησα.
Μου απάντησε πως έφθασαν
διά της «εις άτοπον απαγωγής»:
Ο ιταλός χημικός Andrea
Rossi είχε εντοπίσει τυχαία το φαινόμενο σύντηξης
νικελίου και υδρογόνου αλλά, μη κατανοώντας το σε βάθος,
δεν κατόρθωνε να ελέγξει και να σταθεροποιήσει τη
Η ανεπάρκεια αυτή και το
επιχειρηματικό του ολίσθημα να δώσει στην αμερικανική
εταιρεία Ampenergo τα δικαιώματα μεταπώλησης στον Καναδά
οδήγησαν στο «διαζύγιο» του περσινού καλοκαιριού μεταξύ
της Δευκαλίων και της εταιρείας Leonardo Corp. του
Andrea Rossi.
Τότε, «έχοντας διαβάσει
όλη τη βιβλιογραφία των πυρηνικών αντιδράσεων χαμηλής
ενέργειας (LENR)», μου είπε ο κ. Χατζηχρήστος, «αποφασίσαμε
πως έπρεπε να δοκιμάσουμε αυτό που δεν είχε σκεφθεί
κανένας άλλος.
Φτιάξαμε μια ολότελα δική μας νέα μέθοδο,
που επιτρέπει τη σύντηξη του υδρογόνου με το νικέλιο σε
απόλυτα ελεγχόμενες συνθήκες».
Ήμασταν εκεί, στη δοκιμή!
Το ότι τα λεγόμενά του
ανταποκρίνονταν στην πραγματικότητα το διαπίστωσα ο
ίδιος, στον βαθμό που μου επέτρεπαν οι γνώσεις μηχανικού,
όταν επιτέλεσαν για χάρη μου το πείραμα.
Μια διάταξη δημιουργίας
θέρμαινε νανοσκόνη νικελίου στους 500 βαθμούς
Κελσίου, επιφέροντας αλλοιώσεις στη δομή των ισοτόπων
του νικελίου.
Τότε, τρεις καταλύτες εισάγονταν στον
θαλαμίσκο της αντίδρασης και ακολουθούσε ο διαχωρισμός
του συμπιεσμένου διατομικού υδρογόνου σε ατομικό, μέσω
Στην επόμενη φάση το
μονοατομικό υδρογόνο πολωνόταν, μέσω επιμήκυνσης της
τροχιάς του μοναδικού του ηλεκτρονίου - πράγμα που
επέφερε και εκπομπή ακτινοβολίας γάμμα.
Ακολουθούσε η απορρόφηση
της ακτινοβολίας γάμμα και η μετατροπή της σε θερμότητα.
Από την έναρξη αυτής της
αντίδρασης και εφεξής δεν χρειαζόταν η περαιτέρω
θέρμανση του νικελίου (σε αντίθεση με τη μέθοδο του
Rossi) και η «καύση» μπορούσε να διαρκέσει μήνες.
Αρκούσε η εισαγωγή
αερίου αργού για να διατηρείται το εσωτερικό του
θαλαμίσκου στη σωστή πίεση.
Αξιοσημείωτο ήταν και το
ότι η διαδικασία κλεισίματος του συστήματος ήταν
ακαριαία, με απλό κλείσιμο της παροχής υδρογόνου, ενώ η
διάταξη του Rossi απαιτούσε ώρες.
Το τελικό προϊόν της
αντίδρασης ήταν φωτόνια στην υπέρυθρη κλίμακα, δηλαδή
Η εξαγόμενη ενέργεια που
είδα από το συγκεκριμένο πείραμα ήταν εξαπλάσια της
εισαγόμενης. «Είναι η τελική;» ρώτησα τον κ. Χατζηχρήστο.
«Εχουμε φθάσει έως και
14πλάσια, αλλά δεν το ρισκάρουμε πριν βεβαιωθούμε ότι οι
κεραμικές μονώσεις που χρησιμοποιούμε την αντέχουν»
«Πόσο νικέλιο απαιτείται
για καύσιμο;» ξαναρώτησα. «Τα τρία γραμμάρια που βάλαμε
στις 16 Ιουνίου, απ' ό,τι βλέπεις, δεν έχουν εξαντληθεί
ως σήμερα (21 Νοεμβρίου) και έχουν την ίδια απόδοση.
Το μόνο που χρειάζεται
είναι δύο λίτρα υδρογόνο στο εξάμηνο» απάντησε ο
Αλέξανδρος Ξανθούλης αφοπλιστικά.
O ίδιος ισχυρίστηκε ότι
διενήργησε την πολύμηνη δοκιμή, επικεφαλής 11μελούς
ομάδας, μόνο εκ μέρους του μη κερδοσκοπικού ιδρύματος
New Energy Foundation (βλ. HYPERLINK "http://www.infinite-energy.com"
www.infinite-energy.com ) και όχι της NASA.
Αυτό τυπικά ισχύει, όμως
γνωρίζουμε από την προϊστορία με τον Rossi ότι τόσο η
διαστημική υπηρεσία των ΗΠΑ όσο και το ερευνητικό κέντρο
του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού των ΗΠΑ παρακολουθούν από κοντά
τα τεκταινόμενα.
Διάβασα το πρακτικό της
εν λόγω δοκιμής και είδα ότι ο Nelson επιβεβαίωνε την
επίτευξη περίσσειας ενέργειας στην έξοδο, έστω και
τριπλάσιας - έναντι της εξαπλάσιας που είδα εγώ.
Αλλά σημείωνε και έναν
των τριών καταλυτών που η Δευκαλίων κρατούσε μυστικούς:
ανθρακικό κάλιο. Σκέφθηκα ότι οι άλλοι δύο θα ήταν βάριο
και στρόντιο, αλλά ήταν μόνο μια εικασία.
Για το αν όντως
εικάζουμε σωστά πως αυτό είναι το θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο της
μεταστοιχείωσης που συμβαίνει στον αντιδραστήρα της
Δευκαλίων δεν θα μπορούμε να γνωρίζουμε πριν η εταιρεία
καταθέσει την αίτηση κατοχύρωσης της ευρεσιτεχνίας της
για τη μέθοδο της κύριας αντίδρασης.
Αλλά αυτό δεν πρόκειται
να το πράξει, για ευεξήγητους λόγους, παρά αφού πρώτα
καταθέσει τις έξι πατέντες που έχει αναπτύξει για τα
κεραμικά και το μπουζί του σπινθήρα πλάσματος και μόνο
τον μήνα της εμπορικής κυκλοφορίας του πρώτου προϊόντος
της. Και αυτό προβλέπεται για το ερχόμενο καλοκαίρι.
Γιατί έφυγαν από την
Συζήτησα αρκετά με τον
διευθύνοντα σύμβουλο της Δευκαλίων Αλέξανδρο Ξανθούλη,
τον τεχνικό διευθυντή της Γιάννη Χατζηχρήστο και τον
διευθυντή μάρκετινγκ Συμεών Τσαλίκογλου για το τι συνέβη
ώστε «να τα μαζέψουν και να φύγουν από την Ελλάδα» και
το τι σχεδιάζουν να κάνουν εφεξής.
Μου αφηγήθηκαν όλες τις
πτυχές της 18μηνης αναμονής τους να λάβουν από την
Πολιτεία την ελάχιστη στήριξη που ζητούσαν: αναγνώριση
του τομέα ερευνών τους ως μιας ακόμη πράσινης
τεχνολογίας και ένα απλό δάνειο για την ολοκλήρωση των
ερευνών και δοκιμών.
Ολες οι υποσχέσεις
αποδείχθηκαν φρούδες, είτε από ανικανότητα των αρμοδίων
να κατανοήσουν το θέμα είτε από «εσκεμμένη αδιαφορία» ή
από σύγκρουση συμφερόντων με τους νυν ενεργειακούς
προύχοντες της χώρας.
Μου είπαν ονόματα για
όλη αυτή την ψυχοφθόρα λιτανεία που έζησαν, αλλά
επέμειναν στο off the record.
Μόνο σε ένα ξέσπασμά του
ο Γιάννης Ξανθούλης μού είπε: «Λίγο μετά το περσινό
σας άρθρο στο "Βήμα" μάς ήλθαν για έλεγχο κατόπιν
επώνυμης καταγγελίας ότι κατασκευάζουμε παράνομες
Οταν ο έλεγχος τελείωσε
αποδεικνύοντας το ψευδές της καταγγελίας, ρωτήσαμε
ποιος την έκανε και τότε, αυτομάτως, η καταγγελία
βαφτίστηκε ανώνυμη».
Τον ρώτησα αν όντως η
κυβέρνηση είχε θεωρήσει σοβαρή την προσπάθειά τους. Μου
«Αν η τεχνολογία μας δεν
τους έπειθε, δεν τους έπεισε το ότι μας επισκέφθηκε ο
ίδιος ο διευθυντής της Υπηρεσίας Εθνικής Ασφάλειας των
ΗΠΑ (NSA) για να ενημερωθεί; Δεν πήραν είδηση την
επίσκεψή του όταν έκλεισαν τους δρόμους της Γλυφάδας για
να φθάσει ως εδώ;
Ή ότι μου ζήτησε
ενημέρωση ο Μπαρόζο;».
Πλειοδότες οι Τούρκοι!
«Αλήθεια», τον ρώτησα, «ποιοι
ξένοι σάς επισκέφθηκαν πρώτοι και πόσοι άλλοι μετά;».
«Πρώτοι ήρθαν οι Κινέζοι»
μου είπε, «αλλά τα ήθελαν όλα δικά τους. Ακολούθησαν...
οι πάντες. Σχεδόν όλα τα μεγάλα βιομηχανικά κράτη.
Τα λιγότερα ζήτησαν οι
Τούρκοι, που μας έβαλαν στο τραπέζι μια επιταγή 100 εκατ.
ευρώ, ζητώντας μόνο να μεταφερθεί η έδρα στην Τουρκία
και να λέμε ότι η τεχνολογία είναι τουρκική.
Μας πρόσφεραν αυτά τα
λεφτά όταν ακριβώς τα χρειαζόμασταν περισσότερο, αλλά
δεν μας πήγαινε η καρδιά να δεχθούμε».
«Και τώρα; Γιατί στον
Καναδά;». «Γιατί εδώ όχι μόνο δεν μας βοήθησε κανένα από
τα ερευνητικά ινστιτούτα που απευθυνθήκαμε», είπε ο κ. Ξανθούλης, «αλλά έφθασε ο βουλευτής Κοντός της Ξάνθης να
κάνει επερώτηση την άνοιξη στη Βουλή για τα... πυρηνικά
απόβλητα που θα αποθηκεύαμε στο λιμάνι της Καβάλας!
Αντίθετα, ο Καναδάς μάς
δέχθηκε χωρίς όρους. Και όχι μόνο μας επιχορηγεί και μας
δίνει επίσημη άδεια λειτουργίας με την πιστοποίηση ότι
δεν πρόκειται για συμβατική πυρηνική τεχνολογία, αλλά
και μας διαθέτει δωρεάν τα εθνικά του ενεργειακά
εργαστήρια για ό,τι χρειαστούμε».
«Πάντως», πρόσθεσε, «στον
Καναδά μετακομίζουμε μόνο προσωρινά, μέχρι να
ολοκληρωθεί η φάση πρωτοτυποποίησης, βιομηχανικών
δοκιμών και έγκρισης παραγωγής και διάθεσης βιομηχανικού
Επειτα από το πολύ τρία
χρόνια σχεδιάζουμε να επιστρέψουμε στην πατρίδα μας.
Αλλωστε ο συνολικός σχεδιασμός μας είναι για μια
εταιρεία με θυγατρικές σε όλες τις ηπείρους του πλανήτη,
καθώς ο στόχος μας είναι να αδειοδοτούμε την κατασκευή
των συστημάτων μας από τρίτους. Εμείς θα παρέχουμε μόνο
την πρώτη ύλη, την ειδικά διαμορφωμένη νανοσκόνη
Και όντως, διαβάζοντας
το επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο της εταιρείας είδα ότι έχουν
τόσο τις προδιαγραφές άνετης προετοιμασίας στον Καναδά
όσο και της μετέπειτα εμπορικής επιτυχίας:
Για κάθε δολάριο που θα
ξοδεύουν ως εταιρεία στον Καναδά, η τοπική κυβέρνηση της
Βρετανικής Κολομβίας θα βάζει άλλα τρία.
Οσο για τις προοπτικές,
με κόστος μεγαβατώρας (MWh) λιγότερο από 5 ευρώ με τον
αντιδραστήρα της (έναντι 107 ευρώ/MWh των φωτοβολταϊκών),
η Δευκαλίων προσδοκά στο πενταετές πλάνο της να έχει το
2017 καθαρά κέρδη ύψους 19 δισ. ευρώ!
Ηδη έχουν συνάψει
προκαταρκτικές συμφωνίες για αδειοδότηση κατασκευής με
εταιρείες από 80 χώρες.
Αλλά και οι μεγαλύτεροι
κατασκευαστές αεροπλάνων, αυτοκινήτων, σιδηροδρόμων και
πλοίων του πλανήτη έχουν ήδη ζητήσει κοινή έρευνα και
ανάπτυξη κινητήρων για τους τομείς τους.
«Και οι πετρελαιάδες;»
ρώτησα. «Δεν θα σας πολεμήσουν;».
Η απάντηση του κ.
Ξανθούλη ήταν: «Αν είχαμε ξεκινήσει αυτή τη διαδικασία
10 χρόνια πριν, θα ήμασταν τώρα νεκροί. Αλλά τώρα, όπως
μου είπε ο ίδιος ο αντιπρόεδρος της Exxon, δεν μας
βλέπουν ανταγωνιστικά. Πολύ απλά, όπως μου είπε, σε
δύο-τρία χρόνια θα μας κάνουν μια προσφορά εξαγοράς που
δεν θα μπορούμε να αρνηθούμε».
Διασταύρωσα αυτή τη νέα
προσέγγιση των πολυεθνικών του πετρελαίου με μια κίνηση
της Shell: μέσω του προγράμματος «Shell GameChanger»
επιζητεί συνεργασία με ερευνητές της ψυχρής σύντηξης.
Προφανώς, τους βλέπει πολύ πιο σοβαρά απ' ό,τι οι δικοί
μας ιθύνοντες.
Το «μαγικό» κουτί
«Για εμάς, τους απλούς
καταναλωτές ενέργειας, ποιο θα είναι το τελικό όφελος;».
«Οτι αγοράζοντας με 5.500 ευρώ ένα κουτί μισού κυβικού
μέτρου των 45 KW θα ξεχάσετε το κόστος ενέργειας του
σπιτιού σας» μου απάντησε.
Το μόνο που έμεινε
αναπάντητο στον νου μου ήταν πόσο θα ισχύσει η
διακηρυγμένη εμμονή της Δευκαλίων στη «μη χρήση της
τεχνολογίας της για στρατιωτικούς σκοπούς».
Απ' ό,τι έμαθα εκ των
υστέρων, μία από τις άδειες χρήσης που της ζήτησαν στον
Καναδά ήταν για αξιοποίηση τέτοιας πηγής ενέργειας σε
υπερελαφρά τηλεκατευθυνόμενα αεροπλανάκια (UAV). Και
τότε θυμήθηκα μία ακόμη στιχομυθία μου με τον τεχνικό
διευθυντή της Δευκαλίων:
«Αν υποψιάζομαι σωστά»,
του είχα πει, «η τεχνολογία σας δεν ανατρέπει απλά την
ενεργειακή οικονομία του πλανήτη αλλά επιτρέπει ακόμη
και το όνειρο για διαστρικά ταξίδια».
Μου απάντησε: «Γιατί
νομίζεις ότι η NASA ενδιαφέρεται τόσο πολύ για εμάς;».
Σημείωση Ε.Θ.
Επιφυλάξεις για την
επένδυση της Εταιρείας ΔΕΥΚΑΛΙΩΝ στην Ξάνθη είχαν
διατυπωθεί, από την πρώτη στιγμή της εξαγγελίας, κυρίως
από εφημερίδες της Ξάνθης.
Υπήρξαν μάλιστα και
ειρωνικά και υποτιμητικά δημοσιεύματα γι' αυτήν την
εφεύρεση του Αιώνα.
Τώρα η Εταιρεία φεύγει
από την Ελλάδα, των... τοπικών κοινωνιών που λένε ΟΧΙ ΣΕ
Και εμάς τους Θρακιώτες
μας δέρνει η φτώχεια και η ανεργία.
Experiments - Yasuhiro Iwamura - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Published on Mar 28, 2014
Yasuhiro Iwamura: Deuterium
Permeation Induced Transmutation Experiments using Nano-Structured Pd/CaO/Pd
Multilayer Thin Film
Yasuhiro Iwarmura, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries "Deuterium Permeation Induced
Transmutation Expt. using Nanostructured Pd/CaO/Pd Multilayer Thin Film"
March 21, 2014 at the CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT
Presentation .pdf http://coldfusionnow.org/wp-content/u...
See more CF/LANR Colloquium at MIT presentation fileshttp://coldfusionnow.org/interviews/2...
Extract from Prof. Dr.
Panos Pappas Transmutation Patent :
Another example of NMR is
the activation of sodium Na and oxygen O nucleus, so as to allow the
thermonuclear reaction Kervran-Pappas to take place:1
+452.787 Kcal/mMol
That is, the activation of
nuclei takes place, and consequently so do nuclear reactions via Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance.
In this way, by selecting a
suitable electrical characteristic switches arrangement (14), FIGS. 2a
or 2b, a suitable self 45 induction L around 1 |iH for the
inductor), which is comprised of one, two or few twisted (21a) FIG. 3b
or parallel (21) FIG. 3a conductors a sufficiently high
electrical tension for the power supply and a suitable frequency for the
pulses produced by the unit (4) FIG. 1, an inductive oscillating 50 tension
in the exhibit (24) FIGS. 4a, 4b, can be achieved, which is
characterized by a specific resonant frequency, or resonant frequencies
Due to the fact that there
is not enough time between two cycles of operation, for the activated nuclei
to get de- 55 activated, the quantity of exhibit's (24) FIGS. 4a, 4b
activated nuclei (25) and/or electrons (25) FIGS. 4a, 4b and (26),
(27), (28), FIG. 5 increases after the repetition of each operational cycle
of the device, that is, by repeating the inductor (21) FIGS. 3a, or (21a)
FIG. 3b, current feeding 60 after each new charging of the
energy reservoir-capacitor (7) FIGS. 2a, 2b. The end result in
exhibit (24) FIGS. 4a, 4b is a function of the magnetic field's
intensity and the device's operation time.
Concerning specific
applications of this method for ion 65 transport or chemical and nuclear
reactions initiation, to which specific atoms nuclei or electrons react or
are being
transported, apart from inventor's previous invention
1001784/6/21995/OBI, no other method is known.
The present new method is
important because it does not require intervention or entry into exhibit
(24) FIGS. 4a, 4b, (e.g., using electrodes and/or chemical
substances), and because the induced electrical tension is momentarily very
powerful, because of the conductivity oscillations of the electronic switch
arrangement (14) FIG. 2a or of the plasma switch (14) FIG. 2b,
without the requirement for the initial power supply tension to be equally
as big.
Like the inventor's
previous invention #1001784/67 21995/OBI, the expected applications of the
present invention are similarly extended to a great technological and
scientific spectrum, where NMR and EPR, locomotion of charges, ions, nuclei
and specific atoms in inaccessible regions is required, for illustration in
Biology, Medicine, Chemical Industry, Nuclear Industry for selective energy
supply to Chemical and Nuclear reactions, initiation at will of
Chemical-Nuclear reactions, control of ChemicalNuclear reactions, catalysis
of chemical reactions for the supply of selected products between various
other products, which cannot possibly be separated with other methods of
energy supply, and the activation of exhibits with the Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance (and/or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) (26), (27), (28), FIG. 5
as it is employed today in the field of Diagnostics Medicine with great
success and effectiveness, the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance phenomenon which
is also based on the selective energy absorption by the atomic nuclei.
With this described method,
electromagnetic radiation (~l/r2) is not
produced to the greater percentage of the field's energy, because the
intensity of the produced field weakens very fast (-1/r3)
where r is the distance from the coil (21) FIGS. 4a, 4b.
The intensity of the field
is that of a magnetic dipole, inversely proportional to the third power of
the distance (1/r3), a fact that indicates
that the field's influence does not extend to a substantial distance and is
not radiated according to 1/r2 law.
The produced field
frequency can be outside the microwave band frequencies (being smaller),
with good results.
Obviously, a variation of
the proposed device-embodiment of the method described above, can also be
materialized by, nevertheless, using a second auxiliary magnetic field to
assist or to contribute together with the ambient Earth's magnetic field, in
restoring the disturbed (under precession as described above) spins of
nucleus and spins of electrons. Also, note, this second auxiliary field can
used as substitute for the Earth's magnetic field, in part or in all, or
this field can be used, being actually redundant, just for the shake of a
novelty, with the device producing the same results as described above.
Appendix: Calculation of
the Kervran-Pappas Nuclear Reaction Energy.
US Patent # 6,442,226 Accelerator-driven transmutation of spent fuel
elements Venneri, et al. Abstract -- An apparatus and method is
described for transmuting higher actinides, plutonium and selected fission
products in a liquid-fuel subcritical assembly. Uranium may also be enriched,
thereby providing new fuel for use in conventional nuclear power plants. An
accelerator provides the additional neutrons required to perform the processes.
The size of the accelerator needed to complete fuel cycle closure depends on the
neutron efficiency of the supported reactors and on the neutron spectrum of the
actinide transmutation apparatus. Treatment of spent fuel from light water
reactors (LWRs) using uranium-based fuel will require the largest accelerator
power, whereas neutron-efficient high temperature gas reactors (HTGRs) or CANDU
reactors will require the smallest accelerator power, especially if thorium is
introduced into the newly generated fuel according to the teachings of the
present invention. Fast spectrum actinide transmutation apparatus (based on
liquid-metal fuel) will take full advantage of the accelerator-produced source
neutrons and provide maximum utilization of the actinide-generated fission
neutrons. However, near-thermal transmutation apparatus will require lower
standing inventories of plutonium and higher actinides. Uranium, presently the
largest volume constituent in nuclear waste, is fully utilized and not
discharged as waste. Since no plutonium, higher actinides or fission products
are present in the reconstituted fuel elements, the present processes can be
used repeatedly. Since the performance of the existing reactors is not changed,
full utilization of both thorium and uranium resources is achieved.
US Patent # 6,233,299 Assembly for transmutation of a long-lived
radioactive material Wakabayashi Abstract -- A new transmutation assembly
permits an efficient transmutation of a long-lived radioactive material
(long-lived FP nuclides such as technetium-99 or iodine-129) which was produced
in the nuclear reactor. Wire-type members of a long-lived radioactive material
comprised of metals, alloys or compounds including long-lived FP nuclides are
surrounded by a moderator material and installed in cladding tubes to form FP
pins. The FP pins, and nothing else, are housed in a wrapper tube to form a
transmutation assembly. The wire-type members can be replaced by thin ring-type
members. The transmutation assemblies can be selectively and at least partly
loaded into a core region, a blanket region or a shield region of a reactor core
in a fast reactor. From a viewpoint of reducing the influence on the reactor
core characteristics, it is optimal to load the transmutation assemblies into
the blanket region.
US Patent # 6,233,298 Apparatus for transmutation of nuclear reactor
waste Bowman Abstract -- A subcritical reactor-like
apparatus for treating nuclear wastes, the apparatus comprising a vessel having
a shell and an internal volume, the internal volume housing graphite. The
apparatus having means for introducing a fluid medium comprising molten salts
and plutonium and minor actinide waste and/or fission products. The apparatus
also having means for introducing neutrons into the internal volume wherein
absorption of the neutrons after thermalization forms a processed fluid medium
through fission chain events averaging approximately 10 fission events to
approximately 100 fission events. The apparatus having additional means for
removing the processed fluid medium from the internal volume. The processed
fluid medium typically has no usefulness for production of nuclear weapons.
US Patent # 5,848,110 Method and apparatus for transmutation of
atomic nuclei Maenchen, et al. Abstract -- The present invention
addresses the problems outlined above. An accelerator based on a combination of
a high repetition rate high energy pulsed power supply (RHEPP) and a
magnetically-injected anode plasma (MAP) source diode is used to provide pulsed
particle beams having intermediate energy (0.2-20 MeV) and average power levels
of hundreds of kilowatts to megawatts. This will increase the rate of isotopic
production by 2-3 orders of magnitude over processes based on conventional
accelerators. Any gaseous ion can be accelerated with this technology (proton,
deuteron, and helium beams are of special interest). This capability can be
applied to transmute target nuclei selectively into desired isotopes. RHEPP/MAP
accelerators are also extremely power efficient and relatively small in size,
making application of small units practical in, for example, major local or
regional medical facilities. Finally, the use of relatively low beam particle
energies reduces or eliminates the problem of undesired products and the
subsequent generation of radioactive waste. Although the invention is being
discussed in terms of embodiment via the RHEPP/MAP system, any pulsed ion beam
generator having sufficient ion kinetic energy and total average beam current
can be used in the same manner.
US Patent # 5,764,715 Method and apparatus for transmutation of
atomic nuclei Maenchen, et al. Abstract -- Insuring a constant supply
of radioisotopes is of great importance to medicine and industry. This invention
addresses this problem, and helps to solve it by introducing a new apparatus for
transmutation of isotopes which enables swift and flexible production on demand.
US Patent # 5,160,696 Apparatus for nuclear transmutation and power
production using an intense accelerator-generated thermal neutron flux Bowman Abstract -- Apparatus for nuclear
transmutation and power production using an intense accelerator-generated
thermal neutron flux. High thermal neutron fluxes generated from the action of a
high power proton accelerator on a spallation target allows the efficient
burn-up of higher actinide nuclear waste by a two-step process. Additionally,
rapid burn-up of fission product waste for nuclides having small thermal neutron
cross sections, and the practicality of small material inventories while
achieving significant throughput derive from employment of such high fluxes.
Several nuclear technology problems are addressed including 1. nuclear energy
production without a waste stream requiring storage on a geological timescale,
2. the burn-up of defense and commercial nuclear waste, and 3. the production of
defense nuclear material. The apparatus includes an accelerator, a target for
neutron production surrounded by a blanket region for transmutation, a turbine
for electric power production, and a chemical processing facility. In all
applications, the accelerator power may be generated internally from fission and
the waste produced thereby is transmuted internally so that waste management
might not be required beyond the human lifespan.
US Patent # 6,738,446 System and method for radioactive waste
destruction Venneri, et al. Abstract -- A method for transmuting
spent fuel from a nuclear reactor includes the step of separating the waste into
components including a driver fuel component and a transmutation fuel component.
The driver fuel, which includes fissile materials such as Plutonium.sup.239, is
used to initiate a critical, fission reaction in a reactor. The transmutation
fuel, which includes non-fissile transuranic isotopes, is transmuted by thermal
neutrons generated during fission of the driver fuel. The system is designed to
promote fission of the driver fuel and reduce neutron capture by the driver
fuel. Reacted driver fuel is separated into transuranics and fission products
using a dry cleanup process and the resulting transuranics are mixed with
transmutation fuel and re-introduced into the reactor. Transmutation fuel from
the reactor is introduced into a second reactor for further transmutation by
neutrons generated using a proton beam and spallation target.
WO 02103709 // AU2001297883 Method and apparatus for the transmutation of
nuclear waste with tandem production of tritium Inventor: EL-SHARAWY EL-BADAWY A Abstract -- The transmutation of
radioactive material using a hybrid transmutation reactor is disclosed wherein a
kinetic proton source is used to collisionally induce the transmutation of
radioactive material with the generation of thermal neutrons as a byproduct.
Additionally, a system and method for the production of Tritium utilizing the
thermal neutrons generated in the transmutation process is further described.
The present invention offers advantages and improvements over existing nuclear
reactor technologies in that nuclear waste may be rendered inert, or otherwise
at least partially deactivated and/or made less dangerous, with the
substantially simultaneous production of energy and/or Tritium as a byproduct of
the transmutation process.
BE SOLVED: To achieve a reliable method to output energy using nucleus
condensation. ; SOLUTION: Deuterium nuclei are coordinated at vertical angle
positions of each face constituting a regular hexahedron, inside a metallic
crystal. Electrons are coordinated to the other vertical angle positions. By
Coulomb attraction acting between four protons and four electrons, four
deuterium nuclei are fused to transmute into two helium atoms.
provide a nuclear battery using charged particles generated through the nuclear
reaction of an aggregation system. ; SOLUTION: The nuclear battery includes a
container, a reaction film consisting of a structure with palladium, palladium
alloy, hydrogen-absorbing metals, other than palladium or palladium alloy and a
substance whose work function is lower than those of them and a transmutation
substance layer containing a substance to be transmuted which is put into
contact with the surface of the structure; a high-concentration deuterium
section and a low-concentration deuterium section formed by dividing the
container with the reaction film to form a closed space which can be sealed by
the container and the reaction film; an electrode plate, set opposite to the
reaction film in the high-concentration deuterium section; a deuterium supply
means for supplying deuterium gas to the high-concentration deuterium section;
and an evacuation means for evacuating the low-concentration deuterium section.
of liquid radioactive wastes recycling. Long-living radionuclides are isolated
from nitric acid solution of used nuclear fuel (UNF) into solid phase in form of
acetates, oxides and other compounds, which do not contain elements strongly
activated with neutrons. Radionuclides are imbedded and fixed in carbon matrix.
Carbon matrix is obtained in process of carrying out reaction of metal acetates
with excess of phthalonitryl and their further pyrolysis. For radionuclides
isolated from UNF in form of oxides or other compounds, carbon matrix is
obtained by their mixing with yttrium acetate, then synthesis and pyrolysis of
yttrium diphthalocyanine are carried out. Operation of synthesis and pyrolysis
of yttrium diphthalocyanine is carried out in inert atmosphere, pyrolysis is
carried out at T=850-1100 DEG C. Obtained carbon matrix does not contain
elements strongly activated with neutrons, which allows using it both for
long-term storage and for transmutation of long-living radionuclides without any
chemical processing and additional operations. ^ EFFECT: obtaining carbon matrix
which can be used both for long-term storage and for transmutation of
long-living radionuclides without any chemical processing and additional
US2008232532 Apparatus and Method for Generation of Ultra
Low Momentum Neutrons Inventor: LARSEN LEWIS G [US] ; WIDOM ALAN Abstract -- Method and apparatus for
generating ultra low momentum neutrons (ULMNs) using surface plasmon polariton
electrons, hydrogen isotopes, surfaces of metallic substrates, collective
many-body effects, and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs can
be used to trigger nuclear transmutation reactions and produce heat. One aspect
of the present invention effectively provides a "transducer" mechanism that
permits controllable two-way transfers of energy back-and-forth between chemical
and nuclear realms in a small-scale, low-energy, scalable condensed matter
system at comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.
NL1033078 Energy generating process, by applying voltage
between cathode comprising transmutation elements and anode in reactor vessel
containing plasma Inventor: GEUS ARIE MELIS DE [US] Abstract-- The process
comprises the following steps: (A) adding hydrogen to a reactor vessel (6)
containing a cathode (8), anode (9) and optionally an ionization element; the
cathode comprises a primary and secondary transmutation element, the cores of
which contain more neutrons than protons; the primary element contains a neutron
with a preferable orientation; (B) ionizing at least some of the hydrogen to
form a plasma; (C) applying a voltage difference with a given time character
between the cathode and anode, causing a flow of protons towards the cathode, to
which they become temporarily bonded; the transmutation elements next to the
cathode surface and in the resulting plasma vortex fuse to form an element with
a higher mass number and a second element or molecule with a lower mass number;
and (D) collecting the radiation, which can be converted directly into
electricity or heat.
US2008123793 Thermal power production device utilizing
nanoscale confinement Inventor: LOAN JAMES F [US] ; COOPER WILLIAM Abstract -- Disclosed herein is a device
for generating thermal energy through a nuclear transmutation reaction when a
hydrogen containing fuel comes into contact with a nanotube containing element
in a reaction vessel for containing the nuclear transmutation reaction. The
device further includes an energy absorption vessel containing an energy
absorption fluid that absorbs energetic particles resulting from the
transmutation reaction and a heat transfer system for transferring thermal
energy of the energy absorption fluid to a working fluid, such as water. A
method of generating power using such a device is also disclosed.
NL1031962 Energy generating process for producing
electricity, comprises electron discharge in flow of nitrogen or air in order to
cause nuclear transmutation of nitrogen into carbon monoxide Inventor: GEUS
ARIE MELIS DE Abstract -- A flow of nitrogen or air,
or a plasma thereof, through a reactor (1) is exposed to an electron discharge,
resulting in the nuclear transmutation of gaseous nitrogen into carbon monoxide,
followed by oxidation of the carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. A method for
generating energy comprises passing a continuous flow of nitrogen or air, or a
plasma thereof, through an optionally enclosed reactor in which electron
discharge takes place, resulting in the nuclear transmutation of gaseous
nitrogen into carbon monoxide, followed by oxidation of the carbon monoxide to
carbon dioxide. An INDEPENDENT CLAIM is also included for the process apparatus,
comprising a reactor with a pressure reducing means (6) and an inlet (7) for
providing an intermittent supply of nitrogen or air; at least one cathode and at
least one anode on the inner side of the reactor space ends; a means connected
to the cathode (4) and anode (5), used for generating high voltage pulses with a
predetermined waveform and frequency between the cathode and anode; a casing
around the reactor, through which air flows in order to be heated by the process
heat from the reactor; and optional conduits for recirculating the heat-laden
air back to the casing.
US2007297554 Method And System For Production Of
Radioisotopes, And Radioisotopes Produced Thereby Inventor: LAVIE EFRAIM [IL] ; SILVERMAN IDO Abstract -- A system and method for the
production of radioisotopes by the transmutation of target isotopic material
bombarded by a continuous wave particle beam. An ion source generates a
continuous wave ion beam, irradiating an isotope target, which is cooled by
transferring heat away from the target at heat fluxes of at least about 1 kW/cm.
CN101061552 System and method for radioactive waste
destruction Inventor: MIKE VENNERI FRANCESCO BAXTER Abstract -- A method for transmuting
spent fuel from a nuclear reactor includes the step of separating the waste into
components including a driver fuel component and a transmutation fuel component.
The driver fuel, which includes fissile materials such as Plutonium<239>, is
used to initiate a critical, fission reaction in a reactor. The transmutation
fuel, which includes non-fissile transuranic isotopes, is transmuted by thermal
neutrons generated during fission of the driver fuel. The system is designed to
promote fission of the driver fuel and reduce neutron capture by the driver
fuel. Reacted driver fuel is separated into transuranics and fission products
using a dry cleanup process and the resulting transuranics are mixed with
transmutation fuel and re-introduced into the reactor. Transmutation fuel from
the reactor is introduced into a second reactor for further transmutation by
neutrons generated using a proton beam and spallation target.
provide a method for predicting nuclear reaction in a flocculation system which
enables high-accuracy prediction of the nuclear reaction. ; SOLUTION: In the
method for predicting the nuclear reaction in the flocculation system, where a
substance which is subjected to nuclide transmutation is placed in contact with
a structure in the flocculation system and deuterium is made to flow into it to
induce nuclear reaction in the substance which is subjected to nuclide
transmutation; a substance where 2n (n is a natural number) is added to both the
atomic number and the mass number, respectively of the substance to which
nuclide transmutation is given is predicted as being the substance to be
generated after the nuclide transmutation.
US2005082469 Neutron-driven element transmuter Inventor: CARLO RUBBIA Abstract -- A material is exposed to a
neutron flux by distributing it in a neutron-diffusing medium surrounding a
neutron source. The diffusing medium is transparent to neutrons and so arranged
that neutron scattering substantially enhances the neutron flux to which the
material is exposed. Such enhanced neutron exposure may be used to produce
useful radioisotopes, in particular for medical applications, from the
transmutation of readily-available isotopes included in the exposed material. It
may also be used to efficiently transmute long-lived radioactive wastes, such as
those recovered from spent nuclear fuel. The use of heavy elements, such as lead
and/or bismuth, as the diffusing medium is particularly of interest, since it
results in a slowly decreasing scan through the neutron energy spectrum, thereby
permitting very efficient resonant neutron capture in the exposed material.
provide a method for increasing a nuclide quantity which enables transmutation
from a nuclear transmutation device in the first nuclear transmutation process,
and a nuclear transmutation device. ; SOLUTION: With this method, a nuclear
transmutation quantity from a nuclear transmutation device is increased by a
process for applying electrolysis process or plasma treatment to a surface of a
structure including a hydrogen occlusion metal, and adding a material causing
nuclear transmutation to the surface.
US2004047443 Electron capture by magnetic resonance Inventor(s): BONDOC EDWIN L [PH] Also published as: WO03019219 (A1)
Abstract -- The process of capturing
electron by subjecting proton to magnetic resonance until its magnetic moment is
in opposite direction relative to the electron's magnetic moment. As soon as the
particles' magnetic moments are opposite in direction, spinlocking technique is
applied for a period of time to induce transmutation of the particles and the
consequent reactions of the product with an adjacent particle or a group of
particles and the release of energy.
Abstract -- A method for processing radioactive materials is disclosed.
The method employs hydrogen isotope nuclei for the treatment of radioactive
materials, such as uranium, and effectively increases the observed decay rate of
such materials. Therefore, the disclosed method allows remediation of dangerous
radioactive materials, such as uranium, without requiring long term,
geologically-stable storage sites or costly, accelerator -based transmutation
US2003210759 Nuclide transmutation device and nuclide
transmutation method Inventor: IWAMURA YASUHIRO [JP] ; ITOH
TAKEHIKO Abstract -- The present invention
produces nuclide transmutation using a relatively small-scale device. The device
10 that produces nuclide transmutation comprises a structure body 11 that is
substantially plate shaped and made of palladium (Pd) or palladium alloy, or
another metal that absorbs hydrogen (for example, Ti) or an alloy thereof, and a
material 14 that undergoes nuclide transmutation laminated on one surface 11A
among the two surfaces of this structure body 11. The one surface 11A side of
the structure body 11, for example, is made a region in which the pressure of
the deuterium is high due to pressure or electrolysis and the like, and the
other surface 11B side, for example, is a region in which the pressure of the
deuterium is low due to vacuum exhausting and the like, and thereby, a flow of
deuterium in the structure body 11 is produced, and nuclide transmutation is
carried out by a reaction between the deuterium and the material 14 that
undergoes nuclide transmutation.
US2003138068 Method for transmutation of long-lived
radioactive isotopes into short-lived or stable isotopes Inventor: BUTTSEV VLADIMIR STEPANOVICH [RU] ;
Abstract -- The invention relates to nuclear physics and can be used for
neutralizing long-lived radioactive isotopes contained, for example, in
radioactive waste (RW) of the nuclear engineering. A radioactive isotope
undergoes exposure to electromagnetic radiation and a deep ionization of the
isotope atoms is performed. Deep ionization of the atoms results in an
energy-permitted expedient B-decay thereof prohibited in a neutral state.
Measures are taken in order to prevent ionized atoms from recombination with
short-lived nucleus. The retention time must be long enough to transmit at least
a part of the parent nucleus into the short-lived and stable daughter nucleus.
For ensuring a factor k of an operating time of said daughter nucleus, the
retention is performed at least during a time Ki, i is a life time of the parent
nucleus at the expedient B-decay. A charge-particle beam (electrons, protons or
ions) is used for electromagnetic irradiation. The charge-particle beam
irradiation can be combined with the photon flux irradiation. The intentive
method makes it possible to speed up the transmutation of the long-lived
radioactive isotopes without using nuclear collisional reactions accompanied by
the production of radioactive co-products.
provide a structure for transmuting nuclides with a relatively small-scale
device and a means for manufacturing the structure. ; SOLUTION: A mixed layer
consisting of lamination layers of a Pd layer and a layer of a substance which
has a smaller work function than Pd is placed on a substrate made of Pd, a Pd
alloy, other metals occluding hydrogen or alloys of these metals, the structure
shaped like an approximate plate where an additional Pd layer is placed on the
mixed layer is formed and a substance which is given nuclide transmutation is
supplied to the Pd layer of the structure. The substance which is supplied to
the Pd layer and is given nuclide transmutation is acceptable if it has become
metallic, and salt may adhere to the surface of it. Electrodeposition and ion
implantation can be used as a means for supplying the substance which is given
nuclide transmutation.
Inventor: KANAREV F M ; PODOBEDOV V Abstract -- Facility for generation of
gas mixture and transmutation of nuclei of atoms of chemical elements has body
made of dielectric material with though hole, interelectrode chamber, cooling
chamber for vapor condensation, vessel for working solution, branch pipes to
feed and drain working solution, anode connected to positive pole of power
supply source and cathode connected to negative pole of power supply source.
Body has upper boss with internal cavity. Cathode is brought into cathode space
from above through axial hole of upper boss. Internal space of boss communicates
with cooling chamber which space is connected to vessel for working solution.
EFFECT: simultaneous generation of gas mixture and transmutation of nuclei of
atoms of chemical elements.
US2003226401 Atomic structure recognition and modification
method and apparatus Inventor: LETOVSKY HOWARD Also published as: US2005145031 //
US2005155340 (A1) Abstract -- The present invention
provides methods and apparatus for determining the precise makeup of atomic and
molecular structures, as well as providing the capability of modifying said
structures. The invention uses induced resonant frequency wave effects to define
and modify the electromagnetic, electrical, radioactive, atomic weight, and
co-valent bonding characteristics of matter. One embodiment of the present
invention may produce directionally controllable magnetic fields in gaseous
media that interact with magnetically polarized vehicle surfaces to allow
high-speed, highly energy efficient inter-planetary space travel. Another
embodiment of the invention may neutralize waste products remaining from nuclear
fission power production. The invention utilizes controlled multi-spectrum
frequency induction to catalyze changes in atomic structures that may include:
focused and dramatically amplified release of energy relative to natural states
of matter; production of new alloys; transmutation of dangerous organic
compounds into non-toxic media; and controlled polarization of matter. The
benefits of the invention may include highly efficient interstellar spacecraft
propulsion systems, hazardous waste elimination systems, efficient electricity
production, and health enhancement of biological organisms.
EP1202290 Nuclide transmutation device and nuclide
transmutation method Inventor: IWAMURA YASUHIRO [JP] ; ITOH
TAKEHIKO Abstract -- The present invention
produces nuclide transmutation using a relatively small-scale device. The device
(10) that produces nuclide transmutation comprises a structure body (11) that is
substantially plate shaped and made of palladium (Pd) or palladium alloy, or
another metal that absorbs hydrogen (for example, Ti) or an alloy thereof, and a
material (14) that undergoes nuclide transmutation laminated on one surface
(11A) among the two surfaces of this structure body (11).; The one surface (11A)
side of the structure body (11), for example, is a region in which the pressure
of the deuterium is high due to pressure or electrolysis and the like, and the
other surface (11B) side, for example, is a region in which the pressure of the
deuterium is low due to vacuum exhausting and the like, and thereby, a flow of
deuterium in the structure body (11) is produced, and nuclide transmutation is
carried out by a reaction between the deuterium and the material (14) that
undergoes nuclide transmutation.
WO0231833 NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATIONAL PROCESSES Inventor: DE GEUS ARIE MELIs Abstract -- The invention relates to a
method of generating energy, comprising the steps of: a. introducing hydrogen in
a reactor vessel, the vessel comprising a cathode, an anode and an ionization
element, the cathode comprising a primary and a secondary transmutational
element, the transmutational elements having in their nucleus a number of
neutrons which is larger than the number of protons, and wherein at least one
neutron has a preferred orientation; b. Ionizing at least a part of the hydrogen
with the ionization element to form a plasma, c. Applying a voltage differential
across the cathode and the anode, causing protons to travel to the cathode and
to induce a transmutation of the transmutational elements which combine to form
an element of higher mass number than the mass number of said transmutational
elements under the release of energy; and d. collecting heat and/or on other
energy formed in step c. In a preferred embodiment the primary transmutational
element comprises formula (i) or any combination thereof, whereas the secondary
transmutational element comprises formula (ii) or any combination thereof.
DR Abstract -- A radiocactive waste
containing medium is circulated within two or more systems (1,2,3) separated
from each other flowtechnically; and the circulated radioactive waste is exposed
to neutron radiations of different energy spectrum in each system by operating a
reactor physically united entirety of irradiated sections of the said systems as
a nuclear reactor or an accelerator driven subcritical system. Each system
(1,2,3) has a heat exchanger (9,10) and, in given cases, a circulating pump
(10,21) and an expansion tank (5,16,27). The disclosed apparatus has two or more
reactor regions (1,2,3) separated from each other by partitions (37,38) and,
preferably, arranged coaxially within a reactor space encircled by a common
shell structure (39). A particle beam (45) produced by a particle accelerator is
preferably directed into the innermost reactor region
US2002169351 Remediation of radioactive waste by stimulated
radioactive decay Inventor: BROWN PAUL Abstract -- Disclosed is a radioactive
waste treatment process for transmuting long-lived radioisotopes into
short-lived radioisotopes through applied nuclear physics. Nuclear reactions,
specifically of the (gamma, n) type, also known as photodisintegration, are
utilized to accomplish this transmutation from troublesome, long-lived
radioactive waste isotope(s) of given atomic mass to shorter-lived or stable
materials of lower atomic mass, by exposing the troublesome isotopes to a high
energy photon flux for a sustained time. Generally speaking, the target nucleus
of the radioisotope(s) to be treated is irradiated by gamma photons of an energy
greater than the binding energy of the neutron in the target nucleus. This
causes the irradiated nucleus to absorb the gamma rays, thereby placing the
nucleus in an excited state. Upon relaxation, the nucleus ejects a neutron
through the (gamma, n) reaction, thereby transmuting the element to an isotope
of lower atomic mass and shorter half-life.
; RUTKOVSKAJA KRISTINA KONSTANTI Abstract -- Proposed method and device
are intended for power generation, transmutation of radioactive wastes, burnout
of weapon plutonium and actinides. Interaction of neutron beam coming from
neutron generator is effected on lead matrix wherein nuclear fuel and
radioactive wastes are distributed; then they are decelerated and bred in
subcritical thermal core. Device implementing this method has its central target
made in the form of lead matrix with nuclear fuel and radioactive wastes
distributed therein. EFFECT: enhanced efficiency of transmutation process.
RU2156001 RADIOACTIVE WASTE PROCESSING TECHNIQUE Inventor: TARATORIN B I ; IVANOV S D Abstract -- Radioactive wastes are
placed in nuclear explosion zone of weapon plutonium wherein intensive neutron
flux is allowed to pass through them to convert them to steam that condenses
into particles measuring about 10-6 cm. Neutron flux and heat energy released
due to explosion of weapon plutonium cause transmutation of nuclides in desired
quantities and their separation into long- and short-living ones in condensed
state from steam by centrifuging. Proposed technique provides for using products
of explosion to produce electrical energy and transuranium elements. EFFECT:
provision for peaceful use of weapon plutonium.
US6233298 Apparatus for transmutation of nuclear reactor
waste Inventor: BOWMAN CHARLES Abstract -- A subcritical reactor-like
apparatus for treating nuclear wastes, the apparatus comprising a vessel having
a shell and an internal volume, the internal volume housing graphite. The
apparatus having means for introducing a fluid medium comprising molten salts
and plutonium and minor actinide waste and/or fission products. The apparatus
also having means for introducing neutrons into the internal volume wherein
absorption of the neutrons after thermalization forms a processed fluid medium
through fission chain events averaging approximately 10 fission events to
approximately 100 fission events. The apparatus having additional means for
removing the processed fluid medium from the internal volume. The processed
fluid medium typically has no usefulness for production of nuclear weapons.
US6233299 Assembly for transmutation of a long-lived
radioactive material Inventor: WAKABAYASHI TOSHIO
Abstract -- A new transmutation assembly permits an efficient
transmutation of a long-lived radioactive material (long-lived FP nuclides such
as technetium-99 or iodine-129) which was produced in the nuclear reactor.
Wire-type members of a long-lived radioactive material comprised of metals,
alloys or compounds including long-lived FP nuclides are surrounded by a
moderator material and installed in cladding tubes to form FP pins. The FP pins,
and nothing else, are housed in a wrapper tube to form a transmutation assembly.
The wire-type members can be replaced by thin ring-type members. The
transmutation assemblies can be selectively and at least partly loaded into a
core region, a blanket region or a shield region of a reactor core in a fast
reactor. From a viewpoint of reducing the influence on the reactor core
characteristics, it is optimal to load the transmutation assemblies into the
blanket region.
DE19803629 Transmutation of isotopes with long half life
Inventor: HORA HEINRICH Abstract -- For the transmutation of
long half-life isotopes, their surfaces are exposed to an electrolyte or a gas
or plasma atmosphere to form intermediate layers or vol. zones of a number of
structure layers. The threshold zones are placed against a carrier material or
close to vol. zones of metals or metal layers, composed of metals capable of
absorbing \-1 atom% of hydrogen or its isotope.
US5848110 Method and apparatus for transmutation of
atomic nuclei Inventor: MAENCHEN JOHN ERIC [US] ; RUIZ
CARLOS LEON Abstract -- Insuring a constant supply
of radioisotopes is of great importance to medicine and industry. This invention
addresses this problem, and helps to solve it by introducing a new apparatus for
transmutation of isotopes which enables swift and flexible production on demand.
Inventor: PATTERSON JAMES A [US] ; MILEY GEORGE Abstract -- A method for producing low
temperature nuclear transmutations by electrolysis in an aqueous media. New
elements produced by transmutation are identified as having discrete peaks in
occurrence by atomic number (Z) and by atomic mass (A). New complex nuclei
produced by transmutation are idendified as having existed based upon the nature
and occurrences of fission transmutation elements produced. The electrolytic
cell (12) includes a non-conductive housing (14) having an inlet (54) and an
outlet (56) and spaced apart first and second conductive grids (38 & 44)
positioned therein. A plurality of cross-linked polymer non-metallic cores each
having a uniform conductive exterior metallic surface formed of a high hydrogen
absorbing material form a bed (35) of conductive beads (36) closely packed
within the housing (14) in electrical contact with the first grid (38) adjacent
the inlet (54). An electric power source (15, 16) in the system (10) is operably
connected across the first and second grids
Inventor: PATTERSON JAMES A [US] ; MILEY GEORGE Abstract -- A method for producing low
temperature nuclear transmutations which occur during electrolysis in an aqueous
medium within a cell (12). New elements produced by transmutation during
operation of the cell are both higher and lower in atomic mass than the original
element undergoing transmutation. Many of the new elements also exhibit isotopic
shifts from natural isotope abundance. The electrolytic cell (12) includes a
non-conductive housing (14) having an inlet (54) and an outlet (56) and spaced
apart first and second conductive grids (38 and 44) positioned within the
housing (14).; A plurality of preferably cross-linked polymer non-metallic cores
each having a uniform conductive exterior metallic surface formed of a high
hydrogen absorbing material, such as a metallic hydride forming material, form a
bed (35) of conductive beads (36) closely packed within the housing (14) in
electrical contact with the first grid (38) adjacent the inlet (54). An electric
power source (15, 16) in the system (10) is operably connected across the first
and second grid (38 and 44) whereby electrical current flows between the grids
(38 and 44) and within the aqueous medium (59) flowing through the cell (12)
during cell operation.
US6442226 //
WO9747015 Accelerator-driven transmutation of spent fuel
MARK Abstract -- An apparatus and method is
described for transmuting higher actinides, plutonium and selected fission
products in a liquid-fuel subcritical assembly. Uranium may also be enriched,
thereby providing new fuel for use in conventional nuclear power plants. An
accelerator provides the additional neutrons required to perform the processes.
The size of the accelerator needed to complete fuel cycle closure depends on the
neutron efficiency of the supported reactors and on the neutron spectrum of the
actinide transmutation apparatus. Treatment of spent fuel from light water
reactors (LWRs) using uranium-based fuel will require the largest accelerator
power, whereas neutron-efficient high temperature gas reactors (HTGRs) or CANDU
reactors will require the smallest accelerator power, especially if thorium is
introduced into the newly generated fuel according to the teachings of the
present invention. Fast spectrum actinide transmutation apparatus (based on
liquid-metal fuel) will take full advantage of the accelerator-produced source
neutrons and provide maximum utilization of the actinide-generated fission
neutrons. However, near-thermal transmutation apparatus will require lower
standing inventories of plutonium and higher actinides. Uranium, presently the
largest volume constituent in nuclear waste, is fully utilized and not
discharged as waste. Since no plutonium, higher actinides or fission products
are present in the reconstituted fuel elements, the present processes can be
used repeatedly. Since the performance of the existing reactors is not changed,
full utilization of both thorium and uranium resources is achieved.
GEORGE Abstract -- An electrolytic cell (12),
system (10) and method for producing excess quantities of heat as a result of
low temperature nuclear transmutations which occur during electrolysis in an
aqueous media within the cell (12). The electrolytic cell (12) includes a
non-conductive housing (14) having an inlet (54) and an outlet (56) and spaced
apart first and second conductive grids (38 & 44) positioned within the housing
(14). A plurality of preferably cross linked polymer non-metallic cores each
having a uniform conductive exterior metallic surface formed of a high hydrogen
absorbing material, such as metallic hybride forming material, form a bed (35)
of conductive beads (36) closely packed within the housing (14) in electrical
contact with the first grid (38) adjacent the inlet (54).; An electric power
source (15, 16) in the system (10) is operably connected across the first and
second grid (38 & 44) whereby electrical current flows between the grids (38 &
44) and within the aqueous media (59) flowing through the cell (12).
Transmutation treatment of radioactive wastes Inventor: KONASHI KENJI ; SASAO NOBUYUKI
Abstract -- A method for the
transmutation treatment of radioactive wastes comprises: accelerating
radioactive nuclides contained in the radioactive wastes to be treated to an
energy level corresponding to a compound nucleus resonance level; and bombarding
the accelerated nuclides into a thermal neutron field, which is under a magnetic
field, to cause the compound nucleus resonance reaction to occur; thereby
transforming the radioactive nuclides into those which are more stable or have
shorter life. The nuclides are accelerated in accelerator 9 then passed into an
annular-cylindrical chamber 3 positioned about a reactor 1 where they are
treated with neutrons. US4721596 // EP0030404 Method for net decrease of hazardous
radioactive nuclear waste materials
Inventor: MARRIOTT RICHARD [US] ; HENYEY FRANK Abstract -- A method for decreasing the
amount of hazardous radioactive reactor waste materials by separating from the
waste of materials having long-term risk potential and exposing these materials
to a thermal neutron flux. The utilization of thermal neutrons enhances the
natural decay rates of the hazardous materials while the separation for
recycling of the hazardous materials prevents further transmutation of stable
and short-lived nuclides.
GB970091 Transmutation of elements Inventor: NOEL IGNATIUS RAFFERTY Abstract -- A process for the synthesis
of helium and the simultaneous generation of energy comprises admixing in a
steel pressure-tight vessel in presence of air following reactants in the
following order: aluminium in a physical form presenting a large volume/surface
ratio, solid sodium hydroxide, and water in the ratio of 4 : 8 : 8. The reaction
is stated to be thermonuclear involving the carbon cycle proposed by Bethe, the
effect of which is to transmute hydrogen into helium.
Nuclide transmutation device and nuclide transmutation method
ABSTRACT -- The present invention produces
nuclide transmutation using a relatively small-scale device. The device (10)
that produces nuclide transmutation comprises a structure body (11) that is
substantially plate shaped and made of palladium (Pd) or palladium alloy, or
another metal that absorbs hydrogen (for example, Ti) or an alloy thereof, and a
material (14) that undergoes nuclide transmutation laminated on one surface
(11A) among the two surfaces of this structure body (11). The one surface (11A)
side of the structure body (11), for example, is a region in which the pressure
of the deuterium is high due to pressure or electrolysis and the like, and the
other surface (11B) side, for example, is a region in which the pressure of the
deuterium is low due to vacuum exhausting and the like, and thereby, a flow of
deuterium in the structure body (11) is produced, and nuclide transmutation is
carried out by a reaction between the deuterium and the material (14) that
undergoes nuclide transmutation.
Enhanced alpha particle emitter
US 8801977
ABSTRACT -- A composition of matter that experiences an increase rate
of radioactive emission is presented. The composition comprises a radioactive
material and particles having affinity for Hydrogen or its isotopes. When
exposed to Hydrogen, the composition's emission rate increases. Methods of
production are also presented.
Ceramic element
US 8485791
ABSTRACT -- A heating element can comprise a ceramic material doped
with various elements. The heating element can be heated by forcing a fuel to
flow through the ceramic material, where the fuel interacts with the dopants.
The interaction can produce energy in the form of heat. Inventive aspects of the
present material include apparatus and methods for modulation of the heat
energy, physical features providing for an increase in the rate of heat release,
optimization of materials and material morphology for quantity and efficiency of
heat release and provision for fueling and maintenance.
System and method for generating particles
US 8419919
ABSTRACT -- A method may include the steps of supplying current to
the electrodes of an electrochemical cell according to a first charging profile,
wherein the electrochemical cell has an anode, cathode, and electrolytic
solution; maintaining a generally constant current between the electrodes;
exposing the cell to an external field either during or after the termination of
the deposition of deuterium absorbing metal on the cathode; and supplying
current to the electrodes according to a second charging profile during the
exposure of the cell to the external field. The electrolytic solution may
include a metallic salt including palladium, and a supporting electrolyte, each
dissolved in heavy water. The cathode may comprise a second metal that does not
substantially absorb deuterium, such as gold. The external field may be a
magnetic field.
A hybrid fusion fast fission reactor
WO 2009108331
ABSTRACT A hybrid nuclear fusion fast fission reactor is disclosed. The hybrid
reactor may include an electrolyte solution comprised of PdCI2 a conductive salt
and D2O, an anode of a noble metal, a cathode consisting of a conductive high Z
(atomic number greater than 46) material wound around a deuteride-forming
actinide nuclear fuel element, a power source providing constant current to the
+ anode and the - cathode, an applied power profile for fabricating the PdD
nanoalloy, and a co-deposition of a PdD nanoalloy on to the high Z cathode
winding as well as the nuclear fuel element. A preferred embodiment stablizes
the actinide deuteride nuclear fuel element from hydrogen isotope de-loading. A
preferred embodiment initiates deuterium-deuterium fusion in the deuterized fuel
element and fissioning deuterized fuel element actinides. A preferred embodiment
includes surrounding spent nuclear fuel elements with deuteride nuclear fuel
elements that will fast fission the spent fuel elements. Another preferred
embodiment includes surrounding the deuteride nuclear fuel elements with spent
fuel elements as fast neutron reflectors that will also fission.
Method and apparatus for carrying out nickel and hydrogen exothermal reaction
US 20110005506
(A. Rossi )
ABSTRACT -- A method and apparatus for carrying out highly efficient
exothermal reaction between nickel and hydrogen atoms in a tube, preferably,
though not necessary, a metal tube filled by a nickel powder and heated to a
high temperature, preferably, though not necessary, from 150 to 5000 C are
herein disclosed. In the inventive apparatus, hydrogen is injected into the
metal tube containing a highly pressurized nickel powder having a pressure,
preferably though not necessarily, from 2 to 20 bars.
Energy generation apparatus and method
US 20110122984
ABSTRACT -- A practical technique for inducing and controlling the
fusion nuclei within a solid lattice. A reactor includes a loading source to
provide the light nuclei which are to be fused, a lattice which can absorb the
light nuclei, a source of phonon energy, and a control mechanism to start and
stop stimulation of phonon energy and/or the loading of reactants. The lattice
transmits phonon energy sufficient to affect electron-nucleus collapse. By
controlling the stimulation of phonon energy and controlling the loading of
light nuclei into the lattice, energy released by the fusion reactions is
allowed to dissipate before it builds to the point that it causes destruction of
the reaction lattice. Theory of Operation
The Source of the Observed Energy in So Called "Cold Fusion" Unlike the common assumptions involved in "Cold Fusion," it is
believed that the energy released in these reactions is the result of neutron
capture by hydrogen isotopes and the beta decay of 4H to 4He.
An additional alternative reaction path is a 2H undergoing an electron capture
event and combining with a passing 2H to form 4He. The Source of the Free Neutrons The neutrons participating in these reactions are the product of
flavor change of protons that have been loaded into the core lattice (while the
current implementation contemplates a crystalline core, other implementations
may use ceramic cores or powder beds). The flavor change represents the
transmutation of the proton into a neutron by a process similar to electron
capture. Neutron generation requires a crystal lattice capable of generating
phonons, capable of loading hydrogen ions, and which can supply valence or
conduction band electrons, providing the ˜511 KeV electron mass. The required
system is one that can achieve a total Hamiltonian energy of ˜782 KeV. This
value represents the difference in mass between the proton-electron combination
and the mass of the neutron. This combination leads to the transformation of a
proton and electron into a neutron. This is an endothermic reaction that leads
to an overall lower system energy level. The system is converting only enough
energy (mass) to affect an electron capture, leaving the resulting neutron at an
extremely low energy level. The resulting low energy neutron has a high cross
section of reaction with respect to (1-3)H nuclei in the lattice. This neutron
capture is similar to the process leading to a neutron star as discussed in
[Baym1971], and applies to the H, D and T caught in the lattice and further
enhanced by the quantum currents which allows the lower loading in this system.
It is believed that that energy is transferred to the protons through
superposition of multiple phonon wave functions within the lattice of the core.
This energy grows very rapidly as the non-bonded energy is extremely asymmetric.
As mentioned in [NIH_Guide], "Repulsion is modeled by an equation that is
designed to rapidly blow up at close distances (1/r12dependency)." Additional
energy beyond the phonon energy is realized from atomic band state confinement
of ions. When local loading of the lattice is high, hydrogen ions take up
positions at the octahedral points of vacant S(n+1) electron orbitals between
the PnS(n+1) orbital wave function energy levels in transition metals. This wave
function energy level occupation provides confinement necessary for what is
referred to as Quantum Compression, a property arising out of the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle.
Reactor for energy generation through low energy nuclear reactions (lenr)
between hydrogen and transition metals and related method of energy generation
US 20130243143
ABSTRACT -- An embodiment of an apparatus includes a reaction
chamber, a reaction unit, and an energy regulator. The reaction chamber includes
an energy port, and the reaction unit is disposed in the reaction chamber and is
configured to allow an energy-releasing reaction between first and second
materials. And the energy regulator is configured to control a rate at which
reaction-released energy exits the reaction chamber via the energy port. The
reaction chamber may include a thermally conductive wall that forms a portion of
the energy port, and the energy regulator may include a thermally conductive
member and a mechanism configured to control a distance between the thermally
conductive wall and the thermally conductive member. Furthermore, the reaction
unit may include a mechanism configured to facilitate the reaction between the
first and second materials, and may also include a mechanism configured to
control a rate at which the reaction releases energy.
Method for Producing Heavy Electrons
US 20110255645
ABSTRACT -- A method for producing heavy electrons is based on a
material system that includes an electrically-conductive material is selected.
The material system has a resonant frequency associated therewith for a given
operational environment. A structure is formed that includes a
non-electrically-conductive material and the material system. The structure
incorporates the electrically-conductive material at least at a surface thereof.
The geometry of the structure supports propagation of surface plasmon polaritons
at a selected frequency that is approximately equal to the resonant frequency of
the material system. As a result, heavy electrons are produced at the
electrically-conductive material as the surface plasmon polaritons propagate
along the structure.
Nuclear reactor consuming nuclear fuel that contains atoms of elements having a
low atomic number and a low mass number
WO 2013108159
ABSTRACT -- The invention relates to a reactor for consuming a
nuclear fuel that contains atoms of elements having a low atomic number (Z) and
a low mass number (A), wherein the nuclear reactor (1) comprises a vessel (2)
containing a reaction chamber (3). This reaction chamber (3) is topped and
sealed by a sealed container (4), and contains the nuclear fuel, which comprises
a colloidal mixture capable of producing Ultra Low Momentum Neutrons (ULMNs) by
using electromagnetic radiations (5).
Apparatus and method for generation of ultra low momentum neutrons
WO 2006119080
ABSTRACT -- Method and apparatus for generating ultra-low momentum
neutrons ('ULMNs') using surface plasmon polariton electrons 14, hydrogen
isotopes 10, surfaces 20 of metallic substrate 12, collective many-body effects,
and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs can be used to trigger
nuclear transmutation reactions and produce heat. One aspect of the present
invention effectively provides a 'transducer' mechanism that permits
controllable, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at comparatively
modest temperatures and pressures.
System and method for controlling a power generation system including a
plurality of power generators
WO 2014127460
ABSTRACT -- A power generation system (1) comprising : a fuel input
port for receiving a fuel; a plurality of power generators (4) in fluid
communication with the fuel input port, each of the power generators (4) being
switchable between an inactive state and an active state, wherein, in the
inactive state, the power generators (4) produce substantially no power, and, in
the active state, the power generators (4) produce each a respective
predetermined substantially fixed power; a controller (2) operatively coupled to
the power generators (4) for setting a set of the power generators (4) to the
active state and setting all of the power generators (4) not part of the set of
the power generators to the inactive state, the controller (2) being configured
for selecting which of the power generators (4) are part of the set of the power
generators (4) such that the system power is substantially equal to a power
Thermal-energy producing system and method
WO 2013076378
ABSTRACT -- System and method for producing thermal energy is based
on a very large number of nanoscale particle accelerators in a volume
accelerating electrons and hydrogen ions at very high local electric fields.
Nanoscale particle accelerators comprise a dielectric material possessing
electric polarizability and a metallic material capable of forming an
interstitial and/or electrically conductive metal hydride and capable of
enhancing the local electric field by the geometry and/or by the sufficiently
small dimensions of the said metallic material. Low to medium strength local
electric fields are utilized for the generation of Rydberg matter and inverted
Rydberg matter in the presence of a material capable of forming and storing
Rydberg atoms. Destabilization of Rydberg matter and inverted Rydberg matter
leads to solid state physical reactions that release energy.
Method of generating thermal energy
US 20130276771
ABSTRACT -- The present invention relates to a method of generating
thermal energy, the method comprising: (i) contacting a surface of a metal with
an atmosphere comprising hydrogen to form a surface having hydrogen absorbed
thereon; and (ii) exposing the surface having hydrogen absorbed thereon to an
atmosphere comprising oxygen, wherein the oxygen reacts with the absorbed
hydrogen to produce thermal energy, wherein before performing step (ii) the
surface is activated with an atmosphere comprising water.
Methods of generating energy and/or he-4 using graphene based materials
EP 2656350
ABSTRACT -- There is disclosed a method of generating non-ionizing
radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms, or a combination of both, the method
comprising: contacting graphene materials with a source of deuterium; and aging
the graphene materials in the source of deuterium for a time sufficient to
generate non-ionizing radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms. In one embodiment,
graphene materials may comprise carbon nanotubes, such as nitrogen doped single
walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Unlike an alpha particle, the
non-ionizing 4He atoms generated by the disclosed method are a low energy
particles, such as one having an energy of less than 1 MeV, such as less than
100 keV. Other non-ionizing radiation that can be generated by the disclosed
process include soft x-rays, phonons or energetic electrons within the carbon
material, and visible light.
Methods of generating energetic particles using nanotubes and articles thereof
US 20130266106
ABSTRACT -- There is disclosed a method of generating energetic
particles, which comprises contacting nanotubes with a source of hydrogen
isotopes, such as D2O, and applying activation energy to the nanotubes. In one
embodiment, the hydrogen isotopes comprise protium, deuterium, tritium, and
combinations thereof.
There is also disclosed a method of transmuting matter that is based on the
increased likelihood of nuclei interaction for atoms confined in the limited
dimensions of a nanotube structure, which generates energetic particles
sufficient to transmute matter and exposing matter to be transmuted to these
Devices powered with nanotube based nuclear power systems may substantially
change the current state of power distribution. For example, nanotube based
nuclear power systems may reduce, if not eliminate, the need for power
distribution networks; chemical batteries; energy scavenger devices such as
solar cells, windmills, hydroelectric power stations; internal combustion,
chemical rocket, or turbine engines; as well as all other forms of chemical
combustion for the production of power.
Power units based on dislocation site techniques
US 8603405
ABSTRACT -- A distributed energy system includes a gas-loaded heat
generator capable of producing a thermal energy. The system includes a gas
source to provide one or more isotopes of hydrogen, a plurality of metallic
micro-structures, a gas loading chamber containing the plurality of metallic
micro-structures. The gas loading chamber is structured to receive the one or
more isotopes of hydrogen from the gas source. The system also includes a gas
loading system capable of providing a gas loading pressure to the gas loading
chamber containing the plurality of metallic micro-structures with an amount of
one or more isotopes of hydrogen to form hydrogen clusters. In one form, the
system further includes a thermal transducer capable of converting a first
portion of the thermal energy. In still another form, the system additionally
includes a waste heat recovery device capable of applying a second portion of
the thermal energy.
Nickel alloys for hydrogen storage and the generation of energy therefrom
US 20140126680
ABSTRACT -- An apparatus for the generation of thermal energy
comprises a reactor vessel containing a volume of pressurized hydrogen; a
hydrogen-storing nickel alloy structure in the reactor vessel and configured to
have an electric potential applied across it and to be heated to at least about
100 C; and a heat exchange conduit configured to carry a heat exchange medium
past the nickel alloy structure so as to allow thermal energy generated in the
nickel alloy structure to be transferred to the heat exchange medium. The
hydrogen-storing nickel alloy structure comprises a nickel alloy skeletal
catalyst mixed with an oxide. The applied electric potential, and the increase
in the gas pressure and temperature of the hydrogen from the applied heat,
create a reaction between hydrogen nuclei and nickel nuclei in the nickel alloy
structure whereby thermal energy is generated by the emission of phonons from
the nickel alloy structure.
Methods of generating energy and/or he-4 using graphene based materials
EP 2656350
ABSTRACT -- There is disclosed a method of generating non-ionizing
radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms, or a combination of both, the method
comprising: contacting graphene materials with a source of deuterium; and aging
the graphene materials in the source of deuterium for a time sufficient to
generate non-ionizing radiation, non-ionizing 4He atoms. In one embodiment,
graphene materials may comprise carbon nanotubes, such as nitrogen doped single
walled or multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Unlike an alpha particle, the
non-ionizing 4He atoms generated by the disclosed method are a low energy
particles, such as one having an energy of less than 1 MeV, such as less than
100 keV. Other non-ionizing radiation that can be generated by the disclosed
process include soft x-rays, phonons or energetic electrons within the carbon
material, and visible light.
Method and device for direct nuclear energy
conversion in electricity in fusion and transmutation processes
US 20130121449
ABSTRACT -- A method and device to generate electric energy on demand
by fusion or transmutation nuclear reactions produced inside a super-capacitor
that uses inter-atomic field's particularities obtained inside nano-structures,
by using temperature, density and electric fields in order to modify nuclear
entanglement and quantum non-localities particularities in order to control
nuclear reaction rate of an inserted material, called nuclear fuel, facilitated
by the nano-structure nuclear composition, called burner, that controls the
non-local nuclear reaction.
Fusion or transmutation generated nuclear particles' energy is converted using a
super-capacitor made of a micro-nano-hetero structure meta-material that loads
from the nuclear energy and discharges by electric current.
The device contains the nuclear burner module that produces the nuclear
particles surrounded by the direct nuclear energy conversion into electricity
super-capacitor modules comprising several functional sub-modules, and the
utilities that provide the nuclear fuel and byproducts management and process
control systems.
Method and apparatus for generating energy by
nuclear reactions of hydrogen adsorbed by orbital capture on a nanocrystalline
structure of a metal
US 20140098917
ABSTRACT -- Technical problems: increasing and regulating the power
obtained according to a method and by an apparatus based on nuclear reactions
between hydrogen(31) and a primary material (19) comprising cluster
nanostructures (21) of a transition metal, in which hydrogen is kept in contact
with the clusters (21) within a generation chamber, at a determined process
temperature, and in which a process comprising an orbital capture reaction of H-
ions (35) by clusters (21)and then a capture reaction by the atoms (38) of the
cluster (21) is triggered by impulsively acting on the primary material (19),
thus generating an energy as a primary reaction heat (Q1).
Solution: arranging a secondary material (28) such as Lithium and/or Boron
and/or a transition metal as 232Th, 236U, 239U, 239Pu within a predetermined
distance (L) from the clusters (21) of primary material (19), such that
secondary material (28) faces primary material (19), said secondary material
(28) adapted to interact with protons (35'?) that are emitted by/from primary
material (19) during the above process. Secondary material (28) reacts with such
protons (35'?) according to nuclear proton-dependent reactions releasing a
secondary reaction heat (Q2) that is added to primary reaction heat (Q1).
According to an aspect of the invention, a step, and a means thereto, is
provided of/for regulating the heat produced, by adjusting the amount of
secondary material (28) that is arranged close to and facing primary material
Method of acceleration of nuclear transmutation of isotopes by carrying out
exothermic reactions
US 20140192941
ABSTRACT -- Methods for acceleration of nuclear transmutation of
tritium and radioactive isotopes of metals, and decontamination of metals
contaminated with radioactive isotopes by destroying radioactive isotopes to a
required level of residual radioactive inventory in metals with simultaneous
release of thermal energy via stimulating accelerated transmutation with the
half-life parameters describing kinetics of radioactive isotope destruction much
shorter than their generally accepted half-life. The stimulus is applied to
radioactive metals by placing them into a chamber, exposing them to gaseous
substances of the group of hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, or a mixture of these
isotopes in a molecular hydrogen form for said gaseous substances to be absorbed
by the metals, heating the metals to a temperature of at least 200° C. and
maintaining at the said temperature. Exothermic reactions of non-radioactive
metals with deuterium, tritium, or a mixture of these isotopes in a molecular
hydrogen form release a significant amount of energy.
Irrespectively of a mechanism of nuclear reactions involving tritium—radioactive
decay and/or nuclear reactions with tritium participation—certain amount of
energy is released in these experiments. Therefore, tritium in metals could be
used as a source of energy production.
A search for economically viable alternative sources of energy production has
been going on for the last several decades. Recently, an economically viable
method of energy production based on exothermic reaction of nickel with hydrogen
was proposed by A. Rossi (Italian patent No. 0001387256 issued on 6 Apr. 2011).
According to the patent, a highly efficient exothermal reaction between nickel
atoms and hydrogen atoms takes place in a tube, preferably, though not
exclusively made of a metal, filled with a nickel powder and heated to a high
temperature preferably, though not necessarily, of 150 to 500° C., by injecting
hydrogen into the said metal tube with the said nickel powder being pressurized,
preferably, though not necessarily, to a pressure of 2 to 20 bars. In the
exothermal reaction described in the patent, the hydrogen nuclei are compressed
around the metal atom nuclei (as the capability of nickel to absorb hydrogen is
high), while the said high temperature generates inter-nuclear percussions which
are made stronger by the catalytic action of other optional undisclosed
elements, thereby triggering a capture of a proton by the nickel powder, with a
consequent transformation of nickel to copper and a beta+ decay of the latter to
a nickel nucleus having a mass larger by a unit than that of the original
The said patent did not specify an isotopic composition of nickel used for the
experiments; therefore, for a purpose of estimating heat release in this
reaction, we used an isotopic composition of nickel with an abundance of the
stable isotopes existing on the Earth. Table 1 shows possible products of the
nuclear reactions of nickel isotopes with hydrogen atoms. For the purpose of our
estimates, cross sections for all isotopes are assumed to be identical. An
energy released per each nuclear reaction of nickel isotopes is estimated based
on Einstein's equation, ?E=?mc2. As can be seen from Table 1, each nickel
isotope can theoretically react with hydrogen atom. Assuming that all nuclear
reactions of each isotope of a nickel sample with hydrogen atoms are going on in
parallel, energy released by g-atom of nickel (2.38E+24 MeV) is calculated based
on stoichiometric concentrations of the nickel stable isotopes. Moreover, most
of nickel stable isotopes will be mainly transformed to stable 29Cu63 isotope
provided a sufficient amount of hydrogen atoms is available.
Energy producing device and method
WO 2012163966
ABSTRACT An apparatus (1) for producing useful energy, comprises a container
(3) for containing an electrolyte (5), an anode (7) and a cathode (9) arranged
at least partly in the container for electrolysis of the electrolyte, and a
light source (15). At least the cathode comprises a metallic surface. The
electrolyte comprises a hydrogen isotope. The light source is arranged for
illuminating a volume bordering the cathode and/or at least a portion of the
cathode surface. The light source is configured to emit radiation for exciting
and/or ionising at least one hydrogen isotope. The method comprises illuminating
a volume bordering the cathode and/or at least a portion of the cathode surface
so as to thereby excite and/or ionise at least one hydrogen isotope.
Resonant Vacuum Arc Discharge Apparatus for Nuclear Fusion
US 20120008728
ABSTRACT -- The present invention relates to a resonant vacuum arc
discharge apparatus for producing nuclear fusion. A resonant high-frequency
high-voltage alternating current (AC) power supply is used to efficiently power
a fusion tube normally containing deuterium, tritium and/or helium-3 vapor.
Metals that can hold large amounts of hydrogen isotopes such as palladium and
titanium can be used to increase the target density. The nuclear fusion device
can be used for energy production, well logging, uranium mining, neutron
activation analysis, isotope production or other applications that require a
neutron source.
The inventor previously received patents for a resonant power supply for
producing vacuum arc discharges, U.S. Pat. No. 6,630,799, and for a vacuum arc
discharge apparatus for the efficient production of x-rays, U.S. Pat. No.
6,765,987. These devices used a high-voltage resonant circuit attached to the
cold cathode electrodes of a partially evacuated tube in order to produce
x-rays. The resonant AC circuit was significantly more efficient than a DC
powered x-ray source of the same voltage and energy. The x-ray tube in its
preferred embodiment used a noble gas such as xenon or argon at pressures in the
low millitorr range.
A search of prior art failed to reveal any record of the use of resonant
alternating current power sources in an accelerator type device for the
production of fusion or neutrons as described in the present invention. The
following prior art patents were reviewed:
U.S. Pat. No. 7,342,988 to Leung et al., Neutron Tubes
U.S. Pat. No. 6,922,455 to Jurczyk et al., Gas-Target Neutron Generation and
U.S. Pat. No. 4,996,017 to Ethridge, Neutron Generator Tube
U.S. Pat. No. 4,244,782 to Dow Nuclear Fusion System
U.S. Pat. No. 3,417,245 to Schmidt, Neutron Generating Apparatus
U.S. Pat. No. 3,386,883 to Farnsworth, Method and Apparatus for Producing
Nuclear Fusion Reactions
U.S. Pat. No. 3,246,191 to Fentrop, Neutron Generating Discharge Tube
U.S. Pat. No. 3,117,912 to Imhoff et al., Method of Producing Neutrons
U.S. Pat. No. 3,016,342 to Kruskal et al., Controlled Nuclear Fusion Reactor
U.S. Pat. No. 2,983,820 to Fentrop, Well-Logging Apparatus
U.S. Pat. No. 2,973,444 to Dewan, Neutron Source for Well Logging Apparatus
U.S. Pat. No. 2,489,436 to Salisburu, Method and Apparatus for producing
U.S. Pat. No. 2,240,914 to Schutze, Device for Converting Atoms
Material surface treatment method using concurrent electrical and photonic
US 20130233718
ABSTRACT A material surface treatment protocol (e.g., FIG. 13) uses concurrent
electronic and photonic stimulation to generate an exothermic reaction and coat
the surface (e.g., FIGS. 8 and 9) of a material, such as palladium. This
protocol is performed at or near the boiling point of water within a sealed
vessel that prevents the escape of steam and that is lined with silica or a
similar glass to increase the silica available to the reaction. The great
majority of the applied energy is heat used to elevate the temperature to near
the boiling point, while concurrent stimulations provide only about 100 mW of
additional energy for the surface treatment. DETAILED DESCRIPTION The protocol typically requires at least two hours of treatment
before bursts of heat are observed. It is suspected that something must be
happening to either the solution or to the electrodes in that period to
facilitate the observed reaction. Lithium salts, such as lithium sulfate
(Li2SO4), are used as an electrolyte in the solution. Since the reaction does
not occur immediately, it is possible that the silica and the lithium in our
protocol are bonding in some way before the bursts of heat are observed. In
particular, the lithium may be combining with the silica compound in the
solution over the time frame of the treatment protocol to form a lithium
silicate, possibly Li2SiO3 (lithium metasilicate). Alternatively, since
silsesquioxanes were used in the anionic silica hydride in the solution for the
experiments, perhaps the lithium is either bonding to resulting siliceous cage
structures or entering the center of the silica cage when that compound is used
as the source of the silica.
The energy density of the reaction shown in the data log is thus 234
Joules/41.5×10-12 m3 or 5.64×103 MJ/L.
Making the worst-case assumption that the active region of the reaction has the
12.0 g/cm3 density of fully dense palladium, that converts to 470 MJ/kg.
That energy density is several times greater than molecular energy densities,
thus providing further evidence that the reaction is not a molecular chemical
At the present state of the research in LENRs, it is not known whether the
lithium silicate is a reactant, in which case it would be consumed in the
reaction, or a catalyst, in which case it would not be consumed.
The nature and shape of the bursts of heat recorded in our data logs, together
with the condition of the electrode surfaces seen from SEM analyses, indicate
that the surface temperature of the electrodes may locally approach or even
attain the 1555° C. melting point of palladium, such that the solution at the
surface of that electrode can locally flash to steam. A continuous reaction
requires the on-going replenishment of solution in the liquid phase, which
naturally occurs in the test reaction reactor. An alternative protocol may be to
provide fresh solution at that inlet of a nozzle where the steam is exhausted.
Low Energy Nuclear Thermoelectric System
US 20130263597
ABSTRACT -- A low energy nuclear thermoelectric system for a vehicle
which provides a cost-effective and sustainable means of transportation for long
operation range with zero emission using an onboard low energy nuclear reaction
thermal generator. The present invention generally includes a thermal generator
within a thermal enclosure case, an energy conversion system linked with the
thermal generator, an energy storage system linked with the energy conversion
system, a cooling system and a central control system. The thermal generator
reacts nickel powder with hydrogen within a reactor chamber to produce heat. The
heat is then transferred to the energy conversion system to be converted into
electricity for storage in the energy storage system. The cooling system
provides cooling for the various components of the present invention and the
control system regulates its overall operation. The present invention may be
utilized to power a vehicle in an efficient, sustainable and cost-effective
Stirling engine device for converting heat energy of hot gas into mechanical
work, has cylinder storing operating gases, where heating of operating gases is
performed by reaction of reaction metal with reaction gas
DE 102011103832
Abstract -- The device (100) has a piston (120) mounted and
reciprocally moved in front and rearward directions in cylinders through
operating gases that is stored in the cylinder. Pressure of the operating gases
is temporally predetermined-changed using a temperature controller, and heating
of the operating gases is performed by a reaction of a reaction metal with a
reaction gas. The reaction metal and reaction gas are provided in a region
closer to a closed front surface (114) of the cylinder, where the reaction gas
is supplied with the cylinder by a feed line and formed by hydrogen.
[0006] In Stirling engine system of the invention, by the feature combination
that a heating of the working gas being provided in particular the possibility
of heating of the working gas inside said at least one cylinder of the Stirling
engine system by a reaction of a reactive metal and a reaction gas. This implies
a compact design with a comparatively low weight. The crucial factor is the high
energy gain, which is generated by means of the materials used in this
invention. Because the heat-generating reaction proceeds without the consumption
of oxygen and therefore can be installed in the interior of the cylinder, a
fast-acting, direct heat without the interposition of another heat transfer
medium is possible, as is the case in the conventional case by the material of
the cylinder wall. In this way, the working gas can be brought to an average
operating temperature more rapidly than in the prior art.
System and method for supplying hydrogen and deuterium to lenr and e-cat based
energy generating systems
US 20140099252
ABSTRACT -- An approach for supplying hydrogen and/or deuterium to
LENR and E-Cat based energy generating systems includes receiving a source
material that is rich in hydrogen and/or deuterium. A gaseous form of at least
one of those elements is extracted from the source material via electrochemical
dissociation, hydrocarbon recovery, or a suitable mechanical process. The
gaseous form of the element is preferably filtered to remove water vapor and
other impurities before being pressurized and supplied to the energy generating
system. Advantages of the approach include enhanced safety and system
portability due to elimination of a need for pressurized gas storage tanks.
Underwater vehicle, such as submarine, torpedo or underwater drone for civilian
or military use, has low energy nuclear reactor, which provides vast propulsion
and ship operating energy
DE 102012016526
ABSTRACT -- The underwater vehicle has a low energy nuclear reactor,
which provides the vast propulsion and ship operating energy. The reactor
generates heat energy, which drives a Stirling engine, which then transfers the
mechanical force on a main shaft of the ship. An electrical generator is
provided for supplying the electrical power required for operation of the ship.
The answer appears to be yes
(at least for electrical and mechanical means, don’t know for sure
about chemical and biological means). A physics professor assigned
our class term papers of our choosing. Our goal was to learn
something new. I chose to explore the effects of electricity and
chemistry on nuclear processes. I thought the professor would take
my head off for such a radical claim, so I determined to look at
mainstream peer-reviewed literature on the topic. We all had to make
presentations of our term papers in class, and the professor had a
big smile after I gave mine, he said, “that was the topic of the
[The Vodka designation
in the title indicates speculative ideas which may be wrong, but
have data points worth considering]
How does this relate to
ID? Radiometric dating has been considered the gold standard of
dating fossils, but as has been pointed out, there are conflicting
radiometric dates. We have C14 in biological tissue and coal and oil
indicating the fossils and fossil fuels are young, yet we have them
around old rocks. I’ve said, old rocks don’t indicate a fossil is
young any more than a live dog buried today in 65 million year old
rocks implies the dog died 65 million years ago. There are numerous
anomalies in the Phanerozoic. Even supposing the Earth is old, it
does not mean the fossils are young, and even supposing the fossils
are old, there are evidently efforts to suppress and dismiss
anomalous data. At the very least, due process is being violated,
and it is never good to sweep anomalous data points without a good
explanation. It will serve the ID community well if doubt on the age
of the fossils can be cast.
Because I’m concerned
with pollution and the need for renewable energy, I thought about
nuclear energy and wouldn’t it be cool if we can change nuclear
structure through electrical and chemical means. But if that can be
done, does this not suggest all forms of radioactive dating could be
suspect if such processes happen? So I went and began the term
First thing I found.
Rhenium-187. If all the electrons are stripped, the radioactive
decay rates skyrockets by a billion times. Not immediately relevant
to radiometric dating, but it piqued my interest. From Physical
Review Letters
Observation of Bound State Beta Decay in Rhenium 187.
And then there was this
paper on pyroelectric fusion as reported in Nature 2005:
Pyroelectric Fusion
where we had fusion in a solid state device via electricity at -34
degrees Celcius!
Then I happened upon this
astonishing and forgotten article in Nature 1985.
It stood to reason if
lighting can create neutrons, other electrical means can create
neutrons, or could we even do alchemy with electricity? Yes indeed!
From a bibliography in one of Alan Widom’s papers:
Energetic Electrons and Nuclear Transmutations in Exploding Wires,
I looked at the original papers of these experiments in the library,
S. Stephanakis, et al.,
Phys. Rev. Let. 29, 568 (1972).
F. Young, et al., J. Appl. Phys. 48, 3642 (1977).
Y. Bakshaev et al., Plasma Phys. Rep. 27, 1039 (2001).
Y. Bakshaev et al., Plasma Phys. Rep. 32, 501 (2006).
A. Velikovich et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 022701 (2007).
C. Coverdale et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 022706 (2007).
G. Sarkisov, et al., Phys. Plasmas 12, 052702 (2005).
I didn’t include Widom’s
paper as a proof of electrical transmutation, but rather the source
papers in Widom’s bibliography, lest my professor object.
In fact there was a hotly
contested dispute between Ernst Rutherford and Wendt and Irion over
claimed results that there was nuclear transmutation of tungsten
when subjected to electricity. Here are the papers:
dismissed the transmutation, but now in the modern day, in light of
the above experiments, Wendt and Irion seem to have been vindicated.
Curiously, the mainstream
by and large has been ignoring the work of the Proton-21 lab in the
Ukraine in electrical alchemy. This sparked my interest because
University of Illinois Urbana Champagne (a school I was considering)
was very positive on the work of the Proton 21 lab. They’ve been
able to take electricity and make a radio active substance
This told me, we’re not
quite understanding everything about electricity and its relation to
nuclear process. Some of the researchers at the Proton-21 lab
suggest some of the problems of nucleosynthesis in cosmology can be
solved if electricity is considered a mechanism of nuclear
transmutation. I don’t know, but well, these are data points we need
to consider.
Does this have bearing on
ID? Possibly. If there are rare electrical and chemical mechanism of
changing nuclear structure, then this has bearing on the age of
fossils, maybe everything else. I love heretical ideas in science.
Anyway, here is some
information on the work of the Proton-21 lab:
The results which were
obtained experimentally at the “Proton-21” laboratory indicate that
a physical process
previously unknown in science, namely the physical process of
artificial initiation of the collapse of a part of
the target material, was realized for the first time. In every
experiment, the collapse is completed by both the full nuclear
regeneration of a portion of the initial substance with a mass of
0.5 to 1 mg and the formation of artificially derived chemical
elements instead of the initial atoms of a target, including the
long-lived and stable isotopes of superheavy chemical elements,
which are not otherwise found on Earth or in nearby space.
One of
the proofs of the artificial origin of elements produced in the
laboratory setup in the range of atomic
masses of natural isotopes A £ 240 is a significant (sometimes by
tens and hundreds of times) change in the natural
isotope ratio which dominates the entire substance of the solar
system. One more confirmation
of both the collective self-compression and the formation of a
collapse is presented by the discovered effect of transmutation of
any kind of radioactive nuclei into nonradioactive ones. In this
case, similarly to nature, the
products of laboratory nucleosynthesis contain practically no a-,
b-, or g-active isotopes, which opens the possibility of using the
discovered physical phenomenon for the reprocessing of radioactive
and toxic wastes
1. There have been contested reports of chemical biological effects
on nuclear structure, but I decided not to include those in my term
paper. I chose to stick to uncontested data in the mainstream with
the exception of the Proton-21 laboratory since they Proton-21
researchers were welcome with open arms at Urbana-Champagne.
But if electrical
mechanism can affect nuclear structure, why not chemical? And since
biological organisms are chemical, can’t they affect nuclear
structure? After all we have proof of pyroelectric fusion happening
at -34 degrees Celcius.
Research was presented on
this topic at the American Chemical Society and other places. Here
is probably the foremost researcher on the topic of biological
organism changing radioisotopes:
Vladimir I. Vysotskii is
Professor of Radiophysical Faculty and Head of Theoretical
Radiophysics Department at Kiev National Shevchenko University,
Ukraine. He received his Master degree in Quantum Radiophysics from
the same University in 1969 and Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from
Kiev Institute of Theoretical physics of the Ukrainian Academy of
Sciences in 1975.
Since 1976 Dr. Vysotskii
has been working in the Radiophysical Faculty of Kiev National
Shevchenko University. Currently he is Professor and Head of
Theoretical Radiophysics Department of this University where he
conducts courses on quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, modern laser
physics, molecular biology and radiobiology.
Prof.Vysotskii’s research
interests include
* X-ray lasers and
gamma-ray lasers, sources of short-wave radiation of fast electrons
and positrons in crystals, the methods of creation, forming and
controlling of directed flow of neutrons, X-rays and gamma-quanta
for the aims of coherent atomic and nuclear physics,
* New methods of coherent physics, nuclear physics and nuclear
optics of condensed matter, X-ray and gamma-ray optics, channeling
of atoms, neutrons, X-rays and gamma-quanta in (or near) perfect
* Nuclear physics at extreme conditions (self-controlled collapse of
electron-nuclear plasma in both a laboratory and in the universe)
* Modern problems of radiobiology:
In the area of applied
biology he has conducted research on radiation and molecular
biophysics and environmental problems such as :
* Investigation and
modelling of nonlinear phenomena in DNA (depolymerization,
degradation, repairing) at combined action of hard and soft
radiation and action of free radicals in real intermolecular and
intercellular mediums.
* The problems of hormesis, radiation synergism and antagonism at
combined irradiation of living systems and the problem of low dose.
* Investigation of physical properties, memory phenomena and
biological effects of regular and activated water.
* Investigation of biophysical properties and both biological and
medical application of activated water.
* Investigation of isotopes anomalies in living systems and study of
possible nuclear reactions in biological and microbiological
* Radiation ecology and the problem of utilization (deactivation) of
radioactive waste.
Prof. Vysotskii is the
first author of the following six books:
• Vysotskii V.I., Kuzmin
R.N. Gamma-lasers, Moscow, Moscow State Univ Publishing House, 1989 • Vysotskii V.I.,Kornilova A.A.
Nuclear Fusion and transmutation of isotopes in biological systems,
Moscow, MIR Publishing House, 2003
• Vysotskii V.I., Smirnov I.V., Kornilova A.A.Introduction to the
Biophysics of Activated Water, Universal Publishiers, Roca Raton,
Florida, USA, 2005
• Vysotskii V.I. Quantum Mechanics and its Application in Applied
Physics, 2009, Handbook, Kiev. • Vysotskii V.I., Kornilova A.A.
Nuclear transmutation of stable and radioactive isotopes in
biological systems, Pentagon Press, India, 2009.
• Vysotskii V.I., Kornilova A.A., Smirnov I.V. Applied biophysics of
activated water (the physical properties, biological effects and
medical applications of MRET activated water), World Scientific
Publishing, Singapore, 2009.
Prof. V.I.Vysotskii was
awarded the US Air Force Window for Science and has been recipient
of various research grants from INTAS, CRDF, IAEA and other
The main topics of his
investigation in “biology” area are:
Investigation and
modelling of nonlinear phenomena in DNA; problems of hormesis,
radiation synergism and antagonism at combined irradiation of living
systems and the problem of low dose; investigation of physical
properties, memory phenomena and biological effects of regular and
activated water; investigation of
isotopes anomalies in living systems and study of possible nuclear
reactions in biological and microbiological systems; radiation
ecology and the problem of utilization (deactivation) of radioactive
2. These are speculative,
heretical topics, but in service of the ID community, these topics
have to be visited on occasion if they have indirect bearing on ID
which they do.
3. Walter Brown
speculates electrically driven nuclear processes have bearing on the
radiometric dates of rocks. He points out the absence of
radioactivity at the ocean floor and boldly predicts we’ll find an
absence of radioactivity beyond ten miles under the Earth surface.
We’ll see! Vodka!
4. Here is a friendly
wiki article on Bubble Fusion:
Bubble fusion, also known
as sonofusion, is the non-technical name for a nuclear fusion
reaction hypothesized to occur inside extraordinarily large
collapsing gas bubbles created in a liquid during acoustic
cavitation.[1] Rusi Taleyarkhan and collaborators claimed to have
observed evidence of sonofusion in 2002. The claim was quickly
surrounded by controversy, including allegations ranging from
experimental error to academic fraud. Subsequent publications
claiming independent verification of sonofusion were also highly
controversial. Eventually, an investigation by Purdue University
found that Taleyarkhan had engaged in falsification of independent
verification, and had included a student as an author on a paper
when he hadn’t participated in the research. He was subsequently
stripped of his professorship. One of his funders, the Office of
Naval Research reviewed the report by Purdue, and deemed that the
behavior was “so severe as to merit debarment”, and barred him from
federal funding for 28 months.[2] None of the investigations
examined the research itself.
Dr. Edward R. Forringer
and undergraduates David Robbins and Jonathan Martin of LeTourneau
University presented two papers at the American Nuclear Society
Winter Meeting that reported replication of neutron emission. Their
experimental setup was similar to previous experiments in that it
used a mixture of deuterated acetone, deuterated benzene,
tetrachloroethylene and uranyl nitrate. Notably, however, it
operated without an external neutron source and used two types of
neutron detectors. They claimed a liquid scintillation detector
measured neutron levels at 8 standard deviations above the
background level, while plastic detectors measured levels at 3.8
standard deviations above the background. When the same experiment
was performed with non-deuterated control liquid, the measurements
were within one standard deviation of background, indicating that
the neutron production had only occurred during cavitation of the
deuterated liquid.[20][21][22][23] William M. Bugg, emeritus physics
professor at the University of Tennessee also traveled to
Taleyarkhan’s lab to repeat the experiment with his equipment. He
also reported neutron emission, using plastic neutron detectors.[23]
Taleyarkhan claimed these visits counted as independent replications
by experts, but Forringer later recognized that he was not an
expert, and Bugg later said that Taleyarkhan performed the
experiments and he had only watched.[24]
5. Alan Widom suggests
the nuclear reaction are not fusion but inverse beta decay. I don’t
know, but we need to keep the experiments happening. This is really
6. Example of mechanical
means affecting nuclear structure? Atomic bombs and reactors. Move
enough of the right kind of Uranium in sufficient concentration into
a localized area, and you get critical mass and a nuclear reaction.
6 Responses to
Vodka! Can nuclear structure be
affected by electrical, chemical, mechanical and biological means?
Books have been written
describing thousands of strange electrical events that accompanied
earthquakes.48 Some descriptions of earthquakes worldwide include
such phrases as: “flames shot out of the ground,” “intense
electrical activity,” “the sky was alight,” “ribbon-like flashes of
lightning seen through a dense mist,” “[a chain anchoring a boat
became] incandescent and partly melted,” “lightning flashes,”
“globes of fire and other extraordinary lights and illuminations,”
“sheets of flame [waved to and fro for a few minutes] on the rocky
sides of the Inyo Mountains,” “a stream of fire ran between both [of
my] knees and the stove,” “the presence of fire on the rocks in the
neighborhood,” “convulsions of magnetic compass needles on ships,”
“indefinite instantaneous illumination,” “lightning and brightnings,”
“sparks or sprinkles of light,” “thin luminous stripes or
streamers,” “well-defined and mobile luminous masses,” “fireballs,”
“vertical columns of fire,” “many sparks,” “individuals felt
electrical shocks,” “luminous vapor,” “bluish flames emerged from
fissures opened in the ground,” “flame and flash suddenly appeared
and vanished at the mouth of the rent [crack in the ground],”
“earthquakes [in India] are almost always accompanied by furious
storms of thunder, lightning, and rain,” “electrical currents rushed
through the Anglo-American cables [on the Atlantic floor] toward
England a few minutes before and after the shocks of March 17th,
1871,” “[Charles] Lyell and other authors have mentioned that the
atmosphere before an earthquake was densely charged with
electricity,” and “fifty-six links in the chains mooring the ship
had the appearance of being melted. During the earthquake, the water
alongside the chains was full of little bubbles; the breaking of
them sounded like red-hot iron put into water.”
three New Madrid Earthquakes (1811–1812), centered near New Madrid,
Missouri, were some of the largest earthquakes ever to strike the
United States.
Although relatively few
people observed and documented them, the reports we do have are
harrowing. For example:
Lewis F. Linn, United
States Senator, in a letter to the chairman of the Committee on
Commerce, says the shock, accompanied by “flashes of electricity,
rendered the darkness doubly terrible.” Another evidently somewhat
excited observer near New Madrid thought he saw “many sparks of fire
emitted from the earth.” At St. Louis, gleams and flashes of light
were frequently visible around the horizon in different directions,
generally ascending from the earth. In Livingston County, the
atmosphere previous to the shock of February 8, 1812 contained
remarkable, luminous objects visible for considerable distances,
although there was no moon. “On this occasion the brightness was
general, and did not proceed from any point or spot in the heavens.
It was broad and expanded, reaching from the zenith on every side
toward the horizon. It exhibited no flashes, but, as long as it
lasted, was a diffused illumination of the atmosphere on all sides.”
At Bardstown there are reported to have been “frequent lights during
the commotions.” At Knoxville, Tennessee, at the end of the first
shock, “two flashes of light, at intervals of about a minute, very
much like distant lightning,” were observed. Farther east, in North
Carolina, there were reported “three large extraordinary fires in
the air; one appeared in an easterly direction, one in the north,
and one in the south. Their continuance was several hours; their
size as large as a house on fire; the motion of the blaze was quite
visible, but no sparks appeared.” At Savannah, Georgia, the first
shock is said to have been preceded by a flash of light.49
Why are many large
earthquakes accompanied by so much electrical activity? Are
frightened people hallucinating? Do electrical phenomena cause
earthquakes, or do earthquakes
cause electrical activity? Maybe something else produces both
electrical activity and earthquakes. Does all this relate to the
origin of earth’s radioactivity?
nuclear decay rates in 14 isotopes affected by mechanical pressure:
14. H. P. Hahn et al.,
“Survey on the Rate Perturbation of Nuclear Decay,” Radiochimica
Acta, Vol. 23, 1976, pp. 23–37.
A few decay rates
increase by 0.2% at a static pressure of about 2,000 atmospheres,
the pressure existing 4.3 miles below the earth’s surface. [See G.
T. Emery, “Perturbation of Nuclear Decay Rates,” Annual Review of
Nuclear Science, Vol. 22, 1972, pp. 165–202.]
In another static
experiment, decay rates increased by 1.0% at pressures corresponding
to 930-mile depths inside the earth. [See Lin-gun Liu and Chih-An
Huh, “Effect of Pressure on the Decay Rate of 7Be,” Earth and
Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 180, 2000, pp. 163–167.] Obviously,
static pressures do not significantly accelerate radioactive decay.
some nuclear decay rates apparently affected by chemistry:
15. K. Makariunas et al.,
“Effect of Chemical Structure on the Radioactive Decay Rate of
71Ge,” Hyperfine Interactions, Vol. 7, March 1979, pp. 201–205.
u T. Ohtsuki et al.,
“Enhanced Electron-Capture Decay Rate of 7Be Encapsulated in C60
Cages,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, 10 September 2004, pp.
112501-1 – 112501-4.
3. others even by our
distance from the sun!
18. “Unexplained periodic
fluctuations in the decay rates of 32Si and 226Ra have been reported
by groups at Brookhaven National Laboratory (32Si) and at the
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt in Germany (226Ra). We show
from an analysis of the raw data in these experiments that the
observed fluctuations are strongly correlated in time, not only with
each other, but also with the distance between the Earth and the
Sun.” Jere H. Jenkins et al., “Evidence for Correlations Between
Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance,” arXiv:0808.3283v1 [astro-ph],
25 August 2008, p. 1.
u Davide Castelvecchi,
“Half-life (More or Less),” Science News, Vol. 174, 22 November
2008, pp. 20-22.
u “Proximity to the sun
seemed to influence radioactivity, and violent activity on the sun
could also increase or decrease decay rates.” Corey S.
Powell, “Beware: Superflare,” Discover, March 3013, p. 69.
However, the rate at
which temperatures increased with depth was so great that if the
trend continued, the rock at the top of the mantle would be
partially melted. Seismic studies have shown that this is not the
case.45 Therefore, temperatures do not continue increasing down to
the mantle, so the source of the heating is concentrated in the
earth’s crust.
A third measurement
technique, used in regions of the United States and Australia, shows
a strange, but well-verified, correlation: the amount of heat
flowing out of the earth at specific locations correlates with the
radioactivity in surface rocks at those locations. In other words,
wherever radioactivity is high, the heat flow will usually be high;
wherever radioactivity is low, the heat flow will usually be low.
However, the radioactivity at those hotter locations is far too
small to account for that heat.46 What does this correlation mean?
First, consider what it
does not necessarily mean. When two sets of measurements correlate
(or correspond), people often mistakenly conclude that one of the
things measured (such as radioactivity in surface rocks at one
location) caused the other thing being measured (surface heat flow
at that location). Even experienced researchers sometimes fall into
this trap. Students of statistics are repeatedly warned of this
common mistake in logic, and hundreds of humorous47 and tragic
examples are given; nevertheless, the problem abounds in all
research fields.
This correlation could be
explained if most of the heat flowing up through the earth’s surface
was generated, not by the radioactivity itself, but by the same
events that produced that radioactivity. If more heat is coming out
of the ground at one place, then more radioactivity was also
produced there. Therefore, radioactivity in surface rocks would
correlate with surface heat flow.
Helium-3 (3He). 3He is
apparently produced only by nuclear reactions, so why is so much of
it inside the earth, and why does the ratio of 3He to 4He vary so
widely inside the earth?
I don’t know the answer
to your question about the increase in dates as we dig deeper. The
helium/zircon dates don’t seem to change with depth however.
Speaking of electrical
acceleration other scientists used lasers to focus electromagnetic
energy on Uranium-232. It accelerated the decay from a half-life of
69 years to 5 microseconds!
other words, the half-life of 232U in the laser field is 5 μ
s instead of 69 years.
Laser-induced accelerated
alpha-decay of 232U nuclei under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles
in aqueous solutions of uranium salt has been experimentally
studied. It is demonstrated that the decrease in the alpha-activity
depends strongly on the peak intensity of laser radiation in the
liquid and reaches a maximum at 1012–1013Wcm?2. The decrease in the
alpha-activity of the exposed solutions is accompanied by deviation
of gamma-activities of daughter nuclides of 232U from their
equilibrium values. Experimental data on the accelerated alpha-decay
of 238U under similar experimental conditions are also presented.
Possible mechanisms of laser effect on the alpha-activity are
discussed in terms of the amplification of the electric field of
laser wave on metallic nanoparticles.
Cool beans, eh! So much
for incontrovertible ideas.
And even back in 1990
there was electromagnetic energy (light) being used to accelerate
nuclear decay:
It is shown that, using
laser irradiation, it is feasible to accelerate nuclear transitions
in U-235m by several orders of magnitude. A novel internal resonance
conversion mechanism is proposed, which involves the excitation of
an electron to a discrete level. The differences in resonance
between the electron and the nuclear transitions can be compensated
by a suitable choice of the laser-radiation frequency.