Figure 1
Shows The K and Na distribution inside and out side the cell. The particular k-Na
distributions cause a potential difference of the order of -70mv, between the interior of
the cell and the extra cellular matter. This potential is called the trans-membrane
potential. This potential is a key motive force for the cell intakes and metabolism. Lack
of TMP for the cell causes for the cell to
be in the state of death.
4. Below we report the applications of Bio Magnetic
Generator PAP IMI, by the Medical Doctor and Bio-Pathologist Ilias Basteas, 7, Semitelou
Street, Athens Greece, tel.: ++301-748 9246.
The device settings were at low intensity,
70% of maximum pulse strength. Each session consisted of 888 magnetic pulses at about 80 Joules each, dispersed on the exposed area of
about 30 cm X 30 cm.
The blood tests performed right before and
right after the PAP IMI expossures were are as follows: Analysis of ions Ê, Íá, Ca, Mg,
Fe. General Blood Analysis: Sugar, Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, Transaminase, Chlerthrine,
Phosphatase, Whirte Blood Cells, Poly-monokaryons, Megalokaryons, Iosinophytes, Basophily,
Immunoglobins: Éga, Igb, Igm.
28 (7x4) Cases of Osteoarthritic Pain, Osteathritis or
Pain were testes were as follows:
H.M. age 65.
Case of Osteoarthritic pain due to pressure of nervous
Pain ceased permanently since the first session of 20
minutes exposure by the Bio Magnetic Pulses of the PAP IMI Device at the location of pain
at full power at about 2-3 pps. The only clinical observation-effect was a 12 hour
duration sensation of tiredness. The only laboratory change before and right after
exposures concerned the maximum observed increase of K in the serum of blood which
increased from 4.3 mM to 4.5 mM and at the same time the decrease of Mg from 2.01 mM to
1.97 mM during the session as well as a small temporal decrease of
Iga, Igm, Igg,(156
to 149,
1045 to 1006
êáé 68 óå 61 mM which came back after 4 months, after the
termination of PAP IMI exposures 4 sessions in 4 weeks. In the subsequent 3 sessions there
was a lessen to no K increase.
b. Patient
P.D. age 58. Osteoarthritis of the Hips since long time with strong pains and unsuccessful
painful maintenance operations.
Patient received 4 sessions PAP IMI local treatments in 4
weeks. From the very first local treatment, there was an impressive result with an
immediate significant reduction of pain, which in the subsequent session vanished
completely. The absence of pain lasted months
after the end of treatments. The only significant laboratory change before and after
concerned the increase of K in the serum from 4.9 to 5.9 mM maximum in the first session,
with simultaneous increase of Mg of the serum from 2.10 to 2.20 mM.
In the subsequent 3
sessions there were lessen to no K changes.
c. Patient P.K. age 30.
Ankylosis - spondylitis (4LA B 27 +). Patient had 3 sessions and discontinued for other reasons the scheduled
treatments for a later time. Patient had immediate pain relief, however, pain was coming back the 2nd
and 3rd day after each treatment. Pain also changed location. K remained
d. Patient I.D. age 60. Perichondritis of left Tibia of
Traumatic Etiology.
Patient had 4 sessions.
Patient had significant reduction of pain with the first session and a
complete disappearance of pain after the second session. There was K increase from 4.1 to
4.4 mM, in the first session. No other change was observed.
the subsequent 3 sessions there was a lessen to no K increase.
e. 3 Patients, young men with repetitive adnasal infection
during the last 3 -5 years.
No immediate symptoms relief was observed, as well as, no clear K increase or
decrease was found.
Conclusions and Synopsis of Results.
The increase of K in the serum occurred
in 65% of all cases. In all subcases -!00% - that the pain ceased almost immediately and
permanently, there was a clear K icrease. In the rest cases that there was no K increase, pain came back after a few days. This indicates a
strong correlation between permanently relieved pain, increase of K and PAP IMI exposures.
The K increase ranged from 0.2 to 1 mM/L
maximum, assuming this increase was uniformly distributed in the blood stream of an
average of 6 L, during the 5 minutes of treatment, a net increase of 0.2 to 40 mgr maximum
of new K occurred in the blood after 888 pulses within 5 minutes exposure time over an
inflammatory area of 20X20 cm2.
The fact that no systematic similar
increase or decrease was found for Mg, as well as the fact that the K increase was found
in distinct cases of immediate and permanent pain relief
indicates that the increase of K in the 65% of cases, is not due to systematic
errors in the performed blood analysis.
A moderate relaxation of 4 to 6 hours
duration followed most all cases.
In all cases, there was an immediate
reduction of pain, irrespectively of the etiology of pain.
It is significant to note in some cases the fact of a pain migration from the area of application to a
neighboring area, mainly in the case of neuralgic pain.
5. The phenomenon9 of K increase by PAP
IMI exposures is found to be more enhanced, when cells are in a state of
oedema or
inflammation which are known to contain higher concentration of Na inside the membrane of
the cell. At the same time, a drastic reduction of edema and inflammation is found to
occur, which indicates a drastic reduction of sodium and a simultaneous increase of K
inside the cell. These findings make the device characteristically known to be associated
with one of the most, or in certain cases, the best anti-inflammatory and edema reduction
method. In PAP IMI exposures to inflammatory or edema cases, excess K accumulates in the
blood stream, which under normal kidney function is immediately discharged from the body
by the kidney functions and urination.
This is a
decisive observation, for it clearly proves a significant increase of production of K, in
case of an increased concentration of Na associated with an inflammation or
oedema which is
exposed by appropriate (PAP IMI) electrical pulses to enable the transmutation of Na to K!
The Equation of life:
Under the observation and the circumstances of 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 and particularly under the specific new findings of 4, we come to a proof that
the unproved hypothesis of Biology2,5 for the so called sodium-potassium pump
is a wrong and forced assumption based on the ad hoc wrong principle of no
may occur in Biology”.
On the other hand, a continuous transmutation of
Na to K
11Na23 + 8O16
+ Electrical Excitation TMP + ATP Energy = 19K39 +
the cell, seems to explain all the Na-K physiology of the cell.
This process restores the energy of the living
cell in the form of trans-membrane potential.
The exact role of the membrane’s electrical
energy or the externally supplied electrical energy, the separate role of the ATP energy,
as well as the role of K to the trans-membrane potential-TMP of the cell, the relation of
TMP to the cell metabolism and proper function and cell energy, will become clear in the
It is well known that although K is a bigger atom
than Na. Na’s mobility should have been higher than K’s. However, Na hydrates with 6
atoms of H2O, K does not. Thus Na+6H2O is becoming extra large and
thus Na’s mobility is finally much less than K’s. Thus once Na is inserted by osmosis
into the cell and transmutes into K; the naked K escapes by osmosis more rapidly though
the cell membrane, due to its smaller size and thus higher mobility. This causes an
imbalance to the electrical charge concentrations, for positive ions may escape faster out
under the vehicle of K ion, than they are inserted as Na ions. This naturally explains,
for as long as Na transmutes to K inside the cell, why the cell loses positive charge and
becomes more negative with respect to its environment, until it reaches an equilibrium
value of negative potential to retard the exit of K+ and to increase the input
of Na+ and other positive ions from the extracellular space.
The trans-membrane potential difference, thus
created, powers metabolism of the cell by electrostatically attracting other materials
into the cell- a generally known phenomenon as electroinsertion. Further, the
trans-membrane potential enables the nuclear transmutation of Na to K by preparing the Na
nucleus during its crossing the field across the membrane, in case of a normal TMP present
which is of the order of 10 Mvolts/m.
maintains TMP, and TMP maintains SPT in an auto-catalysed, maintain or enhance one another
A cell in the state of death -known to have no
trans-membrane potential, may not initiate Na to K fusion and may not acquire the lost
potential. Thus, the state of death with no trans-membrane potential for the cell is an
irreversible state of no metabolism.
The role of insulin enhanced by adrenaline,
secreted from the adrenal gland (situated on the top of kidneys) is better understood, as
a mechanism of controlling ATP, which completes the fusion of Na to K, thus controlling
the rate of metabolism and the rate of vitality of the cells of the body, in respect to
the adrenaline triggered by the state of the brain and eventually the state of mental
perception and activity.
In case of an increased activity of SPT caused by
the adrenal gland, the kidneys are also required to be alerted by the same mechanism that
triggers adrenaline, to quickly discharge as nuclear ash, the expected increase of K, thus
maintaining the balance of low K concentration in the outside the cells environment; and
to prevent reinsertion of mobile K into the cells by osmosis and electroinsertion; and
thus to prevent the annihilation of TMP; and thus to prevent the cell death by luck of its
energy resource.
This makes understandable the
reason of the positioning the adrenal gland on the top of the kidneys.
Understanding Life and Death and its
Based on
the Na-K transmutation and the described self- catalysed mechanism, we may easily realize
for the first time the following:
maintenance of life is understood by the
mutual catalyzation of fusion of Na to K, resulting in the support of trans-membrane
potential which in return enables the Na-K fusion.
On the
other hand, the irreversibility from the “death” state to “life” state for the
cell is clearly understood, as in the death state, the “first” electrical excitation
by the cell membrane, i.e. TMP, is missing to catalyse or prepare the nucleus of Na to
transmute to K and maintain farther the TMP, enabling
subsequently metabolism.
A system
like a cell without a trans-membrane potential is in a state without life. Such a cell,
obviously under no circumstances of its own,
can achieve a trans-membrane potential, unless an external and outside to it system,
-creator, mother system- inherits or gives to it the first trans-membrane potential or
great number of other biological and medical functions
are better understood by similar nuclear processes. In particular the
reverse to the above nuclear fusion is the nuclear fission:
+ Electrical current Energy = 11Na23 + 8O16
which is of fundamental importance in nerve signal
For example, it is very easy and elegant to
understand nerve conduction by electrical impulses, a phenomenon described in a very
lengthy, complicated, and very little understood and contradictory way by standard Biology5.
Nerve Cell Description:
Most nervous cells contain four distinct regions,
which carry out specialized functions of the cell: the cell body, the dendrites, the long
axon, and the specialized axon terminals. Nervous cells and their parts are separated by a
membrane which encloses more or less the same ion concentration as the other cells. The
nervous cell membrane caries a similar trans-membrane negative potential of 60 to 70
mVolts, called the resting potential. There is no reason to believe that the origin of the
more or less similar trans-membrane potential is different than other cells. A nervous
cell is specialized to transmit an electrical impulse or signal along its long axon only
in a particular direction like a semiconductor diode or transistor. The cell found in the
normal state potential of 60 to 70 70 mVolts is said to be in a resting state as every other cell. The nervous
cell has the ability to raise the resting negative potential momentarily to +20 to +30 mVolts in a region which suddenly changes
composition from K to Na, and which travels along the axon of the nervous cell. Thus, the
cell is transmitting a signal from left to right by the motion of Na spot inside of K sea,
as shown in the figure 3. The nervous cell transmits a positive signal as an electrical
impulse as soon as the such positive impulse arrives at the synaptic body of the cell, it
is of a particular threshold and the cell is rested and prepared to guide a new impulse
along its axon , only in one direction. These are more or less basic experimental facts
for the nervous cell, accepted by every body. The trouble for Biology starts when Biology
attempts to explain the mechanism of impulse conduction , in particular the almost
instantaneous formation of Na inside the K concentration in a very short time interval.
Standard biology assuming as an impossibility the
reverse of nuclear fusion of Na and O to K, that is the equation of
19K39 =
11Na23 + 8O16
- Electrical Current Energy
has no
other choice than to assume a lateral exchange occurs of Na with K as in the case of Na-K
pump. The adhoc exchange attempts to explain the momentary formation of Na inside the K
sea by a spontaneous exchange of Na and K inside out of the cell axon, followed by an unexplained reversed process in
zero time or return of Na out where it came from milliseconds ago.

Figure 2. Classical Biology
picture for a nervous cell axon. Biology in order to explain the instant presence of Na
inside the sea of K, assumes that a spontaneous migration-exchange occurs laterally and
from outside-insides the cell, as shown. However, this assumption does not imply and does
not explain charge transportation in the longitudinal direction-the axonal direction of
the observed electrical impulse.
However, this complicated and improbable assumption involving adhoc lateral
motions of charges fails to explain to the first degree the transverse motion of charges.
For any lateral motion of charges may not result to charge transportation in a different
and in particular perpendicular direction. Charge velocity has zero component
perpendicular to its motion or at least the assumed way is the most inefficient and most
complicated assumption to be made. For example, it would be far more believable as well as
electrically expected that a positive electrical impulse arriving at one ened of an axon
tube containing electrolytes such as K, would cause electrolysis, and would cause a
current impulse to move from left to right
any way. The puzzle is how and why the instant presence of Na inside the sea K. The
lateral exchange of Na seems redundant, resulting in no significant current in the
particular direction, other than the current expected by ordinary electrolysis!
However, under the circumstances described by Biology and allowing first the
nuclear fission:
19K39 =
11Na23 + 8O16
- Electrical Current Energy,
second its reverse fusion:
11Na23 + 8O16 - Energy = 19K39,
a natural
explanation of the mechanism may follow.
Naturally, an electrical impulse conduction along
the axon of a nervous cell, may first be explained by electrolysis of oxygen and the
simultaneous creation of Na, both formed by the first equation in a sea of K, as soon as a
positive and only positive impulse arrives at the synaptic area of the axon of a
particular threshold and in a time the axon's K concentration is restituted, as expected.
It is apparent an impulse with the wrong polarity negative will not be conducted along the
axon. The momentary formation of Na which restituates back to K is easily understood and
expected as oxygen may always flow form right to left formed by the fission of K on the
right and the action of the electrolysis which will make it to flow to left. Thus as
oxygen travels from right to left will form locally Na by its momentary absence until it
is replaced by more oxygen from the right, causing Na spot to reach the very end to the
right. After this the axon cell will be filled only with K ready to receive another pulse.
This mechanism is a typical semiconductor positive
hole conduction which will allow only positive impulses to travel from one end to the

Figure 3 shows: A nerve cell axon
based on K-Na-K nuclear transmutations . Distribution of K and transmembrane potential is
the same as in every other cell. This is called the resting state of the (nerve) cell.
However, the arrival of a positive impulse on
the left end of the axon, causes oxygen from nuclear fusion of K to Na and O, to migrate.
As soon as this fission occurs oxygen ions would have migrated to the positive anode, and
Na ions would have been formatted to the right towards the cathode to the right. This
formation is synergetic to any normal electrolysis which would have caused motion of Na
towards the cathode, any way. However, subsequent oxygen will turn back the Na region to K
region by nuclear fusion, leaving to their right a new area of Na by nuclear fission. Subsequent nuclear fission
of K to Na and O, as well as fusion back to K causes positive electrical charges by Na to
travel to the right by missing negative charges by the migration from right to left of
negative oxygen ions. This causes a positive "hole" to travel from left to
right. This nuclear fusion and fission with the resulting motion of luck of electrons from
left to right is an identical mechanism of current conduction by a positive hole
semiconductor, known in modern electronics!
As soon as this simple nuclear Fusion-Fission of
K-Na-K forming the basic concept of a semiconductor, is understood and realized, then it
may easily be expected and extended to reach the transistor concept, semiconductor gating
and the other modalities of modern electronic circuitry leading to logical circuits and
gating transmission.
Similarly the endothermic character of the fission
equation related to nervous cells specialized in muscular function, may easily explain the
energy release needed for a muscular function to perform work. Such applications will
presented in a second paper followed the present one.
- Roberto Monti, “Fusione
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- G. Thomopoulos, “Introduction to Cell Biology”, p. 130, University Studio
Press, University of Thessalonika, Thessalonika, 1986.
- Harold Hillman, “Parafraud in Biology”, Science and Engineering Ethics,
V.3, n.2, p.122, 1997.
- H. Hillman and P. Sartory, “The Living Cell - Reexamination of its Fine
Structure”, Packard Publishing Limited, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, 1980.
- J. Darnell, et al.,
“Molecular Cell Biology”, Second Edition, p. 531-543, Scientific American Books, Inc.,
New York, 1990.
- Lois C. Kervran, “Biological Transmutations”, Swan House Publishing Co.,
NY 11223.
- H. Komaki, Rev. Pathologie Comparee, 67, 213, 1967; 69, 29, 1969
- H. Komaki, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cold
Fusion, Dec, 1993.
- P.T. Pappas, “PAP-IMI Cases Reports”, 1990-1998.
- S. Goldfein, “Energy Development from Elemental
Transmutations in Biological Systems”, Infinite Energy, Issue 18, 1998.
- P. Pappas, Seventh International Conference on Cold
Fusion, Vancouver, 19-24 April, 1998; Proceedings
of the Seventh I.C.C.F, pages 460-465, August 1998; Journal of New Energy, vol. 3, No. 1,
pages 5-9, Spring 1998; NewsLetter, Vol. 10, No. 1, pages 21-24, December 1998, Planetary
Association for Clean Energy; New Energy News, Monthly Newsletter of the Institute for New
Energy, vol.6, n.6, page 11-12, March 1999.
The following footnote was added by Journal of
New Energy Vol.
4, No 2, page 135.
"Pursuant to one of Dr. Pappas previous papers concerning biological transmutation
printed in JNE: A website is now available, with abstracts and links to some full
manuscripts, of research related to possible biological nuclear reactions and radiogenic
metabolism. This work is spearheaded by M. Sue Benford, R.N., M.A. The website is
accessible at:
Click here for
of the Cell
and it’s Atomic Energy
Pappas' Theory of Cancer"